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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1927
Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 5.pdf
Revision as of Aug 26, 2024, 12:07:29 AM, edited by
Left Page: April 27th. made a few more {hot beds?} + planted Cucumbers. (6 oz of perfection) m' 8 sashes. April 28th. Still cool + windy plan planted 48 trees.{refilling?} dead ones coat {looks like an s was crossd out here to become a comma} 33 15 at E.O.{Snulis?} , {Wmina?} , Started transplanting matas {means bushes/shrubs} 36 sashs just + {Best?} done April 29th, Weeding Peppers and planted two bags cobbled Potatoes {eastXI 40 degrees?} April 30th, started putting out Cabbages , got , 10 000 out today , weather fair but cool. May 1st , still cool + cloudy had grandma , {Bonifore?} + Havy rut for the day.
Right Page:
May 2nd , june but a cool wind finished Cabbage at noon 15 00 in all , also planted 18 Rows Beans (15 lbs Davis White way) 1 lb pears in one Rows , amd Transplanted tomatus rest of day.
May 3rd , Transplanted tomatos had a shower at noon went to hw. La Patruel's funeral , weather very cold.
May 4th, showery all morning finished transplating tomatos 150 sashes , half John {Bow?} + half Just + Best 100 plants to the sash, also planted 2 sash- 4oz seed Vegetatbale manure.
May 5th , planting strawberries weather cool, ground in good shape, but the plants are poor