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William Beatty Diary, 1880-1883
William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 48.pdf
Revision as of Nov 14, 2024, 11:40:44 PM, edited by
Feb 16 | Ad & Wallace is dowing Straw on the waggon from the Barn in there field warm day for to feed the stack fine | |
17 | Ad and Wallace brought the saw & horsepower here for to saw wood here very cold day north wind | |
18 | they set the saw & horsepower this forenoon Bruce filed the saw they sawed all the wood we have it filled the woodshed they got a New Ballance wheal to the saw put on in Brockville it cost eight dollars | |
19 | the Revd Mr Crage preach this morning Mr Shane at night | |
20 | Ad & Wallace took the saw & horsepower to there place this morning they sawed most of their wood in the afternoon they brock the cap of the driving wheel | |
21 | snowed and rained a little most of the day | |
22 | the snow is about 8 inches deep Ad went to the chanty for to bank out wood fine day he brought home 1 load os wood | |
23 | Ad went to the chanty for wood brought 1 load and went back up I there all night | |
24 | Ad cam home with a load early this morning went back again & brought another I went to the station & met Revd Mr Richards he is to {illegible} | |
25 | there was a large number at the tea meeting last last night the preceds was about $115 it was a great success Ad & Alice went to Delta this afternoon Ad took Kittees hide to Colmans to get taned | |
26 H McKay took him to Fairfax | the Revd Mr McAuther preached Mr Shane was sick he had to go home to Kingston Mr Crage preached at night | |
27 | Ad & Alice came home this afternoon the slaughing is all gone warm day he brought a cold of Wats with him | |
28 | Wallace went to Gananoque Jennet went with him She took a crock of butter with her got 23 c per pount for it they went with the Buggy the roads is bad rain to night |