John Jeffrey Diary, 1877-1879


John Jeffrey Diary, 1877-1879

Date Created

February 7, 1877

Is Part Of

John Jeffrey Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript



February 7th Wednesday This was a fin Morning I went over to H Cockburn and got a rid to Guelph to the fair got hom About 5 Clock it was a fin day

February 8th Thursday This was a fin Morning Hard frost I went to H. Cockburn to Chop all day it was a nice day Warm ruff walckin in the snow

February 9th Friday This was a fin morning I was at H Cockburn all day choping all day very warm

February 10th Saturday This was a fin morning I went over to the Hill for the Stove for Mr Danty is Com to the Hill the Afternoon the Cow Calf and Rachel and I went Down to the mill for Som grain for the lambs and went Back to Fleming to John Fleming

February 11th Sunday This was a fin morning Thawing all Rachel and went to Church for Sleaying know no Sleaying in town Mr Lorrance Preched in 1th John 5 Chapter 18 Verce

February 12th Monday This was a Blowing Morning and Cold fronts turn a Very Stormy day High Wind litte Shower of Snow grate Change to day After the fin wether I was fixting the Place for the Sheep. Mr H Cockburn was hear to Night About the Horse

February 13th Tuesday This was a fin morning Hard frost turn out a fin day very warm to day I was at H. Cockburn all day Choping some pines Down Wonderfull Wither at this time of the year

February 14th Wednesday This was a fin morning Hard frost turn in a warm day I was at H. Cockburn all day John Cockburn was Helping me to Saw the loags into Cord Wood Butifull day

February 15th Thursday This was a Dull morning lick a Change We Had a Shower of Snow the fornon it kep all Afternoon I was Spliting Pin Put up over 2 Cord in the Swamp

February 16th Friday This was very Dull morning we had Som Shower of Snow I was Spliting pin About all day got up 4 Cord & 1/4 Very Cold geting

February 17 Saturday This was very Stormy morning Showers of Snow all day and blowing I went over to the hill for the old Wagon and Roler the Afternon I was About the Don John Cockle Cam hom with my Horse to day very Stormey Very Cold and frosty to day

February 18th Sunday This was Very Dull Morning it was Snowing a litle all day We was all at hom Por Sleaying poor sleighing Very Cold all day Mrs no

4 February 19th Monday This was a Setled Morning but very cold and Hard frost it fell Som Snow last Night turn out good Sleaying on Som parts of the Road. Mr. Ingram was About Carrick Bull Money I went and Paid it and went Down to the Blacksmith to get a Shoe Put on. Rachel Jon and I went Down as fair McBeath and I was at Carrick and Paid Charles Bull Money. $4 cam to

February 20th Tuesday This was a fin Morning I went up to Mr. Bassin With the Choper and Silky got hom about 6 Clock litle Cold to day

February 21st Wednesday This was a fin Morning I was Spliting Som Stove Wood and tacking the old Michen apart the Afternon Mother and I was as fair Mr Carr and H Cockburn Sleaying About gon Again H. Cockburn was hear to Night

February 22th Thursday. This was very fin morning Thawing all day. I was at H. Cockburn swamp all day Choping and Cross cuting the Afternoon

February 23th This was a Dull and Cold morning very lick a change Thawing to day the Snow going Away very fast For Sleaying know Poor sleighing know No sleaying on the Brockroad know Very lick a Change to Night

February 24th

Saturday This was very Dull morning and Very Dull all day vry lik a Change Thawing all day Hard frost at Night I was About the Don all day Bough over the Sheep from the Hill this Afternoon

February 25th Sunday This was a fin morning we was all at hom Cant get out with the wagon the rads was Bad

February 26th Monday This was a fin Morning I was at the Swamp all fornoon the Afternoon I was at hom working About the Dors Very fin day Thawing all day

February 27th Tuesday This was a fin morning Mother and I went to Mr Bain Sale Mr H Cockburn and Son We went up with him grate crowd very warm

Feburary 28th Wednesday This was a fin morning Mr H Cockbiurn and I went up to Mr Bain for the Ster I had the wagon I put up sides on the wagen and got the ster in the wagon

Feburary 28th thursday this was a fin morning I was in the swamp all day it was very warm all day very litle snow know the feld is very soft

March 1st Thursday This was a fin morning I was in the Swamp all day John Cockburn was helping me to Saw the logs the Afternoon I was Spliting very warm to day litle Dull to Night

March 2th Friday This was Very Dull Morning it cam on rain turn a soft day I was About hom all day

March 3th Saturday This was a fin morning But Hard frost Mother and I went to Guelph the Roads was Hard and Ruff got hom About 4 Clock. Came Through the felds I had the Wagon Cam on Snow About 5 Clock

March 4th Sunday This was a Very Stormey som times Snowing about all day smith thaues we was all at hom

March 5th Tuesday This was a Dull morning I was About the Dors the Afternoon I went Draw out the wood out of the swamp Rachel and Mrs W Cockburn went with me to Hugh Cockburn I tock hom 2 load turn out Very Stormey the Afternoon and blowing I was spliting Some Stove Wood and Macking a Sleay to John Very Hard frost to Night

March 6th Tuesday This was a Dull Morning I was About the Dors the Afternoon I went Draw out the wood out of the swamp Rachel and Mrs W Cockburn went with me to Hugh Cockburn I tack him 2 load turn out stormy

March 7th Wednesday This was a cold morning litle Stormey it setled up turn out a fin day I went to swamp took hom 4 loa of Pine Mrs W. Cockburn was he the most of the day fixting Rachel Dress

March 8th Thursday This was a Dull morning Snowing a litle very lick rain the Afternoon Mr Ames and I went to a sale in the South Setlement Cam a Soft Afternoon and frezing all over my cot was Hard as iron Bought nothing

March 9th Friday This was a Very Stormy morning and all day frezing every thing cover with ice very Slipy I was at hom all day it was not for man nor Bean to out to day ice was Hinging on the tree

March 10th Saturday This was a fin looking morning Mother and I went to Guelph I had the old Michen went over 700 lbs of old iron turn out Stormy the Afternoon we got them About 1 Clock. Mr. C. McBeath was hear to Night About them logs of Charles in the Bush

March 11th Sunday This was a fin morning litle cold Mother and I went to Chuch good Sleaying Again turn out a litle mild Mr Torrance Preched in Acts 13 Chap and 23 Verce. Very lick morn Snow

8 March 12th Monday This was a Snowing and Blowing a litl not so very cold I went to the Bush to mack a road to get out the logs the Afternoon I went and track the Road tock hom 2 loads of Pin Kented{?} wood and to H. Cockburn for a loaging Chane {logging chain?}

March 13th Tuesday This was a fin morning turn out very warm Mr C McBeath{?} cam to help me out with the loggs took us all day to get 2 of them Down to Marston{?} we Had Bad{?} roads in the Bush and felds McBeath upset 2 tims

March 14th Wednesday This was a Dull morning turn out a Stormey day I went to the Bush for the Shingle Block the Afternoon I went Down to Marston with a load of them turn out very cold and drifting

March 15th Thursday This was very fin morning Mr Charles Cockburn was her last Night all night I went Down to Marston with him to go in the stage I had a grist at the mill Mr H Cockburn cam this morning for the Saw

March 16th Friday This was a Dull morning I was About all fornoon. the Afternoon I went to the sale at the 4 Can{illegible} of Puslinch I got hom About 5 Clock turn out very stormey

March 17th Saturday This was very fin morning James McBeath{?} cam to tell me to go to Marston to se About a Horse I went to Marston to se the Horses didnd mack a Trad

March 18th Sunday This was Dull and old Rachel and went to Church very cold to day good Sleaying know {now?} Mr Lorranc Preched St. John 8th C 23 V.

March 19th Monday This was a cold morning I was Sick all day I was laid up all did nothing But water the Horses I was very Bad to day

March 20th Tuesday This was a fin morning I was a litle Better to day I went Down to Marston and trade Horses with the stage Driver Hugh Cockburn was Along with me I was good Deel Better to Night

March 21st Wednesday This was a Stormey snowing we Have got a grate Storm it fell About 1 foot of Snow last Night it fair up to the Afternoon I was About then I was over at Mr W. Cockburn About 2 Hours

March 22th Thursday This was a fin morning it Thawing Som all day I went Down to the Blacksmith to get a {illegible} and Som Changs repar {some chains repaired?} and went Down to McBeath and went to H Cockburn for the Cros Cut Saw Havey{?} Traveling{?}

March 23th Friday This was very fin morning C McBeath and I took Down the last of the loags to Marston the Aften I went for two loads of Pin wood it was Thawing all day Snow is soft

March 24th Saturday This was very fin morning But a little Cold Hard frost Mother and Mrs W Cockburn and I went to Guelph we was at Mr Bans{?} we got hom About 5 Clock it turn and Stormey Snowing

March 25th Sunday This was a Thawing morning rainy a litle we was all at hom I was not very well to day {in margin, cut off] Had not

March 26th Monday This was a Soft morning raining all day it fair up a litle the Afternon I went Down to McDonald with the Saw to the Bar Rachel wen to McBeath I tock him the Saw She tock the Bar. Very soft to Night and Dull

March 27th Tuesday This was very fin morning litle cold I was not very well all fornoon the Afternoon I went to H Cockburn with the tem {team?} to Saw wood got don About 5 Clock it was Hard frost last Night

{in pencil, written sideways at bottom of page}














{in pen}

I have Paid Mc Intyre $242.57

March 28th Wednesday This was a cold morning and Hard frost and very high wind all day Cold and Stormey I was About hom all day not Very well at all Bad with my Head

March 29th Thursday This was a Cold morning and Hard frost and a Very High wind and very Cold all day I was at hom all day H. Cockburn was her a litle while the fornoon and helped me to Clen out the Butsh{?} I was a grat Dale Better to day not Hade not Sa. light to day

March 30th Friday This was A fin morning I went Down to Marston to trade Plough the Afternon I was fixting a House for the turkeys. Thawing all day

March 31st Saturday This was a fin morning a litle Dull mother and I went to Guelph thare ar Por Sleaying know we got hom About 12 Clock. H n Cockburn and I went to the Scholl Metting rainig and Snowing a litle

{in pencil, written horizontally}



34/5578\161 {division sign]










{That is, the above is arithmetic: 2789 x 2 = 5578; 5578/34 = 161 r:4.}

1877 April 1th Sunday This was a mild morning was Thawing all day the snow About all gorn we was all a to hom to day Could not get out the lane Block up

April 2th Monday This was a cold morning litle frost cold all day Thawing a litle I was puting up fences the Afternoon I went to the swamp Spliting pine the land is very Soft very Hard frost to Night and cold

April 3th Tuesday This was vary Hard morning and a little cold I went to the swamp and finished the spliting and pilling I had 9 cord. the Afternoon I was About hom frost to Night

April 4th Wednesday This was a fin morning Hard frost I went to Guelph to look after a Man I got a chance up I hard a man the name of William Coatte from Lager Mont. Hire him for 7 months for $100. he cam Down with me

April 5th Thursday this was a Dull morning raning a litle it fair up William went to the Bush to chop. I went Down to the Blacksmiths to get the Plough Irons pint and John Boots repair at McLeren

April 6th Friday This was a fin morning But very hard frost William was choping all day I was Spliting the fornoon the Aftenoon I was Spliting Stove wood warm all day

April 7th Saturday This was a very fin Morning William was choping all day and I was Spliting the fornon the Afternon I was Spliting Stove wood very warm but turn out Very Hard frost the nightime. James Scott was her to day

April 8th Sunday This was a fin morning we was all at hom the lane was prety Bad with Snow

April 9th Monday This was a fin morning William was Choping all day I was Spliting the fornoon the Afternoon I Spliting stove wood the snow going Away very fast

April 10th Tuesday This was a fin morning William was choping all day and I was Spliting About the Afternoon I was pruning the Aples tree the snow About all good Som of nabours is Ploughing

April 11th Wednesday this was a fin morning William was Choping all day and got it all Done I was spliting the fornoon the Afternoon I went Down to the Blacksmith and McBeath with 2 Bags of Potatos and got 2 Bags of grain to the thresh

April 12th Thursday This was a fin morning William and I was puting up fences to Afternoon I Started William to the Plough the is geting very Dry I was working About the Dors Hard frost this morning

April 13th Friday This was a fin morning Hard frost William was Ploughing all day I start to Plough towa with Star and Prince Very Dry H Castlebys and I was at McBeaths to Night

April 14th Saturday This was a fin morng Hard frost this morning Mother and I went to Guelph got hom About 4 Clock we was at McBain I went hom with H. Cockburn Baughy William was Ploughing all day Brockroad is Very Dry. I had to go to Alexander Smith with a cow to the Bull after I cam hom

April 15th Sunday This was a fin morning Very warm all day. I was at hom Mother went Down to the low Church with H Cockburn our Bourz not Rady

April 16th Monday This was a Dull morning William and I went to the Plough all day the Afternoon I was plough with the Gunplough we Had Small Shower of Rain the fornoon Very Dull all day and lick a Change to Night

April 17th Tuesday This was very fin morning turn Very warm all day I was Ploughing all day with the gunplough William was Ploughing all day Very Hot. We Planted Potatoes to night

April 18th Wednesday This was a Dull morning Very lick rain I was Ploughing the most of the day William was Ploughn it cam on rain About 4 Clock William went to te Blacksmith with my Plough Chane

April 19th Thursday This was a Soft morning it rain About all day William was Clening out som of the Bulding thar was not much Don to day

April 20th Friday This was a fin morning litle cold we went to the Plough all day the ground was very soft

April 21th Saturday This was a fin morning William was Ploughing all day I was sowing W. Cockburn was harrow I sow 11 Bushels of oats. I fninished to Harrow About 4 Clock after that I went Down to the Blacksmith and Down to Stevenson for the baughy

April 22th Sunday This was very fin morning Rachel and I went to church we Had our own Bugy very warm Mr Lorrance Preched in St John 16 Chapter 24


April 23th Monday This was a fin mornin Sow 6 1/2 Bushels of Spring Wheat Rachel Serve me with the Seed I Harrow it and Sow the grane Seed it was very Hot William was Ploughing all day

April 24th Tuesday This was a fin morning I was Roling the spring Wheat and I was at Horrausn the Afternoon William was Ploughing all day Mr W Cockburn is very sick

April 26th Thursday This was a fin morning I went to the Plough in the New land William was Harrowin he finished the Peas I went to the Roler the Afternoon W. war Plough the Afternoon

April 27th Friday This was a fin morning I was Roling all day About got the Peas all Rold and Som oats William was Ploughing all day Mr W Cockburn Very Porly

April 28th Saturday This was a Dull morning like rain We was Ploughing all day Cam on rain the Afternoon som Thunder & lightng

April 29th Sunday This was very Dull morning litle Cold Mother and I went to church Strange Minster

April 30th Monday This was a Dull morning we was Ploughing all day I got the stumpy feld Don it was Very cold to day Hailt and snow all day and Cold

May 1th {centered at top of the page with decorations} {Among the decorations are words] John Jeffrey Puslinch John Jeffey Puslinch Apoboyle{?} P O

Tuesday This was a Dull morning and Cold I Sow 15 Bushels of Oats and About 4 Bushels of Spring Wheat on the New land William was Harrowen I Harrow the stump feld we got all the New land finished Graham cam to the feld with his Horse

May 2th Wednesday This was a cold morning Hard frost I start to Sow Barley I sow 6 Bushels and I gan plough it in William was Plaughing in Mr W Cockburn Place Very Cold Mother and I went Down to McBeath to night I Bught 100 lbs of Flower.

