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Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905
Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 30.pdf
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March 1899
1. Wednesday. Marions Birthday. Fine day, all were today.
2. Mother went to Woman's Meeting at Mrs. Dingwell's. H.K. sent my H.Y. oats, she paid her fee. 7.25. Mrs. Anderson sent her off 10.15. 70. 100# flour at Tillies 2.10.
3. Fine day, thawing. I spoke in oven. This is the last day before our communion. Rev’d Mr. Keller of Marlintown preached. I did not go to church.
4. Rev. Mr. Langell of Marlintown preached. Pa and Ginny went to Lancaster yesterday. Pa paid W. T. Stewart, Barr, $4.27 for some trouble with Major. Bot at Campbell’s in Philips. I paid gray cotton 30 yds. .06 per yd = 2.10, 15 bleached yellow 3.10. Bot at Lancaster 4 prs black socks. 4 yds yellow. 64.
5. Dull day, some rain, very few in church for Sunday of Sacrament. None from here but Mirkle, Jennie & Mandy. Offering for Missions, Poo off 1.00.
6. High wind all last night, calmed towards morning. Mandy went to the Green Valley to wash.
7. Wind high all day, began to snow about 6 P.M. Pa went to see Kate and found that Kenneth was severely hurt; was driving to or from Lan Castle when there was an accident. Suppose that he was brought home unconscious. Dr. Marnette was called, and Dr. McCrummen sent for. Sarah & Dr. Mrs. McCrummen ½ yd. B. strip 21, MB. Butter, 22, 4 galls, wd oil 4.
8. A good fall of snow. But it drifted it many high, yards were kneed. Robertson gave 2nd letter, and is able to talk. Pa went home. There is a mare working.
Here is the transcription of the diary page from March 1889:
March 1889
7. Thursday. Fine day.
10. Fine day, P.M. Went to Cornwall by train. Halley bought 2 white shirts 70¢ each, 2 negro dress shirts of flannelette 50¢ each, 2 gray flannel shirts 75¢ each, 3 bars of soap 30¢ each, 1 neck tie 25¢, 1 1/2 yd of brace 25¢, 2 lbs raisins 10¢ per lb., 10¢ per doz. for eggs, 33¢. She got legal advice from D.B. McL. at 9 p.m. F. Coombs' wife and Sam Haslam were charged with the murder of her husband last summer.
11. Sold 27 doz. eggs per doz., got 20¢ butter, soap 20¢, 2 lamp chimneys 17¢, bought at J.C.L. 1/2 lb. tea 25¢, 2 spools thread 6¢. Made some calls today. Heard Jimmie was very sick. Called on Rev. White, Mr. Thieman, Hephzibah, Mr. Fallon. Had a word this evening from the P[illegible] commission at Hephzibah. Halley left tonight.
12. Fine day. Murdie went North today and D.M. Cummings had a sale of cattle and farm implements.
13. Jimmie got a tree in the sleigh. Bought 30 at 1:30. F. McLeod's wife died. Jimmie drew wood.
14. Fine day, made a good call. Jimmie drew wood all day.
15. Fine fair, mild. D.M. Cummings had a sale of cattle and farm implements. He had a heavy sale by 1 p.m., then rain for over three hours. Candy, bread, and wife were here for a short time.
16. Murdie got home about 10 last night. The papers say 8 inches of snow in Montreal. Taffie has been stopped for some time.
17. Fine day, top sleds. The wind is cold. The boys drew 6 cords of wood (home today). To Gerald 6¢.
18. Storming all day, I baked in oven, made pudding and birthday. The boys drew two cords of wood. Steward Farquharson cut 20 cords.