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Melba & Rosamond Sweet Diary, 1928


Revision as of Aug 8, 2024, 5:41:17 PM, created by

May 10. Thursday 10. Another wonderful day. Sprinkled a little a few times. Looks like rain tonight. Mother and John have worked in the garden all day. I have been painting on the veranda. Dad had finished sowing another field.

May 11. Friday 11. Very bright with a cold wind blowing this afternoon. We papered the kitchen today and I painted some. I went to town this morning after some more paper. Tonight we went out to choir practice.

May 12. Saturday 12. {different handwriting} Very cold. cold north west wind Melba went to Sparta for Maudie & then they went to St Thomas. Harry brought Melba home. The man John & I put most of the garden or put the rest of the potatoes in John finished seeding

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