May 3th Thursday This was a Cold morning Hard frost I Sow 8 Bushels of Barley Mother Serve me with seed I Plaugh it in William was Plaughig all day Very Dull to night lick rain

May 4th Friday This was a fin morning Hard Frost I Sow 7 Bushels of Barley and Plaught in got the feld finished sow 21 Bushels in the feld William was Plaughing all day

May 5th Saturday This was a fin morning litle Cold and frosty I sow 3 Bushels of spring Wheat We was Harrow the Barley I Sow som of the grass seed to Night Mother was at Guelph


May 6th Sunday This was a fin morning Very warm to day Cold toward night Rachel and Mother went to Church litle frost last Night Whit

May 7th Monday This was a fin monring I start to sow grass Seed this morning Before 5 Clock William Picking mom {stons?} the Afternoon I was Roling William was Ploughing litle frosty this monring Mr Bain Cam At noon visting Mother and Miss went with Mr Bain to H. Cockburn

May 8th Tuesday This was a fin morning I was Roling the fornoon and Plaugh the garden at the log House the Afternoon I sowing som garden seed Mother went to Guelph with Mr Bain William was Plaughing all day

May 9th Wednesday This was fin morning litle cold and frosty W. was Ploughing I was I was Hailling som Raills for to put up a fence roudn the swamp the Afternoon I was fricting the fence in orched

May 10th Thursday This was a fin morning I sow the last of the grain I sow 7 Bushels of Barley and 2 1/2 Bushels of Pas W. was Harrow the Afternoon I was Roling it got it Don William was at the potatoes land the Afternoon Harrow I was puting up a fence Mrs Wm Cockburn is Very Porley

19 May 11th Friday This was a Dull morning I was looking over the fences the Afternoon I was About the Dorr William was Harrow the Potatoes land and picking Stons of the Clover mother was at McBeath and the Mill with a Bag of Barley to Chop Charles Mair Colted to Night

May 12th Saturday This was a fin morning I was working in the garden About all day We was Picking Stons and Roling M C Cockburn came her to Night and Stay all night mother was not very well

May 13th Sunday This was a fin morning I went Down to the low Church with C Cockburn the Afternoon I Drove Back to fleming to be {to?} Fleming Charles was Along with me Mother was not Very Well

May 14th Monday This was a fin Morning I was cuting Som Potatoes About all day We was Roling and Hauling out Manuar took out 7 loads I had to get with a cow to the Bull after tea. I had to go to Smith

May 15th Tuesday This was a fin morning I was cuting som Potatios all day very warm William wa Halling out Manuar all day Mother was Macking Butter Mrs Wm Cockburn is not aney Better


May 16th Wednesday This was a fin morning I went Down to McBeath for 2 Bag of Potaties and 2 Bag to McDonald Wm was hailling out mannur the fornoon the Afternoon we was spread[ing] mannur very warm and Dull

May 17th Thursday This was a Dull morning we Start to Plant Potaties I had to of the Cockburn Boys Helping me it cam on rain About 9 clock we had to stop. After that I went Down to the Post Office to [black space] to Charles Mary to com and see Bettey She still worst I had to go for the Doctor last Night About 10 oClock with the Buggy, and I went to Guelph for Mary the 5 oClock train

May 18th Friday This was a Dull morning But turn out a fin day we got all the Potaties Planted the forenoon 15 Bushels the Afternoon I put in Mr W Cockburn and moved the Stoves and went down to McDonald for the Bos Mrs W Cockburn is still very low

May 19th Saturday This was very warm day I was loading mannur W. was unloading very Hott Mother and Charles Mary went to Fleming to see John Fleming Mrs W. Cockburn no Better


May 20th Sunday This was very fin morning I was at hom all day Rachel and Mary went Down to McBeath the Afternoon it was very Hot Mrs. W. no Better

May 21th Monday This was a fin monring after the rain we had last Night we Had a little Shower to day W. was Hailling out mannur all day I was over at the Hill Seeing Douty About the Wheat and Rye the Afternoon I was loading mannur Mother and H. Cockburn was at Guelph. this morning I went Down with Mary to McDonald she was going to Hamilton with McDonald

May 22th Tuesday This was a fin morning we was tacking out mannur it cam on rain and rain About day I went Down to McLeshe very Soft locking

May 23th Wednesday This was a Dull morning and Cold the forenoon the Afternoon I went to Guelph for the Machen. Very cold got home About 8 Clock.

May 24 Thursday This was a fin morning But very Cold little frosty I was sprading mannur W. was Ploughing I was working About the yard W. went Down to Aberfoyle very cold all day and High wind

{Page} 22

May 25th

Friday This was very fin morning little cold and frosty John spreading manure Wm was Ploughing the afternoon I was finishing a pen for the sheep washing it was a fin day little cold to Night

May 26th

Saturday This was a fin morning Rachel and I went to Guelph I had 6 Bags of Oats got hom About 4 Clock Mr B{rest of name illegible} cam Down with us little warmer to day

May 27th

Sunday This was a fin morning very warm Rachel and I went to Church the {illegible word} was {illegible word} Mr Terrance Preached in

May 28th

Monday This was a fin morning very warm I was Spreading manure W was Ploughing the Afternoon I was washing the sheep Mr Bain went to Guelph with J. Cockburn to Night it was very warm to day

May 29th

Tuesday This was a fin morning I was spreading mature got it all spread the Afternoon I went Down to the Mill for some corn and Flower it was very warm Wm was Ploughing

May 30th

Wednesday This was a fin morning I went {illegible word} the D{rest of word illegible} all fornoon the Afternoon I went to H Cockburns to help them to shear the sheep Wm was Ploughin

May 31st

Thursday This was very fin morning I sow 2 1/2 Bushels of Corn Wm was Harrow

{Doodles at top of page resembling clouds or leaves} 23

June 1st

Friday This was a fin morning I was Planting som Corn in the Garden the Afternoon I was {Chewing?} the Sheep H. Cockburn was Helping me Wm was {illegible word} the Turnip land I went with a Cow to the Bull at Smith got hom Afternoon ten O Clock, Mother was at Guelph

June 2th

Saturday This was a fin morning I was working About the D{rest of word illegible} Wm was Puting up a fence on Mr W Cockburn Wm went with Stan to the Horse to Night

June 3th

Sunday This was a Full morning Mother and I went to Church our Sacrement cam on a havey showr of rain We Drew in I. Hamilton {illegible word} Mr Terrance Preched in Acts 28 {2 symbols?} 28 Verce

June 4th

Monday This was a fin Morning little Cold I was fixting up a gate Wm was Puting up a fence the Afternoon I went to R. Bell son furnel I went Down a fair in M{orston?} Mother went Down to McBeath

June 5th

Tuesday This was a fin morning little Cold I went Down to the Blacksmith to get som shoe set Wm was Puting up fences the Afternoon W was Hauling out manure I was working About the garden

{Page} 24

June 6th

Wednesday This was a fin morning I was working About the yard Wm was Hailling out manuer all day it was a little cold

June 7th

Thursday This was very fin morn Wm was Drilling all day I was About the D{rest of word illegible} the Afternoon I was cleaning out the Cistern and I went Down to McLen for Turnip Seed after tea I sow About 1 1/2 Acres

June 8th

Friday This was a fin morning But very warm Rachel and I went to Guelph H. Cockburn went up with us I. Cockburn had the wagon with his wool I sent Mum Along with him. Hugh cam hom with us William was up at Guelph too

June 9th

Saturday This was a Full Morning I start of with the Mare to the Horse About 4 Clock got Down at 8 Clock to Carlisle I left for hom at 10C got hom About 1 Clock left {illegible word} Wm was Down to the Blacksmith with one of the Horses and Hauling out manuer it was raining this morning and to Night

June 10th

Sunday This was a Dull Morning Rachel and Mother and John went At Church they Had there Dinner at McBain We Had a little showr I was Keping House

{Page} 25

June 11th

Monday This was a Cold Morning little frosty W. was Drilling all day I was Seting up the Potatoes in the Garden the Afternoon I went Down James McLens for mor Turnip seed I Sow Som {aft?} tea

June 12th

Tuesday This was a Dull Morning We had som Thunder and rain last Night Wm was Drilling got Don with it About 4 Clock I was Sowing then got them all Don Sow About 7 lbs. of Turnip Seed Turnip Seed $130

June 13th

Wednesday This was very fin Morning I went with a Hefer to the Bull and after I got hom I was watering the Manuer Pile Put 100 Pailful on it the Afternoon I fixting About the Barn Dor Wm was Hauling out Manuer

June 14th

Thursday This was a fin morning after the rain I went over to the Hill and went Down to the Mill to McDonald the Afternoon I was cuting Thisle Wm was Hauling out manuer

June 15th

Friday This was a fin morning I went to Guelph and to see Mr Carter About the Wheat {illegible word} I got hom About 12 Clock the Afternoon About 4 Clock Mr McDonald and McBeuth cam to {illegible word - Value?} the Wheat

26 June 16 th

Saturday This was a fine morning Rachel went over to H Cockburn to milk the cow William went with mother to McDonald to go to Hamilton they started {? cropped word} at 6 Clock I went Down to Marston {Morriston?} for the Shingles I had 2 loads of them 42 Bundles W {?} went with Star up to Graham {?} to the Horse

June 17 th

Sunday This was a fin {fine }morning I Went up Barley Bain to Guelph John was Along with me to late for the Church We stay at Bains Mr Bain Cam {Came} Down With us

June 18 th

Monday This was a fin Morning But Very Warm We was working the Road Work Put in 3 days We had the tim {time?} the Afternoon

June 19 th

Tuesday This was Very fin Morning We{?} was working the Road Work We Had the {? perhaps team} Put 4 days

June 20 th

Wednesday This Was a fin morn We was at the Road Work got Don {done}at Noon 2 days got all Don 9 days in all the Afternoon We Was {It?} with {comma ?} {Den?} Stuff for the Culberts Put in 7 loads Mr R. Green was her {here} all last Night Went Away this Afternoon} W. {?}a bith a Cow to the Bull


June 21st Thursday this was a dull morning very light rain. We had a show today from Thunder W. {?} workers at the Drain all day. I was not working at all i had a sis thrat all had got a cold

June 22th Friday this was a fin morning I went to Guelph Mother came to Guelph yesterday on the train and I tool her home. She enjoyed her visit in Hamilton very well we was at bain to own panes wic was working at the drain very dry

June 23th Saturday this was very fin morning. I was putting the mower together. Mr & Mrs Bain cam and (?)I went to Mr McHage with Bain to help him with a colt to breck in I was about all brecking in Mr Fleming and H Cockburn they went away Mr Bain traded with J Beattie for a horse Rachel and Mrs Bain was at H. Cockburn at tea

June 24th Sunday this was a fin morning. Rachel and I went to church wes went to bain for our dinner and dones to see the furnal very large furnal 72

June 25th Monday this was a fin morning. I went up to Guelph with a load of straw got $3 for it I went up with Mr Bain to see his farm I left my horses (?) in Guelph got him about 9 clock

28 - June 26th

Tuesday this was a Dull morning I took down McDonald Bar and took Down a Haze to get working About Cutting thrusy and shinning carrots in the Garden from on sum to day we had a very haves shown it woud Da good for the land in Dry

June 27th

Wednesday This was a fin morning I start to mow the hay Cut Down 6 acres W.. was Mowing sound the fence side Rachel and family and Mother was Down at McBeth very warm today and Dull the afternoon sick Mr Sam

June 28th


Thursday This was very fin morning I was working About the dors I was cutting Mr W Cockburn orchard W. was hairling Mom earth for the Barn Dos and he went down to the Blacksmith for the Plough

June 29th

Friday this was a Dull morning very sick rain Mr. was mowing sound the fence Side and a Put of the swamp we start to Suck the Afternoon cam on rain

June 30th

Saturday this was a fin Morning I start about 4 clock for corkside for the maze & Colt got hom About 12 O Clock it was a Havey rain it dry up the afternoon wo was at the Hay Rachel and family and Mother was at Hess


July 1th

Sunday this noon a Jim Morris High wind we had Sam & {??} today Abe all Mon

July 2th

Monday this noon a Jim Morris & Abe Morris the most of the fence and {??} over the hill the Afternoon Abe lbm Haullins in lock in 4 good load got all the gold in very warm Mr Cockburn Mon {??}

July 3th

Tuesday This was a Dull day noon had Som showers of Rain {??} all the Afternoon setting up Potatoes W Abe Shinins Quinch and Puting up {??} Hay in the {??}

July 4th

Wednesday This noon vbuy for Mr Murray I was {??} all forenoon got all the held Down It was Rackings it up I was killing the Afternoon very {??} Monthia was at Guelph went with H. Cockburn

July 5th

Thursday this was for Jim Morris I send Mr Albay with a Cock to the Bull I was working {??} the Hay After the W {??} ham he {??} to Rucke got the held Don Abe tack in 3 loads of hay lacking Dull At Night it was very Hurt today

30 July 6th

Friday this was a fin monring very warm all day Abe took 7 load of Hay Rachel and John and {??} in at the school encomunation very Hot

July 7th

Saturday this was a fin morning and warm Abe got all the feld in lock in one good loud W. about to the funnel thing Rachel and Mrs & Hush and I About at Guelph the Afternoon got {??} About 8

July 8th

Sunday This row a for morning lick change Mother and John and I went to church {??} Rachel in {??} 8 very dull tonight

July 9th

Monday this was a Dull morning I am on a Harvey {??} and Sam this morning in fair up I went to put {??} Pair green on the potatoes and went and stiffle the the turnip {???} Potato bags Abe had {??} and thunder today Mr Bair {??} 3 step how to Porter Paterson & Hush corn north them

July 10th

Tuesday this noon a fin morning I was mowing all day got it About all but W. {??} Thiing {??} all day

July 11th

Wednesday this was a fin morning {??} all the Hay mowed after that Abe was all Racking it got it all Don Mother Ebe at Guelph {???} Green


July 12th

Thursday This was very fin morning we was racking in the last of the hay Put 4 loads in the Block and 4 loads in the barn very warm today

July 13th 23 load of hay

Friday this was a fin morning and very warm we put up a load of Hay for McBain and find the stack W went to the turnips I was a little while the afternoon I went after tea for the jack screw got it at Malcom McVaugh after 10 o'clock Befor I got hom

July 14th

Saturday this was a very warm day I went to Guelph with McBain Hay H Cockburn went with me we got hom About 5 O'Clock. after that I went over to James Black

July 15th

Sunday This was very warm morning we was all at hom to Hot to go to the Church and the reach was ruff and Dusty {illegible}

July 16th

Monday this was a warn morning and very all day Turn out Dull teh Afternoon. We Had a little rain to Night I went up to John Carter this morning I went to the Turnips after I came hom We was at them all day

July 17th

Tuesday This was a fin morning after the rain last Night I was at the Turnips all day Very warm today to day little windy to day

32 July 18th

Wednesday this was a fin morning I went Down to the Mill for the mor 100 of {??} William now finished the {??} I now husking at the Barn all afternon W,, was {??}, Said I as to put up a fence up at the stack Michael Cockburn and Margot McBeath was hear a little tonight very warm today Dull At Night

July 19th

Thursday this was very fin morning I was making 2 gates W was Dishing Post {??} the Afternoon got them put-up very warm I went to the Blacksmith {???}

July 20th

Friday this was a fin morning {??} on the gates and Put the {??} together the Afternoon I was at the Dawn put the {??} in it We was at it all day Very Hot I went to Some Black mine {??}

July 21th

Saturday this was a fin morning we {??} the {??} in the Shade after that I was picking at the Barn Puting 2 Pots and {??} and Abe had a hobey job W was along with me I went Down to Beath with Mary tonight very hot

Jully 22

Sunday this was very dull morning But very warm Mother & Margaret and I went to church M {2 ch?} & me Beched in Job 22 C 11 8.. Cam on a very Heavy rain tonight power down som thunder

July 23th

Monday this was a fin morning after the rain after the rain we {started?} the Harvest we was cuting som of the rape and som of the Oats the Michen is not working well at all Brock the Chane the 2 time Had to go to the Blacksmith it was a {hubbug?} W. llm Cradle all day

July 24th

Tuesday this was a fin morning We was cradle oats the most of the day got n'Nerer cut we Start to Bind very hot

July 25th

Wednesday This was very fin morning We {went with?} a cow to the Bull I was Binding to 9 CLock I had to gate the furnel McMilken and Ms Cassdek Bay I got a ride with Cockburn got there About 3 clock I went to the oats Binding very Dry We was at it to {Disck?} very warm Mother was at Guelph to day and John Petter Mc{?} cam this morning

July 26th

Thursday This was a very warm to day we at the oats Binding; all farmer got them Don I was Starting it up We was Cuting {?} at the Rye it was very Hot to day Another cow to the Bull

July 27th

Friday This was a Dull morning we Start the Wheat McDonald then cam But cam in rain and Stop us I was fixting Michen {lumen?} Black cam to find the {page folded} arm sat it Don We was working at the Wheat

34 == July 28th ==

Saturday this was a fin morning we Start to Cut Charles Wheat Mc{Dendu?} Sent 4 men to help me we got it all Down and {Stock?} my {?} had to get H. Cockburn Michen My Michen would not work. Cut Down 11 Aero Very Hot today the men got a {het?}

July 29th

Sunday This was a fin Morning Rachel and Mother was at Church got here About 6 clock very warm I was Helping House

July 30th

Monday This was a fin morning I Start to cut round the Barley and After that I went to the Rye and got it all Down About 5 clock after that I went to the Barley. We was Binding Rye all day very hot

July 31th

Tuesday This was very fin morning I was cutting Barley all day I was working Hugh Cockburn Michen th Afternoon We was Binding Rye and Starten, and Helping McDonald then {we?} the {Basin?} Puting in the fall Wheat McBain cam and Bought 3 lambs from Me to Night

August 1th 35

This was a fin mroning I was cuting Barley got it all Don About 10Clock after that I Start to tack in the Barley took in 5 loads McDonald men got all the wheat in About Mon it was very Hot to day McBain {tork?} one {Stoas?} {?} to Night 3 weeks Panter

August 2th

Thursday this was a Dull morning went to the Barley got in 3 (?} it cam in rain After Diner Stop us from {?acting} to day C.G. Cockburn cam {?}Night

August 3th

Friday this was a fin morning After the rain We was at the Pear all forenoon and I was Racking the fall Wheat {Stable?} the Afternoon tork 5 loads of Oats. Peter B. tork the job of the Pear Cockburn went home {written underneath}

August 4th C.G.

