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Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905
Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 46.pdf
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February 1900
8. Thursday. Rain. Uncle Donald brought us a novel of Mrs. Southworth. Miss Cotton left home. Kates baby hurt itself. A strong wind S. P.M. raining hard very sloppy.
9. Friday. Preparatory to the sacrament. Mr. Farles of Cornwall preached. Not many in church. The roads are very bad, wet, wet. We bought a small fore quarter of beef from John for 7 1/2 cts per lb. 53 lbs, $3.53. I sold a pig to Jipeny, he done to the table spoon 30 cts. I got milk at Hemman 10 cts. All tea at Mr. Crumman's 30 cts.
10. Fine day. Not a large congregation. Mr. Langly of Martintown was to preach but did not come. Mr. Gunn preached.
11. Very fine day. A large congregation. Offer for Foreign Missions, $60.
12. Very fine in morning, turned mild in afternoon. Began to rain at 7:30 P.M. Uncle Duncan and Duncan D. called in evening. Foreign Farquhar D. called in evening. Very soft and rain rained all day. Mr. Gunn cannot cross the bridge, it is flooded. To feed oats 25 cts.
13. Very high wind all last night and today. Very little snow, only on corners and on the roads. Not much work now.
14. Thursday. Dull day, trying to snow. To Handy m's corn from Beaver 25 cts. I sent a letter to Jennie, done to Sandy, postage 3 cts.
15. Fine day. McKee put one cord in the shed. To 6 lbs butter from Hemman 1.10. I got milk 10 cts. 1/2 lb of butter at Mr. Crumman's yesterday 20 cts. 1/2 off butter 80. I got flannel 20 cts, 1 gallon coal oil 25 cts. 3 pm writing 20 cts on the butter.
16. News last night heard. Kimberly has been relieved. A church was there, bless.
February 1900
19. Monday. In the morning, dull & snowing, now 2:30 P.M. fine and frosty.
20. Tuesday. Fine day. Exchanged oats for meal at the mill. Re[illegible] went to North March with Kenneth Robson. All there were well. Sold 33 doz. eggs at White's and Drew Bill for $18.60. Word today of a sad encounter of Canadians with Boers, on the 18th. No particulars. 13 killed, 60 wounded, 2 missing & prisoners.
21. Wednesday. Storm of snow & wind from the east. It is not cold but very wild.
22. Thursday. Fine day turned warm. Paid Humson 2 ½ [pence] for 2 lbs. 8 weeks' worth of milk at 30 [pence] per week, 10 ½ gal. milk, and 20 [pence] for sausage & butter.
24. Saturday. To P.O. 36 lbs butter, 70 lbs sugar, 25 - 26 rain, 1 lb molasses 3 [pence], ginger 5 [pence], mustard 5[pence], cheese 25 [pence]. I gave 2.50 [pence] to give Halquorn for fixing boots. The boots cost 15 [pence].
25. Sunday. Uncle Sandy came this morning and it was pouring rain.
26. Monday. Stormy. Snow & rain. Mary McLennon came to stay all night. Mercury below 12.
27. Tuesday. Stormy and cold. Mercury down to 12. 70 lbs raisins 20 [pence], 2 doz. herrings 50 [pence]. Paid Shruby 1 dollar for two tickets for son W.J. Comart for freight on box from Eaton.
28. Wednesday. Fine day. Uncle Sandy made a few calls today. This is Ash Wednesday. B [illegible] at Easton: 5 yards beige at 40 pence, $2.00, 3 yards more, 1.10, 13 gimps 25 pence, 2 yards poplin 18 [pence]. 10 yards gray sheeting 2 pence, 5 yards white sheeting 20 pence, 22 canvas at 22 pence per yard, lining and sheets.