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Nathaniel E. Leeder Diary, 1859-1861
Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1859 Diary 17.pdf
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M. 27th. James Davidson rakeing & binding. Fred chopping. Finished cutting the spring wheat in the field by Craigs & Johns. 48 stooks. Fortney half day with wagon. Paid to W. Telford two Dolrs. on his a/c.Written on top of this and next paragraph: Made out to this. T. 28th. James Davidson helping to haul in grain. Mr J Gobles wagon 1/2 Dol. hauled chief of the wheat in from Phils lower field. Fred helping me in the barn. W. 29th. James Davidson helping to haul in pease Hauling pease. Mr Gobles wagon half day. Fred helping me. Th. 30th. James Davidson helping to haul pease. Gave Mrs Davidson an Order for the store goods to the amont of three Dolrs. fifty on L & Ruby. Carting pease. finished hauling fall wheat F 31st. James Davidson helping to pick seed wheat. 100 hundred of old iron to MacLachlin One Dol.. September S1st James Davidson 1/2 day jobbing 1/2 day hauling in pease. M. 3rd. James Davidson helping to haul in the spring wheat & Timothy seed. Hauled the spring wheat from between John Gobles & Craigs. Also the Timothy seed from the outside of the whole field. Mr. Born turned this Calf into my pasture. Sowed a part of my calves fetch with fall wheat about three pecks. T. 4th James Davidson helping in the pease. Hauling pease finished. An Order in L & R. for the Sum of five Dolrs.