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William Beatty Diary, 1880-1883
William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 53.pdf
Revision as of Nov 17, 2024, 6:34:43 PM, edited by
May | 1 | Dan is working at the road with the team in the old paster field they are sowing oats |
2 | Dan is cultivating Ad is harrowing after him with Kate and Paragon fine day | |
3 | Do Do I dug wereh the strawes was | |
4 | Dan drew dung this forenoon to the garden Ad went to gananoque with Kate & Paragon | |
5 | they are working in the old paster field at the road I dug som in the garden and planted a quarter lb of onions seed that Ad got in gananoque | |
6 | they finished the old paster field this afternoon all but a low peice that they left for Potatoes | |
7 | Mr Robinson preached this morning Mr Bailie at night James McMullen took him to Fairfax | |
8 | Dan plowed the garden & cultivated it it very lumpy Ad went to Gananoque with Paragon | |
rain last night | 9 | Dan went to the road to plow in the old night paster the garden is too wet work at |
10 | Dan is plowing at the road Ad has sold the place at the road to Thomas Burns for two thousand dollars Ad is to have the crop this year | |
rain last night | 11 | heavy rain this morning and most of the day Dan & Ad cleaned up some oats |
12 | Dan shoveled furrows out at the road | |
13 | Dan shoveled and let the water of the garden and drew straw from back of the Barn to the Barnyard so as to fill it up it very wet | |
14 | Revd Mr Bailie preached this morning Mr Robinson at night | |
15 | Dan plowed at the road I dug some in the garden Ad went to Delta for to take the horses and {illegible} rigs to Brockville that Wat is going to take to the north West for the surrey | |
16 | Dan sowed 3 bushel of peas at the road they are the same that he at Delta last year | |
17 | Dan worked at the road Ad went on the train for Manatoba Jennie & B. Sandness went with him behind four horses & two {illegible} waggons and other trap |