Saturday this was a fin morning We was at the Barley tork in 6 lauch got the feld in tack in a smil load of FW Racking after Dark About 10 Clock Working late

August 5th

Sunday this was a fin morning lett Coles Mother and John and I went to Guelph we at St. Andrew Church we was at McBain for Diner very Dirty

{2 swirly lines across page}

9 M. to C

36 August 6th

Monday this was a Dull Morning and Very Dull all day we was at the Barley got in 3 loads the Thrasher cam about 11 O Clock and Thrash the Charles {?} Wheat got all Down About 6 Clock 200 Bushels of Fall Wheat I went and tork in the last of the Barley 1 load. That make 4 loads to day very lick rain to Night

August 7th.

TuesdayThis was a Dull Morning and Dull all day lick a Change we was tacking in the Rye got it all in 5 loads and got 3 loads of Pear it was Thundren w litt

August 8th

Wednesday This was a fin Morning I Start to cut the Spring Wheat at Mrs W Cockburn Home and got it all Down the Most of it Bound and {St?ing} very warm

August 9th

Thursday This was a fin morning W and I was Cutin Pear all forenoon the Afternoon we went to tack in Pear Peter and W went for a load cam in a Thunder Shower Stop us got one load in W went to Help Peter with the PEat Cuting I was workin, About the {Bul?}

August 10th

Friday This was a fin morning I was {Cradle?} Oats all day. We was Bind the Afternoon the forenoon he was Helping Peter with the Pear

August 11th 37

Saturday This was a fin morning I was Cradle oats all day. {?} was Binding oats Peter was Helping in the Afternoon I got them all Down they was Hard to Cradle Mother was at Guelph to day I had to go for the Dortes for Mrs W Cockburn to Night She tork a Bud {?}

August 12th

Sunday This was a Dull Morning Rachel and Start to Guelph it cam on {H?} rain all the way up we Stop at Ms Bain to to 3 Clock it pass up the Afternoon Mrs W. is very {?}

August 13th

Monday this was a Dull day I start {to?} Peter with the Pears I tork the Horse Racke {to?} then got them all in the Afternoon I was at the Spring Wheat in the Bush Peter was Cradle we Had Some rain to day

August 14th

Tuesday This was a Dull morning we had Som {?} last night very Dull all forenoon the Afternoon Cam thunder and very {?} rain About all Afternoon I was cuting the Spring Wheat got it all Down Peter and William was Binding the rain stop them I tork the raper {to?} Mr Cockburn very soft

August 15th

Wednesday This was a Dull Morning we was Howing Som of the Turnips all forenoon the Afternoon W. was Bunching out the last of the Wheat and I was Stocking and

38 August 16th

Thursday this was a Dull morning we was at the Pear Turning Cam on very Dull Thunder Cam on rain Most all Afternoon It frees up About tea time. I Went Down to the Mill with a Grist it has Ben Thunder this last 5 day Bad for the Grain

August 17th

Friday This was a little {tightly squeezed between two words} Better looking morning. litle Dull the Grain is by raw on in the Storks I was washin, Amens the {?} the Afternoon I was turnin, Pear William was at W Poter {?} all day after he Cam here We took in one load of Spring Wheat Mr & Mrs {?} was her this Afternoon {?} it was Thunder to day Charleu was her to day Mrs W Cockburn very Posley

August 18th

Saturday This was a fin morning very warm W and I was Turning Pear all forenoon the Afternoon took in 4 loads of Spring Wheat and 2 loads of {P?} We Had Som Thunder this Afternoon little shower to Night P. . Bain was her all Last Night

August 19th

Sunday This was a fin morning Mother John Margaret went to Guelph to Church I was at hom not very well very warm

August 20th

Monday This was a fin morning It was Hailling in Oat and Wheat and Pear Very warm to day

August 21th 39

Tuesday This was very fin morning we was {?} in Pear all day we took in 7 load very warm I had {?} Cockburn helping me all day

August 22th

Wednesday this was a fin morning we was {Hailling?} in PEar all day took in 11 loads High Cockburn his team Cam the Afternoon to help me got them all finished G Cockburn took one of my cow to M' Beath Bull

August 23th

Thursday this was a Dull morning I went to the Blacksmith to getSom of the Horses Shod William was at {Am?} thrashing the forenoon the Afternoon at Mr Joules thrashing I was {?} som of the Turneps

August 24th

Friday this was a Dull morning {?} up Dull all day We was at {?} thrashing all forenoon I was all day at the {?} Clowns Mother was at Guelph

August 25th

Saturday This was a fin morning W I was Hailling out {?} all day 2 tons took out 16 load Put it on the Pear load for Fall Wheat Rachel & Mother and Hugh & Margaret was at H Cockburn this Afternoon {?}

August 26th

Sunday This was a fin morning Rachel and I went to Church It {Torrance?} Peeched in Go=28 Cu 14 {?} We Had Danes at Bains

40 August 27th

Monday This was a fin Morning I was not well all day I did not work non to day William was Hailling out {?} all day H. Cockburn was her {?} and A Fleming was her H Cockburn Brought my Bas if Wheat from Ms Johnston and Paid it 2 Bushels $2.75

August 28th

Tuesday this was a Dull Morning I went to the Blough for the Fall Wheat it Cam on {?} Thunder and rain it {?} up About 3 Clock I went to the Plough We was at the {?}

August 29th

Wednesday This was a fin Morning I was at the Plough all forenoon the Afternoon at H Cockburn thrashing all Afternoon we Had the tem W was at the {?} the forenoon Mrs W Cockburn in very Parley to day

August 30th

Thursday This was a fin morning we was Ploughing all day the tem very warm Mother was all Night with Mrs W Cockburn in very Porley

August 31th

Friday this was a Very Soft {?} Morning it rain all forenoon the Afternoon {?} up we went to the Plought two time Mother {?} all Night with Mrs W Cockburn in Still very Parley

{Top of page is decorated with leaves and flourishes. Name is written along the curved stem of one leaf.}

1877 41

September 1th

Saturday This was a fin morning we was at the Plough all day two tems Mother was up with Mrs W Cockburn last Night She is verry Porley

September 2th

Sunday This was a Dull mrning I went to Guelph to Church our Sacrement Mr Terrance Preched Preched himself it runs About half way up

September 3th

Monday This was a fin Morning I went to the Plough W was ploughing all day the Afternoon the{?} Went to Guelph Mr H Cockburn was Along with me I had the Wagon Bought one Bushel & half of timothy and Cag {keg} of Nails for the House

September 4th

Tuesday This was a fin morning I was Ploughing the end {lanch?} and we got it all Plough I start to Sow About 11 Clock William was Harrow got it all Sowen About 5 O Clock 19 Bu & half

September 5th

Wednesday This was a Dull Morning We was Harrown {harrowing} I was Sowing gran Seed and picking Stem and I was Harrow a little whill got it finished Cam in {2 words?} About 5 O'Clock I got very weat

42 September 6th

Thursday this was very fin morning I set William to Plough the {?} I was working About the {Dars?} after tea I was Sowing grass seed it was windy all day

September 7th

Friday this was a fin morning little Dull I was sowing the grass Seed this morning got it Don About 9 O Clock the Afternoon I went Down to the Mill with 4 Bags of Peas to Chop I did not get it the Mill not running We was Ploughing all day

September 8th

Saturday this was a fin morning I up to Mr Routs old Place for the Pea Michen {machine} and took him a load of Corn the Afternoon I was Clening the turneps two Misses Ker{r?} was her to Night

September 9th

Sunday this was a Dull morning But it kep up Rachel and John and I went to Church Mr Terrance Preched it 2th John 8 C. 25 V. Mr & Mrs Bain was her this Afternoon

September 10th

Monday this was a fin morning I went to the Plough all forenoon the Afternoon I was at the Turneps William was at the Plough all day he went Down to the Blacksmith with the 2 Horses to get som Shoe moved and Shear Sharped

355 110



{written on angle left to right}




September 11th 43

Tuesday this was a fin Morning very warm I was at the Plough all forenoon the Afternoon I went to Call out the Hands for the thrashing {threshing] William was Ploughing all day

September 12th

Wednesday This was very fin morning I was Ploughing all forenoon the Afternoon I was {Racting?} up for the Thrashing W was Ploughing all day the thrashing cam to Night

September 13th

Thursday this was a fin morning we got the Michen {machine} Set We Had a good day Thrashing got the Stack of Peas Don 110 Bushels and 31 Bu of Oats and About 200 of Barley very warm

September 14th

Friday This was a fin morning we was Thrashing till noon got all the Barley Don 355 Bushels and 35 Bushels of Spring Wheat. the Afternoon we was {Racting?} up very warm to day we Thrash in all 524 Bushels

September 15th

Saturday This was a fin morning I went to {Dacon?} to the Mill for the Chop & Meal and a Grist 3 Bags of Spring Wheat

September 16th

Sunday This was a Dull morning after the rain we Had a Havey rain this morning About 5 O Clock it fair up Rachel and Miss and Mother went to Church I was Housekeper very warm

44 September 19th

Monday This was a Dull morning I Start to tacke up som of the Potaties My self We was Ploughing All forenoon it cam on rain About 2 O Clock James Black & Sam was at the House Shinglen {shingling} till the rain cam Wm and I Start to Clen Som Barley the Afternoon

September 18th

Tuesday This was a fin morning whit frost I went to Guelph with a load of Barley got only 58 C per Bushels We was Ploughng all day James Black & Son was at the House all day

September 19th

Wednesday This was a fin morning I went Down to A. McTyree for Som Lumber for the House the Afternoon I went Hugh Black raising W. was Ploughing all day James Black & Son was at the House all forenoon

September 20th

Thursday this was a fin morning I was at the Potaties all day I had Wm was helping with the Potaties thje Afternoon he was Ploughing the forenoon James Black & {?} was all day at the House {"at house" written above the last two words}

September 21th

Friday This was a fin morning I was at the Potaties all day I had W Cockbn all day William was at {the then the?} Afternoon he was Ploughing the forenoon Mr Bates was her the Afternoon He took Away 4 lambs we got all the {??} Mr James Black & Son was at the House all day

September 22th 45

Saturday This am a fin Morn I am geting him Som Ceader logs for James Black for stup for the Back Kitchen he was Drassen the timber all day I am harrau the Potatos land and took him Donell load of Corn James Black & Son wos all day Men Wos Ploughing all day

September 23th

Sunday This was a fin morning Rachel & John and I went to Church Very Warm Mr {Joirana?} Preched in St John {illegible}

September 24th

Monday This was a fin mornin I Was Helpin, James Black With the Back Kitchen tackin of the Old Shingle helping him to lay the Slepper of the Pizz Piazza the Afternoon I went to Mr Paten Thrashin Wm Ploughing and at the Blacksmith with his Plough iron James Black & Son all day at Home

September 25th

Tuesday This was a fin morning But very Hot all day I went to Paten Thrushing all fornoon the Afternoon I took him a load of Corn and Mother and I wor Cleaning Som grain William wor at Mr Bell Threshall day Mr Black & Son wor all day at the House

September 26th

Wednesday This was a fin morning Wm and I was at the Thrashing all day at H. Cockburn The tim to Very Warm

46 September 27th

Thursday this a fin Morn I About the Dor Mother and I Was Clenin Peas put up 16 Bags of Peas Wm was Ploughin all day

September 28th

Friday This was a fin morning Rachel and I went to Guelph with a load of Peas Sold them for 68 C Pr Bushel Bough a Steer from Mr Bain for $16 took it hom in the Wagon got hom About 6 OClock {in smaller script below} William was at Elise Thrashin

September 29th

Saturday This was a very fin Morning I went to H Cockburn with the two tems {teams?} to Thrash out His Barley got Don {done} About 9 OClock after that I took him a load of Corn the Afternoon Mother and I was Cleanin Peas and a Bag of Wheat for the {illegible} Put 17 Bags of Peas William was About all day at {Plist} Thrashing Very Warm to day

September 30th

Sunday This was very warm Morning Mother and Mags {daughter Margret} and I went to Guelph to Church Mr Torrance Preched Hebrews 11 Ca 14 {illegible} it was Very Hot all day I didn't Leve Barin to after 4 OClock

{entry written horizontally in pencil} 1897

No of Bushels 4 Bags 9 Bushels 5 Bags 11 Bushels

October 1th 47

Monday This was a warm Morning and very Hot all day W & I was Ploughing all day very Hot I went to John Smith and Paid the Cow that Bought from him for $30

October 2th

Tuesday This was a fin Morning very warm I was Ploughing all day W. was Ploughin two

October 3th

Wednesday This was a fin Morning Mother and I was at the show all day very warm got hom {home} About Darck William was at the Show

October 4th

Thursday This was a Soft Looking Morning we Had Som Showers of rain I went Down to the Blacksmith to get a shoe Put on and took him 2 load of Corn the Afternoon I went up to the Sale at the Modle Farm it turn out very Cold Wm was Ploughing all Afternoon

October 5th

Friday This was a Cold Morning Hard frost I went to Guelph with a load of Peas had 17 Bags Rachel went up H. Cockburn in the Bugy Wm was Ploughing all day

48 October 6th

Saturday This was very fin Morn We was Ploughing all fornoon the Afternoon I was fixting About the Stable and tacking in Aples and Moving the Stove Wm was Ploughing all day litle Cold

October 7th

Sunday This was a Dull morning Mother and I went to Churchh it was Very Cold all day Mr Terrance was Preching

October 8th

Monday This was Very Dull Morning Cum on rain it rain all fornoon we was Cleanin Grain the Afternoon we went to the Plogh we Had som Havey Showers of rain and Cold to Ny {night}

October 9th

Tuesday This a fin Morning very whit frost We was at the Plough all fornoon William Brock {broke} his Shear I had to go to the Blacksmith I took Down a load to the Mill I had 3 Bags of Wheat for a grist and 5 Bags of Peas & Barly to Chop and 6 Bags of Spring Wheat to McDonald and took him a load of Corn. H Cockburn Brough 76 lbs of Pork to us

October 10th

Wednesday This was a Dull Morning raining a little We went to the Plough all day we had som Showers the Afternoon

October 11th Thursday This was a Dull Morning we (?) at the Plough all day windy all day we Had (?) Showers of rain

October 12th Friday This was a fin morning (?) Start to tack up the last of the Potaties got them all up something About 50 Bushels that ar very good the last Potaties the Best

October 13th Saturday This a Dull morning I (?) Harrow the Potaties land and took him a loud of Turneps and a loud of Corn the Afternoon I was at the Plough We was ploughing all day very Dull all day.

October 14th Sunday This was a fin morning Mother & Miss and I went to Church the (?) was very (?) we had Som Heavey Thunder and rain last Night (?) Preched in (?) 8 (?)

October 15th Monday This was a fin morning we was Ploughing all day it was very warm all day. (?) (?) on the Horses.

October 16th Thursday This was a fin morning I was Ploughing all (?) The afternoon I went Down to the Show we was all (?) old and young. William was Ploughn, all day Hugh Cockburn was hear toNight

October 17th Wednesday This was a Dull Morning I was tacking him tow loud of corn and one loud of (?) I went to H Cockburn with 3 Bags of Apples to make Cider he was going to (?) I went over to Night for the two (?) and the Cider. We was ploughn all day

October 18th Thursday This was a Dull Morning it was Raining a little Mother and was Clearing Barley we put up 14 Bags we have 24 Bags up 54 Bushels in them the Afternoon I was working at the Drain We was Cuting out (?)

October 19th Friday This was a Dull morning it was Raining a little all day (?) We was Ploughin all day I was Ploughin the two gardens the Afternoon I was puting up a (?) in the Rothouse cold and stormey looking to Night

October 20th Saturday This was a very Cold Morning after the rain I went to Guelph with a loud of Barly got 5/C per Bushel I had 24 Bags (?) 5 5, 20 lbs the Reach was Bad I got him About 5 OClock My Horses was (?) in a (?)

