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Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905

Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 33.pdf

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May 1899

1. Monday. Fine warm day, a gentle drizzle all afternoon. We took off the storm windows today. Bridie went to the Glen to teach for Mary. Marion is fixing for the welcome home to J. & L. McDowell and his wife. They were married in November and took a six months court amongst in New York State. I am making a head dress.

2. Another fine day. R. L. is gone.

3. We were all at the W.H. but R.A. I went about 8 and got home 20 to 2. Bird came a little earlier. The rest stayed until 4. I was at prayer meeting only 16. R. bot 2 gals syrup 40, 1 gal mol oil 64.

4. Marion meeting in Centre. I paid my fee and my offering 25. Much cold yesterday.

5. Fine last night. 2 lbs 3 oz butter 20 cts, 40. Done some work in garden. Trimmed the bushes, saw a few neighbors. Young red currant bushes.

6. Fine day. Baked in oven.

7. Rather large congregation.

8. Fine day. Planted 6 black currant bushes. Done some work in garden, Mrs. Burnie went while Currants bushes.

9. Worked some in garden.

10. The village was horrified to hear that Janie Hennan hung herself this morning. She had been ill for some time. We sowed some white carrots and turnip beet, planted strange turnips and turnip beet. We sent 2 stalks 4½.

11. Worked all forenoon in garden, buds made 5 long July 5. 2 oz sugar 25 cream tartar.

12. 70. 25 lbs flour at McLaren’s 50, 2 lbs butter 36, 1 loaf bread 5, 2 pairs 15 cts, 1 lb tea 30 cts.

13. Baked in oven, rain in afternoon turned cold.

14. Cold, not many in church. Nancy Roy, Ellen, and Wesley.

Here is the transcription of the handwritten text from the image:

May 1899

15. Monday. Cold bright day. I washed G. H. McGilloway read a good paper last night at the C. T. meeting.

16. Cold. Nancy Roy was buried today. Aunt Donald and Mary were over. Sat a long time.

17. Keeps cold, 2 lbs butter 26 cts, got vinegar 10 46.

18. Sold Golden Tankard & Yellow Globe, rained all afternoon. Fan & Annie went to Cornwall. Mostly worked for E. Dingwall. Prayer meeting tonight. Rec'd Kenneth late at. Sat out 10 cauliflower.

19. Dull and cloudy, trying to get a black hen to 107 of lime.

20. Cool day, drizzling, put out 4 tomato plants magnolias out.

21. Sunday. A pretty large congregation. Red Graham of Lancaster conducted the prayer meeting. Mrs. Gavin went to Lancaster. Collection in church 62 cts, 50 cts.

22. I was cutting potatoes. Bird washed. Marion began to clean the hall. Annie took down the porch at front door. Got 2 lbs butter 24 cts.

23. Fine day. Planted some corn & some potatoes on past office lot. Planted beans in garden. Dr. McLennan took tea with us. I bought a lawn mower from Millett, $6.50 to be paid in June. Mary McGummin, sewing and tea.

24. Fine day. Village very quiet. Mary went to Montreal. Mr. Killen came to remain until tomorrow. There is a strike on the G. T. R. & the track men if it won't be settled it will interfere with the travel.

25. Very fine day. Mr. Killen left in afternoon. Gave Black Candles to a bunch of oats.

26. Fine & warm. Put down melon seeds, cucumber, pumpkins, citron, gourds & musket melon. Lettuce & melon out, took 7 to plant 5.

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