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James Cameron Diary, 1892

James Cameron 1892 Diary 2.pdf

Revision as of Feb 21, 2025, 12:50:35 PM, edited by

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Mr James Cameron Island

12th of Jany 1892 some Rain crofsed the ice to Hamiltons ice not very Good got in coming Back took Dinner at Hamiltons got apples Heard Mary Ann McLeod Departed or Robert MacDonald's Widow A Quere Kind of a Man called at Hamiltons and took the ice there acrofs to Hopkins Point Like a Man that did something Bad On the Day of the Month Our Mary Departed in Williamstown a year ago to Day

13th E W Snowed Randolph Came and went Back a Man here from Lewis was there all night stopt here all Day went of his name is _______________ gave him Boots and so 4th the colt not well

14th Election Randolph came for me to got Gave me three Dollars from McLeods Farmer we went up to Hamiltons and John Gordon Randolph and I went to Lancaster voted for RR McLennan A McArthur against him 350 Majority

15th cold Leander Bad with his Leg

Turn Back 3 1/2 Leaves for Jany 16th

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Mr James Cameron Island


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