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John Jeffrey Diary, 1877-1879

Jeffrey_diary 30.pdf

Revision as of Apr 10, 2018, 3:07:18 AM, edited by


July 12th

Thursday Thin was very fin morning we now rackins in the last of the hay Put 4 loads in the Block and 4 loads in the barn very warm today

July 13th 23 load of hay

Fridau this was a fin morning and very warm we put up a load of Hay for McBair and find the stack W about tp the turnips 9 {??} a little no hill this afternoon I about after tea for the jack scienc {??} it at Malcom McVaugh after 10 o'clock Befor I got him

July 14th

Saturday this noon a very warm day I went to Guelph with McBain Hay H Cockburn about with us Abe got him About 5 O'Clock after that 9 about own to Jonnes Black

July 15th Sunday this now very warm morning we was all at hom to host to go to the Church and the & each now ruff and Duck {???}

July 16th

Monday this now a warn morning and very all day {??} out Dull to {??} Abe had a little rain At night I about up at John Carter this morning I about to the {??} after I came from Wii man at them all day

July 17th

Tuesday This was a fin morning after the Sam last night I was at the {??} all day very warm today with {??} today

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