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James Cameron Diary, 1893
James Cameron 1893 Diary 28.pdf
Revision as of Mar 3, 2025, 2:00:41 PM, edited by
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Mr James Cameron Island
13th of Sept 1893 Fine Day cut some Brush and Weeds on the Sturgeon Island Boiling Potatoes for the Pigs Leander helping Dick Fair in Williamstown
14th Drew some sticks for a stable putting out manure Gordon came from the Fair
15th High Wind Heavy Rain Thunder & Lightning Set a new Line Taking in some Butternuts and some of the Garden stuff
16th Windy Heavy Rain hailstones Thunder Lightning cutting the Length of the sticks for the stable 18 by 30 Letting the Water Run at the Wet place
17th Windy Raining all Day
18th Fine Working at the stable put up the crossed with the Boat
19th Working at the stable
20th Fine Windy Minnie Gordon and Leander crossed to Summerstown Taking up the Potatoes at the corn and they have the Rot The Burbanks Franky Laplante Wife a young son on the 19th
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Mr James Cameron Island