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Alexander C. Geddes Diary, 1834-1836


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=== Tuesday 1. April 1834. === Walked from town this morning - Found the Oat sowing all over the Clear Land 21: the ground which was in Turnip last year. Were gathering stones and preparing for the plough. This field contains 13½ acres, four of which are intended for Barley Beer. In the afternoon the Harrows going over it in order that the ploughing may be more uniform. The first fine showers which have fallen this spring.

=== Friday 4th April. === Since Tuesday continues ploughing. Now Harrowing down the Oats which have been sown this morning on the lower or North end of the Park. - N. B. From its size called the Long Croft. Fine showers all day.

=== Tuesday 8 April. === Ploughed part of the Long Croft today. Went Employee taking up Turnips. There will hardly be enough to sow till the grass be ready. Thin parts of Oats shewing briers today.

=== Monday 14 April. === All the Turnips sown today. Thrashed out half a rick of Potato Oats and Winnowed and Cleaned 10 Rolls for the market on Friday. Sold at 15/s a Boll. In the afternoon Harrowing and ploughing for the last of the Oats for the BarleCleaning Turnip seeds. It is impossible to be too positive on this point. It ought to be winnowed & sifted until no vestige of any other matter be seen amongst the seed.

Saturday 19. April 1834. Commenced sowing the upper part of the Long Croft with Oats (common). Sold two 3 year old Meers or young Stots, to Mr. Calves, Butcher Aberdeen @ 12£ 10s each - a very good price, but very good cattle. There are now three of our Cows Calved - very late.

Monday 21. April. Harrowing the Long Croft - Rolling Field No. 1. Bair looking well in consequence of some nice showers which fell on Saturday & yesterday. Sowed 4 Acres of the Long Croft with Barley Beer. He a Boll to the acre. The whole of this field now sown. Miscellaneous sowing & Croft seeds and rolling & Harrowing every body busy being the last day of the Lent Calves.

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