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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1917

Theobald Toby Barrett 1917 Diary 10.pdf

Revision as of Nov 11, 2024, 1:51:17 PM, created by

This morning, Dad, Jim, and I went to church. There was no fire due to a shortage of gas. Mr. Johnson wisely omitted permission, so we got home fairly early. Dad and Frank spent most of the afternoon doing chores. Dad went down south about 4:30 to shovel the snow for Aunt Alice. Co stayed for tea, and Higuera went to church.

Cold, auto-stormy all day. Mrs. Nella died yesterday, the 14th.

Monday, January 22nd

I did not get up very early this morning, as I did not sleep very well last night. It blew so terribly that I could not sleep; it rained very hard for a little while, then turned colder and put a crust of ice all over the snow. As soon as we had things in order, how I went down home in the sleigh, coffee at Jack Martin's, and got a crate to send some eggs to Ray. I cleaned the house for the girls, and then we came home as we could not get any. There was no one there this forenoon, and Dad, too, along went down to the mail, but as soon as Ray came, the first thing I knew was that Will Macdonald...

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