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Kate Halliday Mickle Diary, 1920-1921
Kate_Mickle_Jan-Aug-1920 3.pdf
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Wednesday Aug. 11th {Such?} mist in the morning but a fine day. Up early as Duncan intended going to Gauley's Bay with Mr {Dowkes?}. Did not go as Dowkes' had friends coming from Owen Sound. Went in for morning dip with Isabel. Puttied a window and a half. Went up to the P.O. to post a letter for Clare. Manufactured some minstrel Jokes for the concert tomorrow. Took them up to Mrs. Jas. Clarke. Dorothy went to the picnic with the stewart camp, Margaret Kastner, etc. Letter for her from Doug. Dorothy went to a dance at Stewarts'. Clare and I entertained Harold Wright at Veranda all evening.
Thursday Aug. 12th Did my washing. Mist very thick in morning, disappeared but rolled in again 4 times. Puttied the rest of the windows all but 11 missing panes. Went to P.O. with Dorothy. Dot Engel {westwk? invited?} us & drove us up and back. Worked at my centrepiece. Went to the concert at