October 21st Sunday This was a fin morning little Cold. Rachel & Mother & John went to church very cold and windy 60 60 60 ____ 180

October 22nd 57

monday this man a bin {mommy?} but hard frost and cold moth and I clon up a load of barley 24 bags 54 bushels we at this {illegible} the afternoon mrs {illegible} up the turnips nice day

October 23rd

tuesday this man a {illegible} morning I went to guelph with a loaf of barley i had 24 bags 56 bushels sold it at 50 c bushel rachel was along with she cam down with ms bain 8ct hum about 40 th {illegible} man her to night a little

october 24th

wednesday this man a {im} momy I was haillms m turnips toito 6 i cuch 180 bushels willias at ms blaih thashing all day very lule tho afternoon lich rain

october 25th

thursday this was a very dull morning mother and I was cloming another load of barley 24B 54 bushels w colkbwrn went to the blacksmith with two of the horses to get them shoe put on the afternoon {illegible} 2 couch of turnips it cam rain 70 bushels wiman at black thrashing about all day

october 26th

friday this was a dull moms we was {stacking} up the turnips a slopt to hale in about 11 oclock within was holpin me look in 6 low 180 bushels wilan pulins all day.


october 27

saturday this man a fin {momy?} {litle?} dull I bent with a load of barley 24 bags 55 bushels 40 lbs $27.90 {oil?} chales corkburn hot in the bank of $104.95c I got home about 5 o'clock waman pulling turnips all day

october 28

sunday this man a very dull {morning?} very misty all day rachel & john & I went to church strange mirter preached

october 29th

monday this man a fine mormn I plan pulling turnips to 9 o'clock it started to hail i lock in 6 loads w corkburn may helping me all day got then all up mr bam man hear with the bagon for corn of his lambs he sent this once today he is to cort $40 he is a large animal

october 30th

sunday this man a fri Mcremez It be was hailing in turips all day got there all in 9 load m {illegible} got #2 load me got them all in 270 bushels the load 60 bushels got them all in

october 31th

wednesday this was a fri but cold mother and clover up a load of barley 24 bags about to the druim w was at the druin all day jame black was working at the house all day

November 1st

thursday this man a fri {home?} I went to guelph with a load of barley 57 bushels at 50 cents {?} B cam to $28.99 got them about 2-{old?} I killed a pig tonight

november 2nd

friendly this man a soft {mormn?} me an cloning barley put up 11 bags and 6 bags of peas and 5 bags to chop i went down to the mill the afternoon to get the 5 bags chop after that I about to H corkburn with the pork very cold and stormy

november 3

saturday this was very cold {mommy?} I went to guelph with 11 bags of barley and 6 bags of peas I got home about 5 clock very cold and stormy we was at the drain all day

november 4th

sunday this was a very hard frosty {mommy?} we was all at home the reach was very bad

november 5th

monday this was a soft morning we was macking a place for the mare and colt and for the calft the afternoon I went over to H.corkburn twin out very stormy snowing and cold very abintis locking


november 6th

tuesday this was a cold morn and very hard frost we was worm about the roothouse the afternoon was went to the drain very cold I went over to amor tonight very hard frost the ground covered with snow very winters locking

november 7th

wednesday this was very hard morn the rouch was stuff I went to guelph with the rouse waltins couth went up with mer he left me I got home about 7 o'clock corkburn cam home with I was geting meney from to pay anty the rench was soft coming home

november 8th

thusday this aban very soft morn and it rain haily all day I was working among the cattle all day very soft to night

november 9th

friday this was a dull morning it kept up all day turn out cold and freezing rachel and I went over to the mill and paid anty his money we gave his $230 - the afternoon I went to rich sale rachel went down with no mc Beath we got home before dark

november 10th

saturday this was a very hard morn I was cuting the corn the afternoon I work it home 3 load litle cold very hard tonight

november 11th

sunday this was a dull morning little cold rachel & mothers mign was at church I was kepting house

november 12th

monday this am a dull morn I was a fin day I was at the drain all day it was fallen in a was a dirty jol oat of water in it a dirty job

november 13

tuesday this was a fine morn little frost very slick rain I was at the drain all day the frost it about all out of the ground rachel and I went to h.corkburn tonight

november 14th

wednesday this was a fine morn little hard frost W H corkburn came to help me to kill the pig got don about 1 o'clock the afternoon I went to the drain very {?} rain or a storm

november 15th

thursday this was a soft morn I was cuting up the pigs the afternoon ms jossomy was her writing and I went to the drain the afternoon very dull all the frost out I was ploughing a little

november 16th

friday this was a fine morning i was ploughing out the good {uhare?} the drain i got it done the afternoon i was bankin sound the house I lock 3 loads to it very warm pick a some day no frost


november 17th

saturday this was a fresh locking morning no frost in ground i was hauling some with for bunckers round the house lock in 4 loads the afternoon mothers and I was cleaning up som barley and racking up the barn thunder and lightning and a heavy shower of rain tonight high and

november 18th

sunday this was a very hard morn we was all at home very cold the chimney {?} fire I up on the stuff of the house and fell of rachel fell off a chaie and hurt his side we got all over it very cold all day

november 19th

monday this was a hard morning mother and was working in the barn put up 5 bags of peas & barley to chop i went down with it the afternoon it was very cold I put the ram with all the sheep

november 20th

tuesday this was a very hard morning and cold i went down to h.corkburn for the horse pauer the afternoon I was working about the drs m ban and h. corkburn and this mc beath was her to {?} this afternoon it was very cold

november 21st

wednesday this was a fin morn a little cold john corkburn came with the micher and me got it set in his plua the afternoon I went over to grahium sale a {htle whille?}

57 {written in top right-hand corner}

November 22th

Thursday This was a Dull morning rains a litle I was working About {illegible} all day Showery all day Soft {illegible} I went Down to the Hall to the meeting

November 24th

Friday This was a Soft Morning and raining a little all day I About all day I went to stop the Hands from {illegible} to the {Thrashin's?} it was to soft

November 25th

Sunday This was a Dull morning aining a litle we was all at hom Bad Roach

November 26th

Monday This was a Dull morning vert Soft Loukins Mother and I went to Guelph Bad Roach came on Haves rain to Night

November 27th

Tuesday This was a Dull day I was About all day very lick rain all it was Havey rain last Night and this Morning I about Dawn to the Blackmouths

November 28th

Wednesday This was a old Morning a litle frat not very Hard I was warking About the Day all fornin the Afternoon I went Dawn to Martin it was vey cold I save my {illegible}

58 {written in top left-hand corner}

November 29th

Thursday This was very Hard morning and Cold all day I was Hailling {hom?} Sam Wood from the old layhams the Afternoon I went out with the gun a litte while after that {illegible} was cathing som {illegible} to sell

November 30th

Friday This was a very Hard {illegible} morning and very cold I went to Guelph Rachel was Along was Along with me She was at the Doctor. I went to the Church All sat hom About 4.0 stock

The No of Bushels Thrush in the year 1877

Peas 12 Bushels
Peas 110
Barley 355
Oats 31
S Wheat 35
S Wheat 75
Oats 190
Rye 76
883 Bushels

December 1st

saturday this was a very hard morning and cold I went down to the black smith to get the horses sharped the afternoon i was working about the dors and asking the hunds for the thrashing john & migs was down at mc beath mothers went down for them

december 2nd

sunday this was a very hard morning i went to church was suchement good whelling mc fessame preached in I

december 3rd

monday this was a very hard morning we start to thrash H.corkburn horses and my own pa day work the michen brork got all the oats thrash 190 bushels mr bain took away the last of his lambs

december 4th

tuesday this man a dull mornign we start the thrashing again got it all thrash rye and when about - 70 bushels of spring wheat about - 75 bushels of rye it came on rain the afternoon and very soft locking

december 5th

wednesday this was a soft locking morning I was cleaning out the building the afternoon mother and I was cleaning some and wheat for a guest

december 6th

thursday this man cuting some wood the afternoon I went to mc viel saile it was hard frost and very cold the afternoon charles from last night

december 7th

friday this man a very hard frost and cold i went down with charles to aberlayle he was going to hamitten with the stage the afternoon I went to armen thrushing very cold to night

december 8th

saturday this was a very cold mornin i went to the mill forth a grist cam a grate snow storm and it fair up the afternoon i was puting some mauras at the lellis in {?} mr mc biath and mrs bent man her this afternoon visiting

december 9th

sunday this was very hard morning mother and I went to church we hard mr wardsop preaching it was good whealing

december 10th

monday this was a dull morning lick a chang i was working about i went to mc inbyer with a load of straw and down to the mill for the ryet it was thawing a little this afternoon

december 11th tuesday this was a fin mornin little soft i went down to mc lntyr with a load of straw i was bout all afternoon.

december 12th

wednesday this was a dull day thawing i was about all day very sopt looking I was cutting some stone wood cold to night H corkburn was her tonight

december 13th

thursday this was a sopt looking mronin it kept up all day but very mudy the rouch was hauig i went ro guelph catle shou h corkburn went along with me ms bain came down with paturser was hear to night ms bain went home him out very cold

december 14th

friday this was very cold and hard frost h corkburn and i was helping pie bain to hill the ster and s bain came the afternoon it was a grate day.

december 15th

saturday this was a mild mornin little thawing a little all day and dull i was in the burp macking rouch and the afternoon i was cuting lem stone wood

december 16th

sunday this was a firm morning litle dull rachel and john and i went to church mr jorsand preached in #1 john 4,, 8'6

december 17th

monday this was a firm morning i was working about cutingsom stone wood the afternoon mr bain and i went up on a hunting enpicituton h. and john corkburn was along with us it was a fin day thaws a little.

december 18th

tuesday this was a hard mornin i was cuting some wood the aftermoon hugh corkburn corn for the michen i over with a past of it mother mill i clean 15 of rye very dull to night

december 19th

wednesday this man a sopt lorking morning raining a little kept very dull all day very fogy i was mackin a flour bore very dull tonight

december 20th

thursday this was a dull morning i went to guelph with 15 bags of rye sold it to mr ston at 54 cents per bushel the rounds was bad very sopt no frost

december 21st

friday this was a dull mornin little rain fair up dull all day the road was very bad i went down to the post office to day to pay my taxes rachel went along with me to the school inc. got home about 10 o'clock very dull to night the frost all out of the ground

december 22nd saturday this was a dull mornin and fogy no frost - the roads is havey mother and i went to the barn to clean 10 bushels of spring wheat and 2 bags of peas & oats to chop I went down to the mill with the wheat and to set the 2 bags chop very slick rain to night

december 23rd

sunday this was a dull mornin very fogy all day very dull weather we was all at home the roads was bad and stop working

december 24th

monday this was a dull mornin very fogy and sopt locking I was {about?} all formon the afternoon i went down to morston and was at mc demads and settled with him dull to night

december 25th

tuesday this was a very fogy mornin a little frost we was all at H. corkburn spending our christmas it fogy all day and dull {lick?}

december 26th

wednesday this was a dull mornin little clearr but very dull all day little frosy this mornin the ground is very soft 9 o'clock home 2 couch of wood with the wagon and clen up

december 27th

thursday this was a fine mornin no frost i went to h. corkburn this thrashing all with horse it was {lick?} a sumer day in the month of may

december 28th

friday this was a fine mornin little frost i went to guelph with 12 bags of rye sold it to ston for 54 Pr B

december 29th

saturday this was a fin mornin hard frost I went to H.corkburn {thrath?} all day with the horses mother and john & migs was at guelph

december 30th

monday this a cold mornin hard frost very cold all day but a fin winter day i was about all day john flemins died last night.


january 1st

tuesday this was a dull mornin i was at home all day I was cutting some stove wood and fixing the sister house puting a door on it rachel and mother was back up flemin got home about 1 o'clock charles came to night about 8 o'clock

januart 2nd

wednesday this was very hard morning little small fell last very cold charles left about 10 clock mother and I went to the furn the afternoon something about 50 {term?} at it very cold to night

january 3rd

thursday this was a cold mornin very hard frost little snow know but me {slaying?} yet h. corkburn came to help meto kill the {stew?} got done about noon very hard all day it was a fine winters day.

january 4th

friday this was a snowing looking mornin I went down with h.corkburn to the mill and blacksmith I lock down the quaster of bell to the blacksmith it w120 lbs came to $7.20 we haul the heavy h.corkburn and I went down to mc beath we had a meeting he had the cater

january 5th

saturday this was a cold mornin little more snow litle sleaying know i was about home all day very cold and hard frost.

january 6th

sunday this was a cold mornin and very hard frost rachel and I was at church we had the sleay for the turn this year little stormy the afternoon ms {thomson?} preached in {psalins?}

january 7th

monday this was a very cold and very hard frost little stormy all day shown I was {ofricting?} the wood rack the afternoon h.corkburn cam and I went alone with him to the plans to bat james and migs mc beath was her this afternoon

january 8th

tuesday this was this a dull day i was working about the catle the afternoon I was thrashing firn peas dull to night sleaying not very good met much snow {yet?}

january 9th wednesday this was a mild day thawing a little I went with h.corkburn to the school meetin got home about 12 oclock h.corkburn and I beath was hear to tea this afternoon dull to night lick a change

january 10th

thursday this was a soft locking morning thawing sleaying done again iwas cuting stove wood thrash some peas about a hour raining a little

january 11th

friday this was a dull morning the snow going away very fast sun was at 1 o'clock home 2 loads of wood with the heavy {por heavy ms an mued I went to the bush to chop the afternoon?}.

january 12th

saturday this was a dull mornin little frost and mild I went to the bush all foremoon to chop the afternoon i was thrashing peas dull to night no sleaying

january 13th

sunday this was a dull morning little cold no sleaying we was all at home to day

january 14th

monday this was a snowing mornin but it fair up I was thrashing the afternoon I was hailling home wood stock home 4 couch a little sleaying again not very much snow yet

january 15th

tuesday this was a very hard morning and cold and stormy all foremoon it fair up about noon i went for 4 loads of wood for mrs {?} the afternoon i went for 4 loads for my self

january 16th

wednesday this was a very cold morning and very short and hard frost i was hailing wood all day for my self {lork?} home 6 loads por heaging mrs w.corkburn had his b to day and cuting it

january 17th

thursday this was a fin morning litle cold and hard frost I was hailing home wood lock took home 3 loads the afternoon I was choping in the bush

january 18th

friday this was a dull mornin very foggy lick a chang i was choping all day foremoon in the bush the afternoon i was hailing home 3 loads got it all home after that i went up to wrs w.corkburn far a part of of the michen

january 19th

saturday this was a fin morning john corkburn came to help me to get the michen the afternoon we start to cut it got done in good time things went well thomas amost and w.amos and g.corkburn john and {?}. corkburn was helping me and w.corkburn it was very warm thaw all day sleaying good again i had my own 2 {tems?} in the michen

january 20th

sunday this was a very dull mornin sick rain we was all at home no snow for sleaying it kept up all day

january 21st

monday this was a thawing morning getng bad roads and mud I was spliting some stove wood the afternoon i was thrashing some peas little soft to thrash h.corkburn and I went down to mc beath a meeting for a {?} teachers i had the bugy some thunder last night

january 22nd

tuesday this was a dull mornin 6 little frost i was thrashing peas all day turn out a little stormy the afternoon little snow fallen turn out a very stormy night snowing and blowing.

january 23rd

wednesday this was a very cold and hard mornin the coldest morning {?} we have had this winter the wind has fallen very high wind last night i was about all foremoon the afternoon i went down to the blacksmith with 2 horses to get them sharped

january 24

thursday this was a very hard mornin the creek was frozen over had to bred ice befor we could water the horses mother and was cleanin peas put 10 bags it was very cold.

january 25th

friday this was a little mild mornin lick a change i went to h.corkburn thrashing all formonn with one {tern?} the i was at home all afternoon no frost to night

january 26th

saturday this was a dull morning a little snow fell last night no sleaying i went to guelph with the buggy mothers was alone with mc frezing to ngiht the snow about all day again good wheeling one the brock road

january 27th

sunday this was a fin mornin but very hard frost little cold rachel & mother went to church that had the buggy I was house keping home out very dull.

january 28th

monday this was a fine mornin but very hard frost i was thrashing some peas w.amos a roberston came to chop some hemlock

january 29th

wednesday this was a dull morning and hard frost and very cold i went to guelph with a load of pead and 2 bags of wheat for a {?} I had 14 bags of peas 30 bushels sold at 60c pr bushels i got home about 4 o'clock turn out a little stormy the afternoon and very cold.

january 31st

thursday this was a stormy mornin and very cold all day blowing very hard frost turn out a very stormy night snowing and blaury

march 27th some of the they time up

february 1st

friday this was a settled mornin it snow and blow all night drifting the {doors?} was block up i was about all foremoon clearing up the afternoon i went down to the mill with a gust and 3 bags to chop and 2 bags of wheat good sleaying some part know.

february 2nd

saturday this was a fine mornin went to guelph with a load of wood good sleaying the most of the road I got about 4 loads 9 sold it for $2.50 per demand for wood it was a fine day little warm

february 3rd

sunday this was a fine mornin we was all at home to very hard frost

february 4th

monday this was a fine mornin I went to guelph with a load of wood to sold it $2.50 i got home about 12 clock the afternoon I was drawing some wood out to the brockroad good sleaying some parts

february 5th

tuesday this was fine mornin the snow meeting away I was in the swamp geting out some poll to mack a new rack the afternoon i went to guelph with the one got up about 3 o'clock the weight of was 1725 lbs.

february 6th

wednesday this was a fine mornin i went to guelph with h.corkburn and sold the ox to ws bain for $55 made only $15 on him por way to make money the snow going away very fast

february 7th

thursday this was fine morning very warm all day i was making a wood rack the afternoon I went down to the mil for the rye flour {?} sleaing {?} one the brick road it melted away fast to day m mrs kers was here this afternoon

february 8th

friday this was a dull morning no frost thawing all day raining a little the afternoon i was hailing home the pine out of h corkburn swamp 3 load and 1 load out of the bush and making roads

february 9th

saturday this was a {?} morning i was thrashing some peas the afternoon i went down to morston we had some snow last night for sleaying the most of the roads in bar

february 10th

sunday this was a blowing and snowing and drifting I had to make a road to the yard the snow was about 8 feet deep at the dor anf the turnip was cover we was all at house it drifted the most of the day and cold and very hard frost.

