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Cecil Swale Diary, 1904

Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 5.pdf

Revision as of Aug 15, 2024, 8:43:44 PM, created by

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Legal wieghts and measures in Canada

The legal weights and measures of Canada are the Imperial yard, Imperial pound, avoirdupois, Imperial gallon (of 277'27384 cubic inches), and the Imperial bushel. The Imperial gallon is equal to 4'54174 litereswhile the gine gallon, use in the United States, is equal to 3'785 litres.

By Revised statues of Canada (1886), Chap. 204, it is provided that in contracts for sale and delivery of any of the undermentioned articles, the bushel should be determined by the wieghing, unless a bushel measure be specially agreed upond, the weght euivalent to a bushel being as follows:--

wheat, 60 lbs. Indian Corn, 56lbs. Rye, 56 lbs Peas,60 lbs. Barley 48 lbs. Malt, 36 lbs. Oats, 34 lbs.

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Beans 60lbs. Flax seed*, 56 lbs, Hemp 44lbs. Blue grass seed 14 lbs. LIme: 70 lbs. Castor beans 40 lbs. potatoes 60 lbs. Turnips, 60 lbs. Carrots, 60 lbs, Bituminouss coal, 7 lbs. Clover seed, 60 lbs. Timothy 48 lbs. Buckweat, 48 lbs.

By the same Act the British hudred weight of 112 pounds ad the ton of 2,240 pounds were abolished, and the hundredweight was declared to be 100 pounds and the 2,000 pounds avoidupois, thus assimilating the weights of Canada and the United states.

Changed from 50 to 56 lbs. by Act of Parliament, 1808. Changed from 60 to 50 lbs by Act of parliamet, 1808. Added by Act of 1808

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