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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927
Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 60.pdf
Revision as of Jan 4, 2025, 8:13:39 PM, created by
off the back of the train. at Camiente Nev. at 10.30 am elevation 4396 feet. Pop. 545. leaving Caliente we wind up through Nevada Canyon for 22 miles. to Crestline Elevation 5992 feet. went through 16 tunnells some short & some long. weather cool & snappy here. a few scrub fir trees near here. near Crestline the engine blew out a piston. delayed from noon until 2. pm. weather coudy we are now in Utah state. at Lund at 3.30 pm. 242 miles yet from Salt Lake City and 542 from Los. Angelas only a small town. every thing brown and bare. only sage brush. at Oasis ay 6 pm some farms here. the mountains now at each side covered with snow. at from Lund to Netta we travel in the Escalante Valley.