february 11th

monday this was a settled morning but very cold and hard frost I went to the bush for a load of wood the snow was very deep some part the afternoon i went to guelph with a load of wood it was dry pine took it to ms goldie mills son parts of the brick road {bank?}

february 12th

tuesday this was a fine morning I went to guelph with a load of wood slaying not good little cold and hard frost dull to night

february 13th

wednesday this was a dull morning it was clear up turn out warm the snow going away i went to guelph with 2 loads of wood the slaying very poor pretty tuff pulling no frost last night

february 14th

thursday this was a dull morning and dull all day I was {hauling?} out the wood out of the bush took home 3 loads I took the sow to the bar this foremoon mr gillist left his sow tock the bar

february 15th

friday this was a fine morning i was {hauling?} home the wood out of the bush took home 5 loads little warm good slaying to the bush like a change

february 16th

saturday this was a mild morning I was hailing home the wood took home 4 loads got it all home 10 loads of hemlick the afternoon i was thrashing some peas.

february 17th 73

sunday this was a dull morning came on snow it snow all foremoon the afternoon turn warm it was {thawy?} we was all at home to day

february 18th

monday this was a very cold morning and very hard frost i went to guelph with a load of wood poor slaying good many parts of the road base the afternoon i went for the sow

february 19th

tuesday this was a cold morning and very hard frost i went to guelph with a load of wood hard pulling the afternoon i was working about the building very cold

february 20th

wednesday this was a fine morning it fell about 4 inches of snow last night i was thrashing some peas the afternoon i went to guelph with a load of {?} it turn out warm the snow was about all gone when i got to guelph the horses had some hard pulling stuck on the ralway some men helped me of it was a mud rid coming home the snow went away very dort mary could call we this afternoon went 7 days

february 21st

thursday this was a dull morning turn out a soft day it rain all day and blow and freezing a little i was thrashing some peas the afternoon i was making a axe handle it was a soft night and high wind

february 22nd

friday this was very soft morning it rain all day the men about all good the former I went down to the port crippe with a letter for hamilton the afternoon mother and I was cleaning peas very soft to night no slaying me the brick road.

february 23rd

saturday this was a dull morning it was thawing all day and showers of snow all day i was working about all day filling the chap beach and fixing the cattle hard frost to night

february 24th

sunday this was a dull morning we was all at home no slaying to guelph it was hard frost and a little cold

february 25th

monday this was cold morning and hard frost i took over 2 loads of stove to mrs w. corkburn to pay buck some i got last year the afternoon i was thrashing some peas very windy to night and cold

february 26th

tuesday this was a fine morning and a little warm all day the sun was melting the snow away i was thrashing peas all day m.h.cork

february 27th

wednesday this was a fine morning not very hard frost very warm all day i was thrashing peas all day very clear withers lick april

february 28th

thursday this was a fine morning like a spring day i was thrashing peas all day got {?} thrash very warm all day.


march 1st

friday this was a dull morning like a change very cold and hard frost mother and i was cleaning peas all day put up 14 bags very dull to night

march 2nd

saturday this was very dull morning rang a little all day we was cleaning some oat like a storm long of coming

march 3rd

sunday this was a very dull morning mother and i went to guelph to church our sacrement mrs {lcrramie?} preached in st john 21 c 28 vc the couch was muddy and soft it was raining a little all day

march 4th

monday this was a cold morning and hard frost i was about all foremoon the afternoon i went to the blacksmith and at the {shoe?} a ice with john both very cold to night

march 5th

tuesday this was a fine day i was spliting some wood i had a door back thawing all day getting very muddy went very like a change

march 6th

wednesday this was a fine morning very warm all day this was the fair day it took like a april fair day the rouch it cuting up very bad i was spliting some stone wood all day some thunder to night.

march 7th

thursday this was a dull morning thunder a little this morning john and i went at h.corkburn this foremoon we left about 3 o'clock we had a habery shower of rain to day

march 8th

friday this was a fine morning little frost this morning i went to guelph the rouch was back i had 8 bags of peas and 5 bags of oats i got home about 5 o'clock mrs charles corkburn was here this afternoon this was like a day in the month of may very warm

march 9th

saturday this was a fine morning it was very warm all day mother went to guelph the rouch is bad i was at home splitting some stove wood mrs charles corkburn was here this afternoon and {?} mc beath this day took like a may day some people ploughing in the country

march 10th

sunday this was a dull morning mother and i went to churchthe roach was very muddy it kept up all day strange mindles was preaching

march 11th

monday this was a fine day little warm i was hailling some wood to the road the afternoon i went down to the blacksmith and a fair mc beath, charles corkburn was up on a drive no {tea the salt?}

march 12

tuesday this was a dull morning and dull all day like a change i went to guelph with a load of wood the roach was bad good many farmers ploughing know the snow all gone

march 13th

wednesday this was a dull morning it came on snow it snow all foremoon and thaw rain some other afternoon i went down to the blacksmith the afternoon with one horse the roach is unpassable with mud

march 14th

thursday this was snowing and raining most all foremoon mothers and i was cleaning some oats we clean up 45 bushels and 10 bushels of rye and i was spliting some stone wood

march 15th

friday this was a fine morning a turn out very warm all day i was fixing up gates and spliting some stove wood and {?} up the shade mrs flowers was here this afternoon

march 16th

saturday this was a dull morning came on some rain the foremoon about 12 o'clock i was at the apple tree fixing the apples i went down to the P.O. and blacksmith the rouch is very bad very muddey very dull to night h.corkburn was here little while.

march 17th

sunday this was a dull morning we was all at home it turn out a fine day we was all at home

march 18th

monday this was a warm day i was about all foremen i went to guelph with a load of wood the road is bad got home about 7 o'clock j.straw no more this spring got settled about the wood i had 12 1/2 {coroh?}

march 19th

tuesday this was a dull morning rain and snowing a little it fair up turn out a good day but cold i was about all day at home made a cost for hugh

march 20th

wednesday this was a very hard frost this morning i went away to look for the sheep got them all but one i got them back john switchburge it was a fine day i hire a {boy?} today

march 21st

thursday this was a dull morning it was snowing a little i was about home all foremoon the afternoon i went to mr kess rachel and migs and hugs along with me the road was bad

march 22nd friday this was a fine morning hard frost i was woring about home all day it was a fine day.

march 23rd

saturday this was a cold morning i was at home all day little frost this morning mother went to guelph mary {?} was along with his high wind all day drying the land very fast very like rain to night

march 24th

sunday this was a very cold morning mother went to church the day turn out very cold

march 25th

monday this was a cold morning and hard frost h.corkburn and I went to w.geasey sale it was very cold all day

march 26th

tuesday this a fin morning hard frost we was cleaning some wheat for a grist the afternoon I went down to the mill with grist gossent agent was here and sold me a plough for $15 pay able the first of december the boy came this morning

march 27th

wednesday this was a dull morning i went to the bush with the boy the boy was choping the afternoon I went to mr gilchrest with the saw the 2 hime came on harey thunder and lighter and some rain I went down to the {?} the saw

march 28th

thursday this was a very soft morning it rain very heavy and turn out snow storm it fair up about 3 o'clock selvester and i cleaninng seed spring wheat and he was spliting some stove wood.

march 29th

friday this was a fine morning but very hard frost {?} and i went to the bush we had the saw and was cross cutting all day and chopping down it was a fine day

march 30th

saturday this was a dull morning mother and I went to guelph we got home about 3 o'clock it turn very cold and windy vester was spliting wood in the bush very dull to night

march 31st

sunday this was very dull morning we was all at home today it turn out a good day


jessie rachel jeffrey born april 16th 1878

april 1st

monday this was a fine morning {?} and i was in the bushes all day we have put 5 1/2 cords of wood it was very warm all day mr and mrs bain was here at danne today they went to h.corkburn

april 2nd

tuesday this was a fine morning I start selvester to plough the turnip land for spring wheat i was working about, star called last night doing well

april 3rd

wednesday this was a fine morning i went to guelph with h.corkburn i had the ram up sold him for $6 {me?} sale for them selvester was ploughing all day

april 4th

thursday this was a fine morning the {heffes?} got seek i went over for h.corkburn and we billed to a {playful?} from her the afternoon i went for mr ord to doctor her we had to got to got to the post office for meadsen I {?} home ms ord i got home about 9 o'clock

april 5th

friday this was a fine morning i was sowing clover in the fall wheat the afternoon i was planting some trees and went down to ms ord to let him know about the cow she getting better.

april 6th

saturday this was a dull morning mother and i went to guelph i grought home the table set home about 10 o'clock high wind i went home h.corkburn {bouggy?} selvester was ploughing all day jessie rachel

april 7th

sunday this was a fine morning mother and I went to church it was a very high wind and cold mr lorrance preached in {?} 26 c 6 v.. little warm the afternoon

april 8th

monday this was a fine morning i was fixing the pump i had to go down to the shoe maker for a small pease of leather for the pump the afternoon i saw about 7 bushels of oats and was horraw them selvester was ploughing the foremoon the afternoon he was harrow for the spring wheat

april 9th

tuesday this was very dull morning it came on rain about 8 o'clock i was cultaviting the oats it fair up about 1 o'clock {?} went to the plough a little while the afternoon

april 10th

wednesday this was a dull morning it was showers all day selvester was ploughing i put on a load of chip the afternoon showers all day.

april 11th

thursday this was a fine morning i went to h.corkburn for the drill to saw the wheat got the perfect all done saw about 10 bushels took home the drill to night selvester was sick all day not working today

april 12th

friday this was a fine morning high wind and cold i was roling the spring wheat and some oats vests was harrow about all day

april 13th

saturday this was a cold morning i saw 6 1/7 bushels of peas vests was {can?} ploughing them the afternoon i was {can?} ploughing them vests was ploughing back at the bush

april 14th

sunday this was a fine morning mother and john went to church little cold but it was a fine

april 15th

monday this was a fine morning i saw 6 bushels of peas vests was ploughing i was ploughing in the peas it was a fine day

april 16th

tuesday this was a fine morning i was sawing oats p saw 15 1/7 bushels and saw 2 1/2 bushels of peas vests was harrowing all day i was {gan?} play the peas the afternoon rachel turn sick the afternoon i went for the doctor at night befor =e we can she had a young daughter about 9 o'clock ms h.corkburn her.

april 17th

wednesday this was a fine morning i got all the peas sawin i {ganplaws?} the them in {vest?} was harrow the foremoon the afternoon he was ploughing for the spring i save 5 1/2 bushels of peas all the peas in little bit to plough in very warm rachel im proving

april 18th

thursday this was a fine morning i was ploughing in the last of the peas brock the {ganplough?} i had to go the blacksmith to it first the afternoon i was ploughing for the spring wheat verte was ploughing all day very warm rachel is going better mr & mrs h.corkburn was here tonight

april 19th

friday we had some heavy rain last night some showers this morning we was ploughing all foremoon the afternoon i saw 5 1/7 b. of spring wheat verte was harrow dull to day rachel is getting better

april 20th

saturday this was a dull morning we had a very heavy thunder last night and a very heavy rain pour down i went to guelpb with the buttler for growrs got home about 12 o'clock i had a shower going up it clear up turn out very windy the afternoon i was about the done all afternoon veste was ploughing all day it was very soft the land

april 21st

sunday this was a fine morning high wind all day we was all at home rachel is on the way of getting better mr & mrs h.corkburn was here this afternoon

april 22nd

monday this was a dull morning vester went to the harrow i was putting up fences came on rain about 9 o'clock and rain all day thunder & lightning vester went down with star to the blacksmith shop to get 2 shoe moved

april 23rd

tuesday this was a very dull morning i went down to the mill with 3 bags of peas & barley to chop got 2 shoe moved after danel we put the young cattle in the bush and went around the fences after that we took out 4 loads mauuar 2 was very went raining some times

april 24th

wednesday this was a dull morning we was taking out {mouuar?} got 4 loads the old wagon rain & thunder lightning i went down to mc {?} with the wheat came on heavy thunder and rain thunder showered all vester was working about the yard

april 25th

thursday this was a settled working i saw the new land 5 bushels of oats vester was harrow the afternoon i was harrow the peas the land is soft up john is a little sick to day rachel is sitting.

april 26th

friday this was a dull morning i went to harrow but it to soft to work on vester was hailing out mauuer all day the afternoon i was spreading mauuer vester went mc machan with a cow to the bull charles corkburn was here this morning visiting we had some showers to day 8 loads

april 27th

saturday this was a dull morning turn out warm very dull some him sick rain i was ploughing all day for the barley vester was hailing out mauuas all day 8 loads

april 28th

sunday this was a dull morning i went to church i had a shower coming out of guelph mr lorrance preached in roman 4c,, 16 b,,, rachel is beginning to sit up now getting stronger we had a very heavy rain to night

april 29th

monday this was a soft morning it rain about all day vester and i was turning the potatoes over the afternoon we was working about the yard very dull to night

april 30th

tuesday this was a fine morning we was taking out mauuer all day too out 13 loads the leaves was bad we planted some potatoes the garden put them in with the {ganplough?} is was a fine day.

may 1st

wednesday this was a fine day we was ploughing all day for the barley the land is drying dull tonight rachel about all better

may 2nd

thursday this was a soft morning it fair up about 9 o'clock we was out and sprade mauuer after that we went to the plough turn out very warm like a change to night very heavy thunder tonight about 9 o'clock and lighter like a storm

may 3rd

friday this was a dull morning i went down to the blacksmith to get a shoe put on vester was ploughing came on rain about noon it was soft all afternoon we have has a grate let of rain this week back the land is soft now

may 4th

saturday this was a dull morning it was raining a little mother went to guelph vester was ploughing i was about home i was bad cold turn out a fine day i was fishing up a gate in the {partorfield?}

may 5th

sunday this was a fine morning we was all at home i had a bad cold all {sor?}.

may 6th

monday this was a fine morning it was drying up again i saw 10 bushels of barley and 2 1/2 bushels of oats and i ploughing the in vester was harrow the barley little warm today

may 7th

tuesday this was a soft morning raining it fair up i went down with charles colt to mc donald partos it turn out very warm the afternoon i was harrow the potatoes land i set vester to role the barley it turn out dull to night came on very heavy thunder and lightning and heavy rain tonight

may 8th

wednesday this was a dull morning we clean up a grist and i went down to the mill and i got 2 shoe set the afternoon we took in the stack of hay we got it in time came heavy thunder and lightning and heavy rain it is a soft spring i was at home mc leain and got the baby

may 9th

thursday this was very dull morning raining it fair up drying fast the afternoon i was drilling for mang of vester was taking out mauuer 6 loads we put on a load of hay this morning.

May 10th

Friday this was a fine morning little cold we Had a Heavy shower today I was {cousins?} the {manuer?} Vester was Hailling out manuas 6 loads the afternoon I was {illegible} the mandal put in one lbs of seed and finished them very cold toNight

May 11th

Saturday this was a fine morning But very cold I went to Guelph with a load of hay sold it at $10.50 per ton Vester was {picking storm?} it was cold all day

May 12th

Sunday this was a cold morning I went to Church the Roads was good Mr Lorranc Preached im {pralorm?} 73.. 10 14

May 13th

Monday this was a cold morning very Hard frost. I sow 4 Bushels of Oats and Plough them in and Harrow Vester was Ploughing all day Ru Amos Came for some Hay got 500 lbs

May 14th

Tuesday this was a fine morning But Very Hard frost I was Ploughing all foremoon Vester was Ploughing all day the Afternoon I was Rolling the Oats and the field of Hay wa got all the field plough at last some of it is very soft yet.

{In left corner: 90} May 15th

Wednesday This was a fine morning the frost is not so very hard last night I sow 8 Bins of Barley got all Don the mess trim. Vester was Harrow all day the Afternoon I was Drilling for the Potaties it was a fine Drying day little warm

May 16th

Thursday This was a fine morning, a little frost I was Driling for Potaties Vester was not working to day the Afternoon I was Baling the Barley it was a fine day

May 17th

Friday This was a fine morning Vester was Haulling out manuar {above: Cloud} I was loading and Cuting Potatoes all forenoon the Afternoon we was Planting Vester and John Vanflet was Planting Put in 7 baskets.

