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John Jeffrey Diary, 1877-1879
Jeffrey_diary 70.pdf
Revision as of Dec 14, 2021, 7:00:47 PM, created by
february 6th
wednesday this was a fine mornin i went to guelph with h.corkburn and sold the ox to ws bain for $55 made only $15 on him por way to make money the snow going away very fast
february 7th
thursday this was fine morning very warm all day i was making a wood rack the afternoon I went down to the mil for the rye flour {?} sleaing {?} one the brick road it melted away fast to day m mrs kers was here this afternoon
february 8th
friday this was a dull morning no frost thawing all day raining a little the afternoon i was hailing home the pine out of h corkburn swamp 3 load and 1 load out of the bush and making roads
february 9th
saturday this was a {?} morning i was thrashing some peas the afternoon i went down to morston we had some snow last night for sleaying the most of the roads in bar
february 10th
sunday this was a blowing and snowing and drifting I had to make a road to the yard the snow was about 8 feet deep at the dor anf the turnip was cover we was all at house it drifted the most of the day and cold and very hard frost.