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Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905
Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 44.pdf
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January 1899
1. Monday Fine day.
2. Cold Tuesday 11° above zero at 8 A.M. M.K. got 2 gal milk Mr. Robertson here to tea.
3. Fine day. Made a large washing. 7 lbs butter 40, 20 yds cotton 15.
4. Woman's Meeting at Mrs. Meers My fee for offering 1.75, kind fee 25¢, for 10.
5. 7 lbs butter 40, 1 gal coal oil 25¢.
6. Fine mild day, just a particle of snow although it looked like it. To sugar 25¢, 2 lbs raisins 20¢. Birdie and Marian drove to the store in the afternoon.
7. Fine and mild in the morning. Pa went to Lancaster on some small business. Began to rain at noon. You & Minnie milking.
8. Cold day, high wind. Birdie and Mandy went to Smiths to welcome home Charley and wife. Pa left for Lancaster. Orders: to 6 lbs sugar 25¢, 7 lbs butter 40 & 35¢, bills for Kate 1.55, Jennie Brown wheeled from Lancaster. The oldest inhabitants say that they do not remember such a fine winter. It is not good for trade, wheeling is not good for heavy loads, and it is so cold riding high.
9. Very fine day, no snow. Mary McIntyre came, she is looking well. Rolled out 25 eggs.
10. Some rain last night, and more today. About 10 a.m. McEwen brought milk, windy. To 7 lbs butter 71¢, 18 lbs 30. Marian went with Birdie Dingwell, widow Mrs. McLaughlin to Jennie Dingwell's. Kings went to spend the evening.
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January 1899
11. Looks like a change of weather. Mary left to make some calls in the village.
12. There was snow this morning. It began to fall last night about 9 o'clock. It did not drift much. Mandy went to meet the 12 o'clock Lancaster, was $40. P.M. fine and bright. Pa came by D.R., warm.
13. Fine day. 10 lbs butter 60¢, 6 lbs raisins 20¢, sugar 25¢. Mandy got Harris in the morning. I got at Mr. Crummond 2 yds red cloth $1.50, ½ gal molasses 25¢, towels little owed 25¢.
14. Fine day, snow enough to make light sleighing. A large congregation. Off to L.
15. Girls talking for social tonight. Marian went to Simpson’s Toronto on Saturday for little, to make a want for herself and Birdie sent $3.50 for bridge & post order sold.
16. Had a good social last night. Very fine myself and girls. Cream butter 10¢, thread 10¢, braid 5¢. Mandy cleaned furnace pipes.
17. Cold day. Pa went to Alexandria to special burial meeting. To 1 gal coal oil 23¢, 2 lbs butter 45¢.
18. Fine day.
19. Looks like rain.
20. Rains. I went to Herman’s. Got 3 lbs butter 60¢, 2 qts milk 10 paid.
21. Slippery roads. Very few in church. My Sunday off 8¢.
22. Fine and mild, mercury up to 39°.
23. Cold this morning. Sleighing all off, roads are kind of siege.
24. 10½ lbs butter 75¢, sugar 25¢.
25. Cold and windy. Mercury down to 6 below.
26. Looks like snow or rain. It is rain. Mercury up to above freezing at home.