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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1929-1930

Frank McMillan 1929-1930 Diary 11.pdf

Revision as of Oct 3, 2024, 1:52:04 PM, created by

we soon crossed into Maryland. rolling country here. with a few hill. getting milder saw some red roses in bloom a funny outfit passed us a bus shaped like a Zeppelin hooked onto and drew by a car in front. not very much cultivated land around here. Sun coming out and quiet warm when we reached Frederick. passed the {106F?}. Home saw Barbara Fritchies home took a snap. also the State school for the Deaf. after about half an hour stop. we left Frederick at 11.30am. Bot some milk & Bread 22¢ and 5 Gals Gas $125. ate our dinner at Mt. Top. Tourist camp. windy & cooler here. have about 35 miles to go to get to Washington. nearing there we started to see lots of darkies. and the day was getting warmer & sunny. we came in by Wisconsin Ave to Penn. Ave turned off Penn. at New Hampshire to Mass. Ave it is a swell street large stone houses & mansions of all description every block or so there is a circle. with a statue in the middle. we parked in front of the Union station. went through the station. took a look

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