May 18th

Saturday This was a fine morn no frost Vester was Haling out Manuar {above: 6 louds} we was loading and cuting all Potaties the Afternoon we got them all Planted & Bushels. Very warm Mother was at Guelph

May 19th

Sunday this was a Dull morning Mother and John was at Guelph Cam on very soft raining the Afternoon

{In right corner: 91} May 20th Monday This was a Dull morn we was clening Wheat I went Down to the Mill with 5 Bags of Spring Wheat 10 1/2 Bushels We had Som very Havey Thunder and Lightning Havey rain the Afternoon I was working at the Creek Bailing up the Water for Washing the Sheep Cam on rain and Thunder About 4 Clock Vester was tacking out Manuar got 3 louds

May 21st Tuesday This was a fine morning We was tacking out Manuar all day tack out 14 louds little Cold Windy all day Drying to day

May 22th Wednesday This was a fine morning and a Warm day tacking out manuar all day the Afternoon I went to H. Cockburn to Help him with the Sheep Cliping got don about 5 Clock Vester tack out 13 loads {below line: Star tack the Horse}

May 23th Thursday This was fine morning Very warm we was tacking out Manuar all forenoon (above line: 5 louds} the Afternoon We was washing the Sheep Hock was Helping me got Don About 4 C

May 24th Friday This was a fine morning We was tacking out Manuar all forenoon 6 louds Vester was all Afternoon I was Planting som {Potities?} I Went Down to the Blacksmith to get a {Thee Lut?}

{In left corner: 92} May 25th

Saturday This was a fine morning We was tacking out manuar out About all day got it all out for the Turnips tack up a loud of Manuar to Mrs W Cockburn Garden and I Plough it tack out 7 louds. Mother was at Guelph

May 26th

Sunday This was fine morning {above line: 58 + 58 + 29 = 145} little Cold Mother and Migs and I went to Church Mr. Terrence Preached {below line: 22 1/2 + 37 1/2 = 60}

May 27th

Monday This was a Very Cold morning frost I was Sprading Manuar about all forenoon the Afternoon I went Down to Morston for a Shear and a Meeting About the {Scholl?} Master House. Vester was Ploughing

May 28th

Tuesday This was a Cold morning little frosty I was Sprading Manuar the Afternoon I Shearing the Sheep H. Cockburn was Helping me Vester was {above line: Ploughing} {below line: Vester left me to Night}

May 29th

Wednesday This was a fine morning little Cold I was Sprading Manuar F. Cockburn Was Plouging all day and I was Ploughing the {above line: Afternoon}

May 30th

Thursday This was a fine Morning I got all the Turnips land and Harrow and the Potaties the Afternoon I sow the flax Seed and Harrow it

May 31th

Friday This was a fine morning This was our Sacrament Mother and Migs and I went to Guelph got home About 2 Clock

{In right corner: 93} 1878 {feather illustrations around the year}

June 1th

Saturday This was a fine morning I went to Guelph with loud of Hay I had 20 Hundred 70 lbs Sold it at $9 + 50 c pr ton

June 2th

Sunday This was a fine morning Mother and I went to Church our Sacrement Mr. Terrence Preached it was very Hot and Dusty

June 3th

Monday This a Dull morning I sow the Corn and Plough it in We {Harll?} a Havey Shower of rain I got the corn finished I went Down to A. Smith to Pay the Bull Money and Went round to H. Cockburn to take Mom Rachel and the Children She was there all Afternoon

June 4th

Tuesday This was a Cold morning I went to Guelph with the Wool and 7 bags of Oats got home About 2 Clock after that I was Harrow the Turnip land Sold the Wool for 23 C Pr Pound oats at 30c Pr Bushel

June 5th

Wednesday This was a Cold morning I was Picking {Stone?} of the Turnip land and Rolin it the Afternoon I was Cuting the Rye out of the fall Wheat H. Cockburn & Sam Helping me to Loud the {Micher?}

{In left corner: 94} June 6th {pencil doodle of the face of a man to the right of the date}

Thursday This was a fine morning I start of to Dundas with the Michen got Down at 12 Clock I Start for Hamilton on the 5 Clock train I was in Hamilton all NIght My Horses was all Night in Dundas the Roads was Ruff took me 6 Hours to go Down at Mrs C. Cockburn all Night {below line: frost last Night}

June 7th

Friday This was a Dull morning I came in this morning to Dundas I start for hom About 12 Clock got hom About 9 Clock I got a New Michen and the Mower repard.

June 8th

Saturday This was a Dull Morning We Had a little rain last Night I was About the yard all forenoon the Afternoon I was Cuting out the Rye out of the fall Wheat. Mother was at Guelph to day. Mr. and Mrs Herr was hear this Afternoon to tea H. Cockburn and Son came to Night to Help me to get the Michen of Very Cold all day

June 9th

Sunday This was a fine morning We was all at hom We had all a Bad Cold I have a Cold Hugh has a Bad Cold

June 10th

Monday This was a fine morning I was Drilling About all day. S sow Som Turnips after tea We had som rain this Afternoon

{In right corner: 95} June 11th

Tuesday This was a Dull moning turn out warm I was Drilling got it all Don I was sowing the Turnips Cam on rain About 3 OClock got About an Acre to sow yet

June 12th

Wednesday This was a fine morning I was Ploughing the fallow the Afternoon I was gon ploughing the Turnips and Sow Peas & Oats in after that I sow the last of the Turnips) 2 {illegible} {below line: Star tock the Horse}

June 13th

Thursday This was a fine morning We start the Labour 2 day We went to the furnel the Afternoon F. Baily H. Cockburn and I went to Guelph with them. F. Cockburn Driving the {tem?} {above line: {1/c dy?}}

June 14th

Friday This was a fine Morning I was at the Labour all day Frank Cockburn was Driving the {tem?} one day Very Hot all day Mr. & Mrs McBeath was her {tonight?} Afternoon Mr. Barn took Away 2 lam

June 15th

Saturday This was a fine Morning I start for Carlile With C. Cockburn Mare I left him for About 3 week got hom About 4 Clock Very Warm all day and it turn out Dull to Night {diarist drew a line between this line of text and the next} C. Cockburn Mair to the Horse this morning

{In left corner: 96} June 16th

Sunday This was a fine morning Mother and John went to Church Very Warm. I have a Bad Cold Very Warm

June 17th

Monday This was a fine Morning I was fixting a fence the forenoon the Afternoon I went to the fallow Very warm to day

June 18th

Tuesday This was a fine Morning I was Ploughing all day at the fallow Very Warm all day William {Wooch?} Cam this Afternoon we Put on a load of Hay Aftern tea

June 19th

Wednesday This was a fine Morning I went to Guelph With a load of Hay I had 1700 lbs on Sold it fer $10 Pr ton William was Ploughing all day at the fallow Very Hot all day

June 20th {In left margin: 10 + 37 + 6 = 53}

Thursday This was a fine Morning William and I was Ploughing all day at the fallow it is Very dry and Hard Very Hot all day

June 21th Friday This was a Very Dull morn We had a little Shower of rain last NIght it was Dull all day and Very warm all day William and I was Ploughing all day at the fallow Dry and Hard. Mrs Flemming was hear to tea to Night.

{In right corner: 97}

June 22th

Saturday This was a Dull morning Dull all day Very warm all day we was Ploughing all day cam on Havey rain About 4 Clock it Stop us from Ploughing all finished But one End land

June 23th

Sunday Very Dull this morning raining al little we was all at hom

June 24th

Monday This was a fine morning William was finished the Ploughing and Start the Harrows all day I was Cruffler the Potaties and Howing them Very warm

June 25th

Tuesday This is a fine Morning I was Howing the Potaties I got them all Don William was Harrow all fornoon the Afternoon We we Cutting Thristles I went Down to the Blacksmith to get 2 shoe Move?

June 26th

Wednesday This was a fine Morning Mother and I went to Guelph got hom About 3 O Clock Very warm William was Cutting Thristles all day it was Very warm all day

June 27th

Thursday This was Very fine Morning William and I was fixting the line fence all day Very Hoot to day We got all the fence all don

{In left corner: 98}

June 28th

Friday This was a Very Hot day I was About all fornoon the Afternoon I went down to the School Erc {above line: ion} Mother was thur and Migs all fornoon I had Hugh Along with Me William was Cuting Thrisles all day Very Hot

June 29th

Saturday This was a Very Hot day William and I was {Howing?} the Mangler. the Afternoon We was working About the {Dars or Oars?} grinding the Mowing {Knives?} Mr Barn Boy Cam and got 2 lams Away Very Hot to day

June 30th

Sunday This a Very Hot day Rachel and I went to Guelph got the Baby Christin it was a Very warm day

{In right corner: 99}


{sketch of a flower}July 1st{sketch of a feather}

Monday This was a very warm Morning I Start the Mower to Cut the Hay got a Smill Part Cut Down it was Hot. William was at Guelph.

July 2th

Tuesday This was a Very Hot Morning little Dull to day But Very Warm I was Cuting Som Mor Hay the fornoon William was at the Blacksmith with Jack Horse the Afternoon was at the Fallow gon ploughing Cam on a Havey Thunder Shower About 3 O'Clock rain Very Havey

July 3th

Wednesday This was a Dull Morning little rain last Night I was Crufling the Turnips and Seting up the Potatios Very Warm William was Ploughing at the fallow

July 4th

Thursday This was a Dull Morning I was Crufling the Turnips Very Warm I Went Down to the Black Smith to get 2 Shoe Moved and the Cuffle iron repar this morn

July 5th

Friday This was a fine Morning Very Warm all day the Hay was Drying Very Hot I was Working Among the Hay the Afternoon I was Cuting Som Mor William Start to Racke the Afternoon I was {PAling?} it up.

July 6th

Saturday This was a fine Morning I Start for Carlile this Morning About 4 OClock for the Mare got hom at 12 OClock the Afternoon took in 3 louds of Hay it Was Very Hot all day, after tea we was Racking and Killing it up

July 7th

Sunday This was a Very Warm Morning we was all at hom it was to Hot to go to Guelph

July 8th

Monday This was a Soft Morning raining Very Havey it fair up William went to the fallow and I was Thining Turnips the Afternoon I was Morning Som Mor Hay got all the Midle feld Down after tea We was Thining Turnips we Had a Havey Shower to Night.

July 9th

Tuesday This was a Dull Morning I was Mowing all fornoon William was finished the fallow the Afternoon tack in 3 louds of Hay After tea William went with a Cow to the Bull I was Puling up Kills

July 10th

Wednesday This was a Dull Morning we Had a litle Shower we tack in 2 louds and William Start to Rack got it all Rack up that was cut the Afternoon we tack in 4 loud

July 11th

Thursday this was Dull morning

William went with a {illegible} to the Bull the lark in 2 touch of hay turn out very Dull. I can in a heavy rain {illegible} Afternoon very Dull to {Illegible}

July 12th

Friday this was a soft mornin! it {illegible} About noon - tho Afternoon I went Down to the Mill with 3 bags of Wheat for a {Illegible} William was at the {Illegible}

July 13th

Saturday this was a fine morning. I {Illegible} all day at the miller sat the Creck field Dawn after ten {Illegible} 2 touch of Hay. William {Illegible} rannd the fence {illegible} and {Illegible} Sam hay and at the {Illegible} Me then was at Guelph

July 14th

Sunday this was a fine mornin, I am and I went to Church it was very Hot all day. Cloudy Thunder Looking Hot Hot.

July 15th

Monday this was a fine morning the {shift to?} Rack the Creck field the mud the 2 Racks at it and the set it all Rack and set-in 6 touch in the Stack. Very warm all day David {illegible} got a mill load of hay

July 16th

Tuesday this was a fine morning. We work in the last of the Creck field 2 load the Afternoon I got it all moved William was at the {Illegible}

July 17th

Wednesday this was a fine morning But very warm the {Illegible} at the {Illegible} all former the Afternoon the {illegible} the last of the Hay Rack up and the got it all in 3 touch {illegible} Sum Thunder little rain. Hardley damp the ground it is very Hot {Illegible} 28 loads of Hay in 1878 8 load in the stack

July 18th

Thursday this was a fine morning we work at the {Illegible (repeats multiple times)} About all day cam on a very Haveey rain today at fair up and cam on Very havey rain After tea got {Illegible} William {Illegible} down at the Black Smith

July 19th

Friday this was a fine morning we work at the {Illegible (repeats multiple times)} to 10Clock after that We start the Hervest got the {Illegible} Started doing well Put 73 shocks, very hayey lying Down

July 20th

Saturday this was a fine morning We was at the Wheat all day with the {Illegible} We put up 87 shock. Very warm all day

July 21th

Sunday this was a Dull morning a Thunder Storm last Night and very high wind it was a {friday or fair day} Mother and Maggy was at Curch

July 22th

Monday this was a fine morning, But a very high Wind all day we was at the wheat all day Put up 99 shocks it was Blowin all day

July 23th

Tuesday this was a fine morning we was at the wheat cuting H Corkburn cam to help me to get the fall Wheat Down and we got it all Down About noon the Afternoon we took my {miller?) cuts to cut Hugh Corkburn thats Reper was out of Order

July 24th

Wednesday this was a fin morning Very havey {gur or yur?} I got another man this mornig and we all went {chez (at the house of}?) to H. Corkburn to help them and sat it all Down About 10Clock after that we Cam here to our {Turneps?} and was working about all afternoon

July 25th

Thursday this was a dull morning and Dull all day we was Hallrin ni Wheat took 7 louch ni Cam on rani About -5Clock turn out a Soft Night

July 26th

Friday This was a very Soft morning it rani {rain} Very havey all day it took up about the men went for 2 loads of Rails to fixt the fence I was seak all day I lay Down all day

July 27th

Saturday this was a fin morning Fine drying day we was all at the {Turneps?} to 9Clock after that we start to Cut Down Sam Oats thay was lying down Prety bad We put up 86 shocks

July 28th

Sunday this was a fin morning Mother and John and Mags went to Guelph it was a fin drying day

July 29th

Monday this was a Dull morning we all went and put up the shocks and we start the Haill {Illegible} get in 7 louch of Wheat Dull all day lick rain little rain fell towards evenin Dull to to Night

July 30th

Tuesday this was a very dull morning raining a little all fornoon William went to the Blacksmith with two of the Horses Star and Tan At the Afternoon we was working at the {Turneps?} We start to Cradle Sam of the Barley John {Illegible} left. the today I went to money to se about Thrushing I went after lieu to park after Another man H. Frazs Sam {Illegible} to Morow {Illegible}

July 31th

Wednesday This was a Dull morning we was at the {Turneps?} and puting up the stock the Afternoon I was cuting down the barley and took ni 4 loads of Fall Wheat M Bani and John Jort from {Illegible} was hear {Illegible} this afternoon

F Wheat








{Drawings of what appear to be leaves}

August 1th

Thursday this was a fin morning {Illegible} rain Sam {Illegible} got all the Fall Wheat in 2 louch {load} and louch {load} of Oats fin Drying Afternoon

August 2th

Friday this was a fin morning I was Cuting Down the Barley got it all Down George was at the {Turneps?} the Afternoon we took in 3 loads of Barley

August 3th

Saturday this was a fin morning we was cuting Down the Spring Wheat I had {Illegible} Corkburn Helpin we get it all Down and took in 1 load of Barley very warm

August 4th

Sunday this was a Dull morning and soft we was working about the {illegible} a place for straw stack William went to {illegible} Sam {Illegible} the Afternoon {Illegible} very soft raining {Illegible} Dull

Overlapping text:

This was a fin morning Mother and I went to Guelph and mags was with us very warm

August 5th

Monday this was a dull morning and soft we was working about the {Illegible} a Place for the straw stack William was Cuting Sam spring wheat the Afternoon turn out very soft it thunder mort all day soft larkin all day

August 6th

Tuesday this was a Dull morning Very soft raining We start to Thrushing all {Illegible} the day was dull Dull and Soft Larkin, thrust was 114 Bushel of fall Wheat 14 Bushels of Oats the Afternoon we Cleaning up Barn floor and Puting up the stocks turn out a fin Drying Afternoon

August 7th

Wednesday This was a fin morning High Umid I got all the Spring Wheat Cut the Afternoon we work in {Illegible} bleach of Spring Wheat

August 8th

Thursday this was a fin morning We got all the Barley in 2 loads and all the Spring Wheat 4 loads Very windy today

August 9th

Friday this was a fin morning I was Cuting Down {sum gah?} the Afternoon we was Cradler the gah buck at the Bush gerge was Binding

August 10th

Saturday this was a fin morning we was Cradler Gah of forman William and I george was {Bindy or Windy?} all day William went to W Brother raising I was brindy the Afternoon turn out Dull Sum Thunder to Night

5 450



{Hand writing becomes slightly more legible and considerably thinner}

August 11th

Sunday this was a fin morning Mother and mig went to church it was Very Windy all day





August 12th

Monday this was a fin morning We was binding Oats and Cradle them got them all Down the Afternoon We took 3 loads of Oats after tea we got them all Bind it was a fin winding day

August 13th

Tuesday this was a fin morning {Smudge} We start to the {Illegible} I had the Horse ruck all day got the most of them up William and George was tacking them out of the way

August 14th

Wednesday this was a fin morning we finished the {Peas?} Pulling after that we start to thack in 3 loads of Peas turn out Dull cam on rain {hope us?}

August 15th

Thursday this was a dull morning Clear up William was gon {plaugh} george and I was turning peas the Afternoon we work in the peas 5 load got them all in

August 16th

Friday this was a dull morning Clear up a little we start tack in the Oats we had a shower today got got them all in 7 loads in today turn out a Grate Thunder Storm lightin and havey rain Charles Mary was her last night

August 17th

Saturday this was a fin morning george and I was at the {Turneph?} {Howing?} William was at the ganplaugh all day Charles Mary was her last night Havey rain last Night Thunder light

August 18th

Sunday this was a fin morning Very warm Mother John Hugh and I went to Church Dr Barrie was {Illegible} gave up in this Sermon

August 19th

Monday This was a Dull morning I went with a Heffer to the Bull it was raining a little I went to William Black {pen mark} and had to go to Peter Machan at last William was Plaughing all day after tea we took in {Illegible} load of Oats the last of our Harvest

August 20th

Tuesday this a fin morning I was cuting the Peas & Oats William was g Plaughing all the Afternoon I was Harroo the follow little Warm to day

