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William Beatty Diary, 1880-1883
William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 5.pdf
Revision as of Nov 10, 2024, 1:23:26 AM, edited by
April | 17 | rain most of the day Ezra helped Wallace to {illegible} I finished a pair of sliper that I was at yesterday |
18 | Revd Mr Houston preached this morning Mr Matthews at night | |
Ad went to going on the Express with Rob & 3 {illegible} | 19 | Ezra went to the south west corner of the farm I was with him for to bore post holes & put in posts for a board fence after seting the stakes we put in 3 posts the ground is so wet that we could not set the posts for the lane fence |
20 | Ezra & me made the lane fence from the road to the house Ad got home on the Mixed | |
21 | Ezra & me made the lane fence from the house to the Barnyard a good job | |
22 | I planted out over 100 Strawberry plants in the garden heavy rain this forenoon the ground wet again it will stop us from begining to sow Ad intended to begin this morning | |
23 | they all worked at there fenced at the road Billie is working at the Wallaces house | |
24 | Ezra & Ad is working at there fence Billie went to Delta this afternoon | |
25 | Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garnet at night | |
26 | they are working at there fence at the road yet | |
27 | Ad began to sow and sowed 12 bushel of oat at the road the ground is in fair order | |
28 | they finished the draging & cutlivating the there and out here at noon Ad sowed 3 1/2 bushel of oats in the midle field where {illegible} brock up last fall | |
29 | Ad sowed 1 1/2 bushel of peas same field {illegible}worked his colt and Ads draging Ezra at {illegible} with the old horses he sowed about of oats that he got of {illegible} a {illegible} it is on the East side of the {illegible} here rain most of the afternoon | |
30 | the ground is too wet for {illegible} work today Ad & Ezra is helping {illegible} |