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Olive Philp Diary, 1921


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September 1921


Uncle Will took us out for a drive in afternoon to herlowed and back. Brock to lawn at night. Jack over at Hillbouns. Cloudy and dull like rain.


Jack at Harry threshing and at Hershels. Brock drawing out bugg wood in forenoon, then got Seth corn binder and started to cut the corn. Fine and bright cool night.


Jack at Hershel threshing and Wilmatt in afternoon. Brock finished cuttign corn in forenoon and at Wilmatt in afternoon. Uncle Will and I to Elora in afternoon. Fine and bright cool night.


Jack out Will Hicks and Roy threshing. Brock cleaned leno and brought back wine along by turniess at Hick and Roy threshing in afternoon for Jack Wallow. Mother went to Guelph with Uncle Will in afternoon. Dull in morning but fine afternoon, a little warm.

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