August 21th

Wednesday this was a fin morning I was Druwning out the lunch in {Illegible} fellow William was finished the ganplaughing after tea we was clening sum wheat

August 22th

Thursday this was a fin morning we was tacking out manuar all day 12 load Very hot all day William was unloading manuar

August 23th

Friday This was a fin morning we was {handing} out menus all fornoon {load (written above the line}6

the Afternoon I was Racking up the Peas & Oats William was Plaughing for the seed after tea we lock in the Peas & Oats 1 load Very Hot all day

August 24th

Saturday this was a Dull morning I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat Sold it at at 93C Dr. B Mother and John was up with me we had Sum havey rain to day William was Plaughing

August 25th

Sunday this was a fin morning we was at ham to day little Call to day it rain a little last Night

August 26th

Monday this was a fin morning I clen sum Wheat 7 Bags and 3 Bags for a grint I took ham the 7 Bags of Wheat after only 90C I would not let them have it the Afternoon I was tucking out {Illegible} 4 loads William was Plaughing all day

August 27th

Tuesday this was a fin morning we was tacking out manuar all day 14 loads Very warm to day

August 28th

Wednesday this was a fin morning William was at Thee Paten Throng all day with the Horses I was Plaughing all day {Illegible}

August 29th

Thursday this was was a fin morning Tacking out manur all day got it all out 12 load very warm all Mr Bainwas her with lamb

August 30th

Friday this was a fin morning I went to Guelph I start About 5Clock for for the well Micheal got her About 12Clock I went to the Plaugh the Afternoon William was Seck all day

August 31th

Saturday this was a fin We went to H Corkburn Thrushing all day turn out a Very Soft Afternoon raining Havey the Night Mr H Corkburnis very {Perley?}

1878 September 1th

{Leaves drawn around first date}

Sunday this was a Dull morning Havey rain last Night we was all to ham

September 2th

Monday This was a fin morning I was at the Plaugh all day William was at hom all day at his Mother Thrushing all day Very warm and {Clore?} to day

September 3th

Tuesday This was a fin morning I went to Mr Fawbles Thrushing all day little Shower to day William was Plaughin all day turn out Dull to Night

September 4th

Wednesday this was a Dull morning we had sum rain last Night the {Rouch?} was Soft and Havey Mother and John and went to Guelph to get John Booth fit and to set Timothy Seed We had a little rain to day William was at Jeweler Thrushing all fornoon the Afternoon Plaughing went with {a cow?} to the Bull at Night

September 5th

Thursday This was a fin morning I start to saw all fornoon with the Seed Drill the Afternoon I was About the {Dors?} Charles Corkburn with me all Afternoon , William was {harrause?} and Plaughin all day Rachel and Mother was at Mc Beath the Afternoon very Warm

September 6th

Friday this was a fin morning I was Sowing all fornoon with the Drill William was Harrowing we was Plaughing the Afternoon got the field all Don it was very Hot to day

September 7th

Saturday this was a fin morning I was at the Harrow and Picking Stem of the fallow the Afternoon I got it all Sowen Put in 19{Illegible} Bushels in the field got it all finished William was Plaughing the Peas land for the fall Wheat I went with the Heffes to the Bull

September 8th

Sunday This was a fin morning We was all at hom to day it was Very Hot to day

Septmeber 9th

Monday this was a fin morning I went to Guelph with the well Diger things got hom About 12Clock the Afternon I was Plaughing William was Plaughing all day Very Hot

{4 tallies} September 10th

Tuesday This was a fin morning We was Plaughing all day very warm turn out a Soft Afternoon we was Clening Sum Wheat

{14 14 14 = 42}

September 11th

Wednesday This was a Dull morning we was Plaughing Cam on Rain About noon the Afternoon it rain {Illegible} all afternoon we got it all Plaugh for the Wheat

September 12th

Thursday This was a Dull and raining About all day I went Down to the Blacksmith to get 2 shoe {Illegible} of Star the Afternoon I went up to the Sale at the Government {Farine?} William was working about the Dors

September 13th

Friday this was very Soft morning and rain About all day and High wind very Havey rain William was at them all day I was About all day I was About all day every Place Cover with water

September 14th

Saturday This was a Dull morning I went to Guelph with the {Illegible} I got Sum havey rain going up got hom About 4 Clock I was getting the Clock fixt it Clear up and Drying up

September 15th

Sunday this was fin morning Mother and I went to Church little warm

September 16th

Monday This was a fin morning I saw 10 {Symbol or Fraction} Bushel of Fall wheat got all sowen William was herre the Afternoon I was sowing the Grass Seed and Helping Mr Bain with his lambs he was tacking down

September 17th

Tuesday this was a fin morning This was a Warm day I was working at the Carn William was finished the Harrow Cgarles Cam for me to go and bat at the Plan

September 18th

Wednesday This was a fin morning I went Down to Aferlyle for Charles C Colt Charles was her I went over to H Corkburn with him William was Plaughing the fornoon at the fallow the Afternoon we was working at the fork and Corn

September 19th

Thursday this was a fin morning I was Plaughing all fornoon the Afternoon I was Working about the Dors Turn out lick a Storm Dull to Night William was at the Show

September 20th

Friday this was a Cold morning after the Havey rain last Night I went to Guelpg show per turn out I went By the Plans to see Mr {Illegible} when those coming to thrush

September 21th

Saturday this was a fin morning little Cold I went to Guelph with 12 bags of Wheat for {Illegible} for it 90C Pr Bushel I got mor About 4 Clock

September 22th

Sunday this was a fin morning I was at hom no one at Church Mother was up with Mrs W Corkburn all Night She was very Bad all Night little Better this Morning

September 23th

Monday this was a fin morning I was at the Plaugh all fornoon the Afternoon I was at the Corn William and George was at H. Corkburn Thrushing all day with the {Illegible}

September 24th

Tuesday this was a fin morning I was Plaughing all fornoon the Afternoon george and I was at the {Patatier?} {Illegibel} Corkburn was helping and William was at hom at Soot Thrushin all day

September 25th

Wednesday This was cold morning and dull all day we was all at the Patatier all day got them all up Very lick rain it was Cold to day

September 26th

Thursday this was a dull morning I went Down to the Morster with 6 Bags of apples to Meek {Illlegible} the Afternoon I was Calling out the Hands for the Thrushing William was Harrow to Patatier land and Plaughing George was working About the Dors

September 27th

Friday this was a fin morning William and George was Plaughing all fornoon the Afternoon we was getting things ready for Thrushing George was Down at the Blacksmith with a Horse getting the hem fixt

September 28th

Saturday this a fin morning We was thrushing all day got all the Wheat Thrush

September 29th

Sunday this was a fin morning We was all at the hom to day the Horses was working hard a Saturday

September 30

Monday this was a Dull morning turn out a fin day and Very warm we was Thrushing all day got all Thrush Put up 116 Bushels of Barley and 278 Burd of Oats Thare were very Damp





October 1th

{Leaves drawn around first date}

Tuesday this was a fin morning I was all day at Hyde Thrushing all day George was at hom not very well Very warm tody

October 2th

Wednesday this was a fin morning I was Plaughing all fornoon the Afternoon I was tacking in apples took in 40 Palfull , Geroge was at Hyde Thrushing all day

October 3th

Thursday this was a fin morning we was plaughing all fornoon the Afternoon we was cleaning up Barley put up 16 bags bain took away all his lambs

October 4th

Friday this was fin morning We was plaughing all fornoon the Afternoon we was Cleaning up Sown Oats for the Show and was tacking in sum faluse and Corn

October 5th

Saturday this was a dull morning Mother and I went to Guelph I had a load of Barley 16 Bags 31 Bushels 32 lbs Sold it at 70PB I went down to the Waterloow Road and Bought Ram from T. Simra

October 6th

Sunday this was a fin morning Mother Migs and I was at Church Mr D. Beatt Preaches

October 7th

Monday this was a fin morning I went Mr Peter Thrushing all fornoon George went to the Thrushing the Afternoon we was Plaughing all fornoon I was Puting apples the Afternoon and went Down to the Afterlyle for my tickets for the Show

October 8th

Tuesday this was a fin morning Mother and family and I went to the Show I had the Ram and 2 Bushels of F wheat and Fouils I took 3 Prizes We had Butter George was at {Patom?} Thrushing all fornoon {he or we} was at the Show the Afternoon

October 9th

Wednesday this was a Dull morning Very High wind we had a Havey Shower of Rain I was at Mr C. Allree Thrushing all day George was Plaughin all day

October 10th

Thursday this was a fin morning Rachel and Baby and Mary Ames and I went to Bramosu We got hom About 9 Clock Mr {Illegible} Very Porley Goerge was Mr Alliée Thurshing all day

October 11th

Friday this was a Dull day I was Puting After George was Puting {Mangerl?} we took in the corn Cam on very Soft Night

October 12th

Saturday this was a fin Morning I was at Hugh Corkburn Thrushing all day I ahd the Horses . George was at Johnsten thrushing all day it was fin day

October 13th

Sunday this was fin morning Mother and John and I went to Guelph Mr Terrence Preched

October 14th

Monday this was a fin morning I was working About the Dors all fornoon The Afternoon we killed a Pig H Corkburn was Helping me George was plaughing all day Very warm

October 15th

Tuesday this was a Dull morning We had Sum Thunder and Lightin last Night I went Down to the Mill with a grint I went {Illegible} By H Corkburn took hom the Barle and a quarter of Pork. George was Plaughin the Mangols and Start the Turning

October 16th

Wednesday this was a Dull morning Mother and I went to Guelph I had 12 Bags of Wheat Sold it at 75C {Illegible} Bushels and Sold 6 Bags of After and I went down to the Mill for the grint George was Plaughing the fornoon the Afternoon he was at {Turnephs?}

October 17th

Thursday this was a Dull morning George and I was tacking in Mangol got in 2 loads Cam on rain we was Clening up Sum Wheat

October 18th

Friday this was a Dull morning But it clear up we was all at the Turneps all day Puling William Woods was Helping me day

October 19th

Saturday this was a fin morning We was all at the Turnephs Puling got them all up got in 2 loads of Mongols and 2 loads of Turneps turn out very cold W. Woods was Helping us to tack them up

October 20th

Sunday this was a fin morning Mother Migs and I went to Guelph to Church Strange Minster Preched and Mr Terrance

October 21th

Monday this was fin morning We was Haling in Turneps all day took in 8 load ver warm

October 22th {579 written in pencil}

Tuesday this was a fin morning We was Hailing in Turneps all day took in 7 loads {Illegible} as very smill it was a fin day

October 23th {Mr Terrance was Visting to day}

Wednesday this was a Soft Morning it rain a little all day I sent George to {Illegible} Blads thrushing all day and the Horse I was about hom all day Dull

October 24th

Thursday this was a fin morning I was working About the {Illegible} and tacking in 2 loads of Potatres and 2 loads of Turneps got them all in George wast J. Black Thrushing About all day I PaiD George of to Night

October 25th

Friday this was a fin morning I took in the last of the Potatres and caves up the Put the afternoon I was Clening Sum Wheat Mother was Helping mey Very Cold today

{I Put the Rum with the Wheat (in margins)}

October 26th

Saturday this a Dull morning I was About to Start for Guelph But Cam on rain and turn out a Soft day Ididnot get to Guelph I was working About {Illegible} puting up a Back House and Clening out the Pig pen raining Very Whet to Night H Corkburn was heer to little

October 27th

Sunday this was a Dull morning We was all at the hom the {Rouch?} in Very Soft

October 28th

Monday this was a fin morning little frost I was Plaughing all day at the Turnep land Snowing a little to Night

October 29th

Tuesday this was a fin morning a little Snow on the ground and hard frost I was Almost thrushing all day Dull to night

October 30th

Wednesday this was a fin morning little Cold I was at Amos Thrushing all day it was a Dun{Ilegible} Thrushing Peas About all day Dull to Night

October 31th

Thursday this was a Very Cold morning Sum rain last Night I was at Fowel Thrushing about all day it was a Cold day High Wind Miller Cam and Bought a fat Sheep for $4.50

Horses 400$ 4 Cows 120

Harness 25 5 Cattle 100

2 Wagon 75 4 Calvs 30

1 Sleigh 15 18 Sheep 104

Buggy 30 4 Pigs 16

Forks 2 4 ton of Hay 40

Racks 2 $ 410

Plaugh 30 $ 762

Harrow 10 __________

Whiffletree 3 $ 1172

Neck hook 2 30

Chains 2 10

Furnes 10 John Jeffrey ______

Bfork 1 $ 1212

S reper 100

Mower 30 John Jeffrey

Roles 10

Mill 4 Jo

Bleks 2

Turneps 2 John Jeffrey

Scuffles 2

Cultivales 5



November 1th

{Leaves drawn around first date}

Friday this was a very hard frost this morning I was work About the {Illegible} About all fornoon the Afternoon I was at the Plaugh very cold and very high wind

November 2th

Saturday this was a fin morning little Frost and Cold Mother and I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat and sold it at 73C Pr Bushel Cam on a Soft Afternoon it fair up About 3 Clock I was packing up the pig pemPut the fign in

November 3th

Sunday this was a very Hard morning Mother and went to Guelph to Church Mr B. Barrin Preched St Ich 21C 161718 Verces VEry Cold

November 4th

Monday this was a very Hard morning and Cold Mother and I was Clening Barley all fornoon Put up 21 Bags the Afternoon I went to the Plaugh very Cold and frezing all Afternoon

November 5th

Tuesday this was a fin morning But very Hard Frost I went to Guelph with a load of Barley Sold it at 42C Pr Bushel no market for Barley to day Down Mother and I Clean up 15 Bags of Wheat

November 6th

Wednesday this was a fin morning I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat Sold it at 82C Pr Bushel Mary Amos was Alonge with me it was very hard sum snow

November 7th

Thursday this was a Dull morning hard Forst very lick mor snow Cold all day I went Down to The Vilige and got hom Mother and I start to Clen Another load of Wheat put 16 Bags the Afternoon I was working About

November 8th

Friday this was a hard morning I was Plaughing About all day Mr Cassites Agent cam with a finning Will I bought it for 28$ for the old one

November 9th

Saturday this was a hard morning and Cold Mother and I was at Guelph a load of Wheat Sold it at 84C Pr Bushel got hom about 3 Clock

November 10th

Sunday this was a Dull morning We was all at hom to day it was Dry all day

November 11th

Monday this was a Dull day I went to the Plaugh all fornoon I was at it the Afternoon a little wind Cam on rain Soft Night

November 12th

Tuesday this was a fin morning But Dull I was at the Plaugh all day little Cold Sum Showers Dull at Night

November 13th

Wednesday this was a Dull morning I was at the Plaugh all day Very Cold Sum Showers of Snow We had sum rain last Night turn out very Cold to Night

November 14th

Thursday this was a fin morning But very hard frost Mother and was Cleaning Sum Wheat the Afternoon I went to the Plaugh little Hard at the Starting We had sum Snow last Night

November 15th

Friday this was a fin morning Hard frost I went to plaugh all day little Hard at the starting it was a little Cold today

November 16th

Saturday this was a Dull morning I went to the Plaugh all dayMother went to Guelph It was very Dull all day lick a Change lick a rain

November 17th

Sunday this was a very Dull morning Mother and I went to Church it rain last Night Mr Terrance Preched

November 18th

Monday this was a Dull morning I went to the Plaugh all day it was a fin day little Close and warm H. Corkburn was her to Night No front

November 19th

Tuesday this was a fin day little Warm I was Puting in Part and gote up and {pxting} the garden fence and Held a Sheep little Cold to Night no frost

November 20th

Wednesday this was a mild morning and Dull I was puting Shingles on the Barn and geting out Port to Prop up the Shade Havey Shower to Night the frost in the ground at all from Plaughing wither

November 21th

Thursday this was a fin morning I was working About the Dors all fornoon the Afternoon I was Plaughing with the Ganplaugh Very warm

November 22th

Friday this was a Soft morning and Cold all day the Afternoon I went to Mr Poton Sale he Se leave they got an he Clear out for the Water with 2 tems of Horses Very Soft and Windy

November 23th

Saturday this was a Winter Locking Morning I was about all day at hom Mother was at Guelph Very Cold all sum Snow fell last Night

November 24th

Sunday this was a fin morning But very Soft {Rouch?} Mother and I went to Church Mr Terrance Preched in Romans {6Cu 23?}

November 25th

Monday this was a Dull morning it was Snowing a little all day And Cold I was all day at H. Corkburn Thrushing get Rudy for Hamilton to Night

November 26th

Tuesday this was a fin morning I start for Hamilton got Down there About 4 o Clock the Afternoon the Rouch was very bad

November 27th

Wednesday this was a Dll morning in Hamilton I left Hamilton 11 o Clock got hom after 5 o Clock it rain all they way hom the Rouch was Hard and Ruft

November 28th

Thursday this was a Dull morning and Dull all day I was About hom all day Working About the yard

November 29th

Friday this was a fin morning I was working About all day Cutin sum Stove Wood Mother was at Guelph and fast day

November 30th

Saturday this was a fin morning Mother and I was working in the Barn Clening Wheat H. Corkburn was her to Night


