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Nathaniel E. Leeder Sr. Diary, 1854-1858
Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1854-1858 Diary 18.pdf
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Saturday 14th. Fine and warm snow melting very fast. Father and Robert chopping Fred chopping firewood Phil and me went to Staffords cleaned up 12 bushels of wheat Assessor came along in the morning 236 acres of land 3 head of stock ? at 179 Pounds.
Sunday 15th Warm and pleasant
Monday 16th. Very warm snow melting fast. Father chopping Robert thrashing. Fred after firewood chopping barn loggs.
Tuesday 17th. Warm Dull and raining at intervals during the day. Boiling 19 buckets of sap for vinegar. Father chopping when suitable. Robert thrashing when fine. Fred went to help raise blacksmiths shop in morning: Phil drawing houselogs and fire wood. 4 yards shirting at 8 per yd paid. lost yorker.
Wednesday 18th Thunder last night. fine and clear this morning,a few drops of rain in the evening. Father chopping. Robert with Fred thrashing. Phil drawing barn loggs Chopping loggs.
Thursday 19th. Rain in the morning, fine and warm during the day. Father Rob. Phil digging potatoes. Fred thrashing oats chopping barn logs. planted 54 and 24 peach stones.
Friday 20th. All of us at Stuarts raising morning dull afternoon fine and hot Phil drawing logs. Father and Fred cutting fire wood. Robert and me gardening. Fred went to the store a pound of coffee and a pound of pepper/. 2..3d. found the yorker.
Saturday 21st, Fine. Robert and Father digging potatoes afternoon me and Robert planted potatoes, onions and ?. 1/2 an oz. of onion seed. chopping barn logs myself in the morning. Phil drawing all day. Fred thrashing. Sunday fine and cool.
Sunday 22nd Fine and cool.
Monday 23 Sharp find frost last night. Warm and fine. Father and Robert digging potatoes. Fred thrashing. Phil drawing logs. bad toothache.