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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927

Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 31.pdf

Revision as of Dec 30, 2024, 5:24:26 PM, edited by

the right. which went to Honey Springs we expected to see some one here to inquire if we were on right road. Honey Springs was another picnic spot, but no one in sight. so we went straight on. the road climbed up around the sides of the hills around sharp curves and turns. the road was not very bad, but very narrow some times only a few feet wider than the car with a drop over the side of a few hundred feet. after about three miles of this we came to a farm and saw a lady she said the road only went as far as another farm about two miles. and the road was worse and as we could turn around here, about the only place you could. we turned back. it was all down grade drove most of it in second gear with the brakes partly on. met a car going up after after we got down. whatever we would have done if we met it on the hill, as two cars

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