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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1924

Frank McMillan Diary 1924 10.pdf

Revision as of Mar 20, 2024, 3:38:53 PM, created by

(Left Page)

May 13th. Started planting out cabbage ground. Very wet but cabbage getting big. So have got to put them out. Had a few more showcase again today.

May 14th. Planting cabbages wtopped at 4 oclock. Has been raining since noon. Have 8000 plants out now. Stopped one {illegible} asparagus to Toronto first this year sold at $4.00

May 15th. Rained all morning again. Cleared up at noon. Transplanted the last of our tomatos in cabbage beds. Have 200 sashes in all

(Right Page)

May 16th. Finished planting Cabbages down at old place. Very wet yet also Howing old strawberry patch. Have about 1000 Cabbages. Will likely be cheap this year as they where dew last year

May 17th. Fine + warm eith heavy southwest wind. Hoeing old strawberry patch. Looks like rain at night

May 18th Sunday. Looks like a rainy day. Rained all night and still raining at 10 oclock this morning. Another big shower at noon and very cold tonight

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