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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1929-1930
Frank McMillan 1929-1930 Diary 42.pdf
Revision as of Oct 6, 2024, 10:44:03 AM, created by
Feby 3rd. Fine & warm. took a few snaps of Sunshine Park, & getting ready to go fishing tomorrow.
Feby 4th Went fishing to the Indian River at Titusville 45 miles. got 65 yellow tails. little white colored fish. also caught about 40 Blow or Toad fish. when you throwed them on the bridge they swelled up like a baloon they are no good. It was warm, but very windy. no body got any large ones.
Feby 5th Rained in the night & this am. very heavy
Feby 6th Cold & cloudy got a License $3 25 to fish. Rained again in the night.
Feby 7th. Cold and Raining hard again. They say it does not rain here. and sunshine every day. but this makes it the 16th day it has rained so far since we arrived in Florida.
Feby 8th. Fine & bright and warmer also. so we decided to go to Lake Apopka fishing. went out the Highway North as far as Lockhart and turned East West straight across to Johnstons Landing. arrived about