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Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905

Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 36.pdf

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July 1899

1. Saturday, fine warm day, 92 in shade. All our people who were at the lawn social last night were well pleased. The volunteers came home last night instead of today. This Dominion day they were let off. A dry shower Annie did not come.

2. Fine day. A large congregation. All glad to see Mr. James back.

3. We are busy preparing for the District Council, which meets here on the 4th & 5th. Got $5.00 from Munday. Pd. at McCrimmon 2½.

14 gal molasses 1.2, 10 lb sugar 50, yeast cake 5, lard 30. 1.19

12 lb blue 20, ½ lb glue 15, 1 cake soap 5, 40

7 cans pumpkin, he did not know the price Pd. for 4 yds of floor oil cloth 60 cts per yd 2.40

4. Fine day. The first of the guests arrived in the room of Mr. Campbell from Van St., Ralie, Bella & Annie McLennan, And a Mr. Bruce from the Front. They were here for dinner. A Red Shawl of [name] came to tea and to spend the night. He got 5 lbs of butter from Brownie.

5. To get 7.50 from Snider. Paid for oil cloth $2.40, pumpkins 10, 2 rolls of felt 45 cts per yd and also nails. There was a good meeting last night. The Convention closed at 5 PM and it began to rain at 9 P.M.

6. Sunday. Mr. Hand left about 9 a.m. It rained all day. There was a wild storm of lightning, thunder & rain last night.

7. This is Friday before Communion, Mr. Urquhart from the E. of Lancaster preached. Mr. Campbell left in the afternoon.

July 1899

8. Rained all night and showery all day. Mr. Langill preached. Paid 29 cts to Martintown butcher for last week and took 2 loaves sugar 22, ½ pan bread 24 cts.

9. Rained all last night and poured most of this day. The people were all soaked.

10. Been fine all day, made a large washing. Got 27 lbs butter 9 cts from Bird.

11. Bella and Murdie went to F.D.M.C. with the Buck tomorrow. Murrin went to Cornwall with Daisy, by train. Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Taylor went also. Uncle D. sent 6½ lbs of cheese by Aunt Kate Craig. Lizzie Brown & our Minnie came by boat from Toronto to Cornwall, then by Macassar to Summerstown. Lizzie brought her wheel; she can ride well.

12. 7:45 p.m., S met in St. Andrew's Hall, 1⁄10th.

13. Fine day, kind of showery. Done a small washing. ½ lb tea 30 cts.

14. Minnie sent 5 lbs steak, ½ butter 25 cts, 1 loaf.

15. Fine day.

16. Done the washing.

17. 100 looms at McCrimmon.

18. Baked an oven, Minnie cut the meadow.

19. Murdie went to Lachine. Murrin & I went for berries. Got 2 quarts.

20. Looks like rain. Butter at Willie’s 23 cts.

21. Stormed all last night. Thunder, lightning, and rain. Rain all this day.

22. Dull. Not very good drying. 3 galls oil 30 cts, 4 lbs blue 40. Murdie got 10 lbs of flour.

23. 2 cans estimated by 20 galls oil to take to Crimmon for to make it. Cleaned it.

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