December 1th

{Leaves around first date}

Sunday this was a fin morning Hard frost Mother went to Church I was at hom it was our Sacklement the days is Short it was Dull

December 2th

Monday this was a Soft morning it rain all fornoon kind a fort of the Afternoon I went to W Blain Sale it was very Mudy and Soft rouch to the Neis in Mud

December 3th

Tuesday this was a fin morning and turn out a fin day Sum Shining day I was all day at Hen House Clening and fixting turn out Dull to Night lick snow Cam on Snow About Dark

December 4th

Wednesday this was a Hard morning I was working About the Dors puting up a goos house and Clening out as out the Hen House

December 5th

Thursday this was a fin morning little Snow on the ground I was Thrushing Sum Peas Mother was at Guelph Mr H Corkburn went her it was the for day in Guelph

December 6th

Friday this was a fin morning Mother and I was Clening Peas the Afternoon I went Down to the Mill with 4 bags of Wheat for grint and 3 bags of Peas and Oats to Chop for the Cattle Rachel and the Baby went with me to Mr Beath

December 7th

Saturday this was a Dull morning Snowning a little {Illegible} {Staying} yet I was I was oiling the Harness the Afternoon I was working About I went Down to the Mill for the grint to Night the Brackload gorl Now gorl Wheally

December 8th

Sunday this was a fin morning very Hard frost good Whelling Mother and went to Guelph little Cold little Slipy Mr Terrance Preched in Ne 7C2U

December 9th

Monday this was a Winter Looking morning it fell About 4 Inches of Snow last Night and Snowing this morning I took in the Sleay out the first time this as fair in the school with John John Corkburn Cam and Helped me to kill the Pig turn out very soft and raining all Afternoon Soft Night

December 10th

Tuesday this was a Soft looking morning I went Down to the BlackSmith to get a Horse Should the afternoon Cuting up the Pig Very Soft all Afternoon Mother {Illegible} to the School for John

December 11th

Wednesday this was a fin morning I was working About the Dors fixting up the Seler Window it was Cold and Hard frost

December 12th

Thursday this was a fin morning I went Guelph Show to See the fat Cattle I had the Bugy {Illegible} Whelling got hom 4 Clock

December 13th

Friday this was a fin morning Cold and Hard frost I went for a load of wood I had the Sleay for Sleaying the Afternoon we went to H. Cockburn Rachel and family Visiting very Cold

December 14th

Saturday this was a Dull morning Mother and I went to Guelph it was Snowing turn out a Very Stormey day Snowing all day Blowing and Cold

December 15th

Sunday this was a winter looking morning we was all at hom little fall of Snow know

December 16th

Monday this was a Dull morning lick mor snow little Sleaying I took John out to the {Illegible} and went for a load of Wood Mr Bain was her this Afternoon I sold him 2 Sheep and one lamb and 7 Bags of Oats

December 17th

Tuesday this was a fin morning I went out to the School with John For Sleaying yet and was at the Blacksmith got a Horse Sherd the afternoon filling the Shaft Bead and Working About

December 18th

Wednesday this was a Cold morning and Hard frost I was working About the Dors the Afternoon Mother and I was Clening Sum Oats Put up 1 Bags

December 19th

Thursday this was a fin morning But a little Cold and Hard frost I was at Mrs W Corkburn Bee all day Peer Sleaying

December 20th

Friday this was a fin morning Cold and Hard frost Rachel and Migs and Baby and I went to scholes Oncamation got out Danes at Mr Jameson got hom About 3 O Clock

December 21th (4)

Saturday this was a Dull morning Snowing I went to Guelph with 10 Bags of Oats Mother and John was low to get a Par of New booth turn out a Storming Afternoon Par marcket {Illegible} turn and a Smill Prices 25C to 27C for Oats

December 22th

Sunday this was a Winter Looking morning we was all at hom it was a fin day not Bad Sleaying Know

December 23th

Monday this was a Cold and Stormey all day and Blowing Very Hard frost to day I was About hom all day Puting Sum Stove wood

December 24th

Tuesday this was a cold and Stormey all day and very High Wind Drifting all day I was About horm all day

December 25th

Wednesday this was a very stormy morning and Hard frost very Cold I went for a load of wood the Rouch in Badley Driffted up I was About hom all day Cuting Sum Stove Would the Afternoon

December 26th

Thursday this was a fin morning winter morning I start Haill hom the Wood took hom 3 load Bad Sleaying the Snow Drifted of Hills

December 27th

Friday this was a fin winter looking morning I was all day at the wood Hailling got hom 6 loads for Sleaying

December 28th

Saturday This was a fin winter looking Snowing a little I was Hailling went all day took hom 6 loads {Illegible} Sleay

December 29th

{21736 2713 24449}

Sunday this was a winter looking we was all at today to Cold to go to Church

December 30th

Monday this was a fin morning I was halling hom wood all fornoon got it all hom 4 loads the After Rachel and I went and Famlies went to Mr Ross got hom Art Darck John & Frank Corkburn was her to Night Cam with us in the Sleay Mrs Charles Corkburn was her to Night

December 31th

Tuesday this was a fin morning Frank Corkburn Cam to help me to Kill a Pig the Afterno I was Working About I went down with Mrs Charles Corkburn to Mr Beatt She was her all last Night

{Ink smudge}

1879 1879 1879


Wednesday this was a fin morning lick a Summer day I was Aboutt hom all day Rachel and I went up to Mrs W Corkburn About 2 Hours and we all went to H Corkburn to our tea at Night got hom About 10 O Clock

January 2th

Thursday this was a Stormey morning turn out a very Cors day Blowing Drifting all day I was Seting the {Illegible} and Saw Very Cold and Hard frost

January 3th

Friday this was a Very stormey morning and Storm all day and Cold I was geting my cut this Afternoon Mr Amos tom and I hand Mr Corkburn {Illegible} and 3 Hands and my soft 2 {Illegible} W Corkburn was helping me C M Beath and Mary and Margaret was her this Afternoon

January 4th

Saturday this was a stormey morning and Blowing I was About hom the Afternoon I went Down to Aberfay the lane was badley Drifted up I took the {Illegible} and Brock the lane open

January 5th

Sunday this was a fin Winter morning we was all at hom the Rouch was Drifted uo

January 6th

Monday this was a Settled morning I was Thrushing Peas all day little Cold to day and Hard frost

January 7th

Tuesday this was a mild morning lick a change Mother and I was Clening Put up 4 Bags to Chop I went Down to the Mill the Afternoon mill to Night

January 8th

Wednesday this was a fin morning I went to the school {Illegible} the Afternoon I was About hom good Sleaying know

January 9th

Thursday this was a fin Winter morning I went Down Mr Money Hotel with 2 fat Sheep for all Mr bain the Afternoon we was tacking in sum hay {Illegible} the Barn, Mig Amos & two Mig family her to Night

January 10th

Friday this was a fin morning But very Cold and Cold all day I was Thrushing Peas the most of the day


January 11th

Saturday this was a Dull morning Mother and I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat Cam on Snow it fair up About noon turn out a great Afternoon

January 12th

Sunday this was a fin morning Very Hard frost Mother and I went to Church Mr Terrance Preched

January 13th

Monday this was a fin morning Very Whit frost and Dull I took out a load of Wood to the Brookroad the Afternoon I went to Guelph with the Heffes to the Buchers thay Baugh his for $27 I got hom About 5 Clock

January 14th

Tuesday this was a very hard morning I was About all day Thrushing Sum Peas to day Very Cold

January 15th

Wednesday this was a very cold day and Hard Frost I was Thrush sum Peas About all day Dull to day Lick a Change I went down to the farm {Illegible} to Night

January 16th

Thursday this was a Stormey morning Snowing all Blowing I was Thrushing Peas to day Very Cold to day

January 17th

Friday this was a cold morning and Hard frost I was thrushing sum Peas the Afternoon Mother and I was Clening Peas put 8 Bags very cold

January 18th

Saturday this was a Dull morning little Stormey Mother and I went to Guelph I had 8 bags of Peas got hom About 2 O Clock turn out a fin Afternoon

January 19th

Sunday this was a Dull morning We was all at hom it was very Cold turn out Snowing the Afternoon

January 20th

Monday this was a fin morning David Woods and I was Choping Hemlock I went Down to the Blacksmith for the saw and Bring reper

January 21th

Tuesday this was a Dull morning Woods and I was Cros Cuting and Spliting all day Put About 3 corch it was very stormey About all day

January 22

Wednesday this was a fin morning woods and I was Spliting wood in the Bush all day very luck a change we got Don cut About 5 Corch of Hemlale {Illegible} Charles in that well

January 23th

Thursday I was working abou the dors all day it was a fair winter day I was fixting the wood rach Hugh Charles is no Better his neck sor Swell

January 24th

Friday this was a fin morning I went to Guelph with a load of Wood got hom About 2 Clock Hugh Corkburn and Mrs Corkburn was her this Afternoon Hugh Charles he Better get

January 25th

Saturday this was a fin morning Ver loick a Change I went Guelph with a load of wood got hom About 2 Clock Cam a Very Stormey About hom and Blow and Snow and Very Cold Stormey to Night Hugh Charles not any Better get

January 26th

Sunday this was a Dull morning we was all at hom turn out a little Stormey the Afternoon and Very Cold Hugh Charles ne Better

January 27th

Monday this was a Dull morning I went to Guelph with a load of wood it was {Tharwing?} all day and Cam on rain About non Hugh Charles ne Better

January 28th

Tuesday this was a fin morning the snow going away {Illegible} For sleaying Know I was Cuting a road through a Snow Drift at the Creek the Afternoon I went Down to Morster with Mother and Hugh Charles to the Doctor he was no Better

January 29th

Wednesday this was a fin morning Very warm melting the Snow {Illegible} I was Spliting sum Stove wood the Afternoon I went Down Earnest Seat Furnel lars Furnel to Be a young person 44 terms

January 30th

Thursday this was a fin morning I was in the Bush the most of the day macking Rouch for to get out the wood Charles Corkburn was her a little to Night Hugh Charles is getting better

January 31th

Friday this was a fin morning I was in the Bush choping Sum hemlock I Brock my axe Had to com hom Very Cold and lick a Storm

{In pencil}

October 26th Ram was put with the Sheep lack for the sheep lambing

About 21th of March

146 days

February 1th

Saturday this was a Cold and Stormey all day I went H. Corkburn went Cuting I had the 2 {Illegible} at it all Afternoon Cuting got it all Cut

February 2th

Sunday this was a Very cold and Hard morning we was all at hom to day

February 3th

Monday this was a fin morning I was I was About hom all fornoon the Afternoon I went to the Bush a little {Illegible} Chpoing Sum Hemlock Dull to Night 2 Buchers Cam and Bought the fat Cattle for $66-00

February 4th

Tuesday this was a fin morning I was About hom all day the Bucher Cam at hom and tack Away 1 Ster Payed me $35 on it

February 5th

Wednesday this was a Snowing morning and Snow most of the day I went up to Guelph with H Corkburn got about During

February 6th

Thursday this was a fin morning I was at hom all fornoon C Corkburn was her last Night he went to H Corkburn the Afternoon I went to Guelph with a load of wood

February 7th

Friday this was a fin morning I went Down to the Aberfayl with C Corkburn the Afternoon I was Hailing Sum wood out of the Bush {Illegible} one load to the Brookroad

February 8th

Saturday this was a fin morning Mother and I went to Guelph I had a Grist 3 Bags we got hom About 4 Clock I went {Illegible} to see H Corkburn he had a Sor Back the snow went away frost to day

February 9th

Sunday this was a cold morning Mother and I went to Church for Sleaying Again Mr Terrance Preched in {Illegible} 17 C 14 B turn out very Stormey

February 10th

Monday this was a fin morning I was About all fornoon thrushing Sum peas the Afternoon I was hailing out sum wood took out 3 loads one out to the Road Bucher Cam for the Ster

February 11th

Tuesday this was a dull morning and Dull all day Snowing a little I was Haling out wood and was over at H Corkburn with Rachel to see how he was he had a Sor Back he geting over it it Cam on a Stormey Afternoon Slet and Weat

February 12th

Wednesday this was a Cold morning Stormey all day I went to Guelph with a load of wood Very Cold the Afternoon I Brought 1 load from the Bush and took one out to the Ro

February 13th

Thursday this was a fin morning I went to Guelph with a load of wood got hom About 12 Clock I went to the Bush the Afternoon to Hail Sum Oats and Split them Very Cold

February 14th

Friday this was a fin morning I went to Guelph this morning got hom About 12 Clock I went to the Bush to {Illegible} then and Split them

February 15th

Saturday this was a fin morning I was in the Bush Cros Cutin Sum Hemlock F Corkburn was helping About 2 Hours and I was Spliting After that

February 16th

Sunday this was a fin morning little cold we was all at hom to day I was Sor after Spliting Wood

February 17th

Monday this was a fin morning But very cold I went to Guelph with a load of wood it was a Very Cold day, I was drawing sum one of the Bush got it all out

February 18th

Tuesday this was a fin morning I went to Guelph with a load of Wood got it all up took up 11 Cardo got hom About {Illegible} it was a fin day

February 19th

Wednesday this was a fin day I was haling out manuar all day day took out 9 loads Mig & Jane Mr Beath was her to Night at tea

February 20th

Thursday this was a very cold morning little Stormey all day I was looking out Manuar took out 7 loads very Cold I went over to H. Corkburn with Mother and Famley for a fue minutes

February 21th

Friday this was a cold morning I was Thrushing Sum Peas the Afternoon Mothe and I was Clening Sum Put up 3 Bags to {Ilegible} Very cold all day

February 22th

Saturday This was a Dull morning Mother and went to Guelph I had 3 Bags to Chop up We got hom About 3 Clock Dull all day

February 23th

Sunday this was a Very Cold morning and Blowing and Drifting Mother and I went to church Mr Terrance Breeched in Hebrews 2C 24 b turn a little Stormey the Afternoon

February 24th Monday this was a very hard and Cold Morning I was Spliting Sum stove Wood the Afternoon took out out 5 loads of Manuar very cold

February 25th

Thursday this was a cold morning I was About hom all day I took out 4 loads of manuar the Afternoon

February 26th

Wednesday this was a fin day little Cold High wind I went over to H. Corkburn with We went and bought the Cattle we was Clening Sum Oats Mother and I a load of {Illegible} for to Night

February 27th

Thursday this was a very cold morning and Very Stormey all day I took out 4 loads of manuar H Corkburn was her a little whill this fornoon Very Cold to Night

Friday this was a very short morning Mother and went to Guelph our Preching day got hom ABout 3 Clock Very Cold





20 load of manuar

No 1. Sow took the Bore Maay 25th

1877 Bushels 12 524 {written sideways} 7.20 450 {drawing of a hand}

No 1. Sowaw took the Bor Jan 27th + $61.20{over}780{over}5{over}40

No 2. Sow took the Bor March 26th {drawing of a hand pointing towards the equation}

Mr. Baggin Sent his catle her{here} July 9th

500 Lbs of Pea meall 4 Month Parler $4 I start to gave Joseph Monday 12th

November 19th 550 of Pea Meall

Sheep 80 146 Days

C.G. Cockburn

Saulte Ste Marie Beu

Goulas Bay Miill

Algima th

{Unknown what the next part says}

C.G. Cockburn $41.60{over}6135{over}1295

Saulte Ste Marie

Goulas Bay Miill


{the next section of the diary entry is full of equations}

30 31 31 29 31{each one over the next, all over} 152


4{over} 1.60

75 {over} 60{over} 135

crtar 4{over}160{over}1302

55{over} 27{over} 8227 1/2

32{over}5{over} 160

16{over}16{over} 32


after one in Ben 8 weeks her the 3th of September

one steus 3 week 75 c{over}75{over}$150 {the equation is written sideways}

200 lbs of pea meall


Mr. Bair sent 3 sters to paster

July 9th 1877 6{over}6{over}6{over}18 18{over}18{over}36 36{over}4{over}144 20{over}20 10{over}10{over}22

do 1877 Alexander Smith Bull

April 14th Mary Buld John Smith B February 14th 1878

May 14 Mary Buld 2 times

June 1st Bell Buld Jn Smith B

June 20th Bell Buld 2 times 1878

July 25 Bell Buld 3 times time up May 22nd

August 22 Bell Buld 4 times McBeuth Bull

Beauty Buld June 13 A Smith B

time up March 13th 1878

Janey Buld July 5th J. Smith B

Janey Buld July 26th time April 26th 18


28 1878 Put the Ram with the Sheep

Page 121




M Cockburn Mare took the Horse June 11th

Star took the Horse May 1th 1877

610 Bushels
{several other smaller calculations on page)

{This page is full of math equations and doodles such as drawings of hands. The name Tom is written frequently as is John Jeffrey. the page is quite hard to transcribe due to the amount of numbers and writing that overlaps}

Transcription Progress



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“John Jeffrey Diary, 1877-1879,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,

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  121. Jeffrey_diary 121.pdf
  122. Jeffrey_diary 122.pdf
  123. Jeffrey_diary 123.pdf
  124. Jeffrey_diary 124.pdf
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  126. Jeffrey_diary 126.pdf
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  143. Jeffrey_diary 143.pdf
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