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Nathaniel E. Leeder Sr. Diary, 1854-1858

Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1854-1858 Diary 17.pdf

Revision as of Mar 8, 2025, 5:52:13 AM, edited by

Turners for 8 bushels of potatoes which makes ten bushels we have had of him. Father and Fred chopping. I after fixing boiling place etc. to Robert helping in the afternoon. two white fish of Iden.

Friday 6th. Snowing but mild. fine the latter part of the afternoon. Robert after firewood and Fred ground coffe in the morning chopping in the afternoon. fixing fire place and boiling gathering sap. Iden for mending Freds boots 2..9 d.

Saturday 7th. Fine and pleasant. Sow pigged late at night she had 6. Boiled 18 pails ful of sap. Chopping.

Sunday 8th. Fine wind in the west. one pig died.

Monday 9th. Clear and cool. Boiled down 35 pails ful of sap. Phil went to Shantzs had no lumber. Fred chopping firewood. Father and Robert chopping another pig died.

Tuesday 10th. Cold and fine snowing in the afternoon. Chopping. Self thrashing, another pig died.

Wednesday 11th. Fine and pleasant. F.R.F. and P. chopping finished John Gobles in the afternoon. Phil chopping firewood Thrashing. Good run of sap all day.

Thursday 12th. Frosty morning day fine. fine run of sap partly boiled 34 buckets full of sap. Father chopping. Rob thrashing. Fred and Phil chopping firewood. Phil went to Store spent 6 for paper.

Friday 13th. Rain in the morning, fine rest of day. Fred went to village quart of beer 71/2 d times from old country 1 d. Johns paper 1/2 d. spent 1 d Tea 1.10 1/2 d. Two buckets of sap and finished boiling down. Father chopping. Robert thrashing. Phil chopping firewood.

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