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Nathaniel E. Leeder Diary, 1859-1861

Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1859 Diary 57.pdf

Revision as of Mar 7, 2025, 7:38:20 PM, created by

F. 26th. Myself James & Oxen helping Robert to finish his stack of hay. long enough to make 3/4 of a day for one man

S. 27th. Father & Robert helping me on with my hay.

S. 28th.

M. 29th. 48 lbs of pease to Iden Goble this is pat for 1 Bushl. of Buckwheat I had of him for said two years since.

T. 30th. Finished getting my hay up. One handle for Rob 121/2 cts

W. 31st Working at my road work. me & James Salter the wagon half day.

August Th. 1st. Working at road work. me & James 55 lbs of Flour to James Davidson at the rate of 31/2 Dolrs. per barrel.

F 2nd. James & me half a day on the road.

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