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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1924

Frank McMillan Diary 1924 3.pdf

Revision as of Mar 19, 2024, 6:43:11 PM, edited by

(Left Page)

and nearly all the Tomatoes and they all look very good. B.S Hick + Ida drove us back to Hamilton at night.

April 8th Took street car up to James St. and got our Auts {illegible} No.87.140 cost $14.00 also propose to make out Memo reposts on look out at 1130 had denner at Johns and started eleaning of house. Went to station and {illegible} trunks. Mr Geu Alton never even saw them nor examined them. Went back on 7 oclock bus to Hamilton as one left charlotte & Louis there.

April 9th went up on street car again this morning. Met

(Right Page)

Sev Wilshine on the car. Yesterday morning he is some big star fellow now. Bat a new Mattsen for a bed at $15.50 also a {illegible} for the Dinning Room $16.20 and wall paper for 3.88 got car fixed up, also cleaning house. Weather damp + cold. Have a cold already. Drove into city again tonight

April 10th moved out to Bush this and went down and had dinner with grandpa. He is not very well. Weather is cold + cloudy. Strong west wint. Make me shiver when I go out. Have a bad cough already.

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