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Nathaniel E. Leeder Diary, 1861-1862

Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1861 Diary 12.pdf

Revision as of Mar 8, 2025, 5:44:20 AM, edited by

which is payment in full to the Government; and gave a transfer to John D. David. Paid on Lot No 8 in the sixth. Concession of Saugeen 191.60 cts. which is payment in full on said lot. Received of J.D. David $2.75/100 for one barrell and 31/2 cords of wood. Paid to A. Maihale Esgr? for the transfer the sum of $1.25/100. Paid to Messrs. L. & Ruby 12 Dolrs. for Nathl. Shell this is for two days thrashing. Paid Dilamon Bricker the sum pf 117 cts. for the plow chain I got of him last winter or early in the spring.

Th. 6th.

F. 7th. Lent J.Davidson Two Dolrs. and received his Note for the same bearing 10 per cent Int. and due a month from date.

S. 8th.

S. 9th.

M. 10th. Fritz finished my pea thrashing. he and I cleaned them up 11 B. 17 lbs. to Fortney for Robert 14 B. 29 lbs. to Born for peas he let me have some few weeks since. 28 B. 51 lbs. to Robert.

T. 11th. 85 Bushls. of Pease thrashed by Fritz Weller in 61/4 cents per bushl. Bought my old Fiddle off Ed Salter for One Dolr. paid. Two Dolrs. to Lizzie.

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