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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923

Frank McMillan 1923 Diary 41.pdf

Revision as of Nov 4, 2024, 6:59:30 PM, created by

last load had 90 bushels on. made a big load.

Nov 20. at market today weather fine & mild. had Kieffer pears. were very slow sold some as low as 20¢ bskt {basket}. and 50¢ to $1.00 bushel. gathered up 92 orange crates cost about $100 {$1.00} doz on average. must have about 400 now on hand

Nov 21 Unloaded car of manure and covered Johns strawberry patch. weather mild.

Nov 22 shipped 66 bskt pears to Toronto. men cleaning up hotbeds.

Nov 23rd Started unloading another car of manure got four loads off stopped by rain and rained all the rest of the day

Nov 24 Finished car of manure it was not weighed and had us billed at 40 tons could not have had 20 tons on it.

Nov 25th. Sunday fine. was at Hamilton for tea.

Nov 26. showery all morning went to Hamilton got 128 orange crates.

Nov 27th two cars manure on the road since last Thursday & Friday. getting ready to go to Calif. only delayed waiting for the manure.

Nov 28. went to Hamilton in the morning got 4 teeth filled two cars manure in started after dinner have word another one shipped

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