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James Cameron Diary, 1893
James Cameron 1893 Diary 26.pdf
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Mr James Cameron Island
24th Augt 1893 Rained cut a Log for a Trough Broke their night line
25th cut the oats John not well some Rain cows inside in Daytime Horses in at night Taking in the Ripest of the Beans sowed some Hayseed in the oakfield
26th Wrote a Letter to George Charron from his Father sent Letters to Summerstown P.O John Went Miss Fraser and Miss McDougall here Going to put in the oats as it Looks like Rain put in the oats
27th John Morris and Wife here Gordon and Tommy Rose here Rained some Leander went to Lemays John to Hopkins Point Billy Morris sent me a Fine square of Tobacco
28th John went off Tommy Rose went of Leander Went to Dundee with a Tub of Butter Rain Thunder and Lightning 46 lb of Butter 8.28
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Mr James Cameron Island
29th of Aug 1893 E Wind Heavy Rain Heavy Rain a very stormy E Wind Broke corn and Tobacco Lots of Water in the cellar put 20 pails out to Day
30th Dan Spink here with Gordons close and 6 Dollars and 2 cents Mowing in the Front Marsh Lots of Water in it Making coils Narcisse to Lancaster Leander came from Dundee 200 of Flour 4 Tea Towels 15 Shirting 2.25 Tobacco 95 Matches 10 Shoes 1.25 starch 10 castor oil 10 Rained to night
31st Fine Water high over 200 coils of hay out in the Water Gordon Went to Lancaster Bought 2 shirts crossed to Summerstown Leander for thread and Powder cutting Brush in the upper Field Letting the Water run at the Wet place this Big Wind put Down Lots of nuts and a Fine Maple Tree
1st of September St Giles Day Fine putting in hay of the oakfield Broke the Jumper John Nicholson here Took in corn and Beans Took up onions Hunting Ducks commenced