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Nathaniel E. Leeder Sr. Diary, 1854-1858

Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1854-1858 Diary 18.pdf

Revision as of Mar 2, 2025, 9:22:56 PM, created by

Saturday 14th. Fine and warm snow melting very fast. Father and Robert chopping Fred chopping firewood Phil and me went to Staffords cleaned up 12 bushels of wheat Assessor came along in the morning 236 acres of land 3 head of stock ? at 179 Pounds. Sunday 15th Warm and pleasant Monday 16th. Very warm snow melting fast. Father chopping Robert thrashing. Fred after firewood chopping barn loggs. Tuesday 17th. Warm Dull and raining at intervals during the day. Boiling 19 buckets of sap for vinegar.

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