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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1929-1930

Frank McMillan 1929-1930 Diary 45.pdf

Revision as of Oct 11, 2024, 2:19:15 PM, edited by

1600 Employees Dining capacity 1640 at one Sitting. Private yachts anchored in basin all winter most wonderful looking houses & hotels. perfectly gorgeous. Real Millionaires place. Took three pictures on the beach. Back to West Palm Beach by another bridge One way streets here both up and down and cross streets you have to watch your step. driving. streets narrow and crowded. Lots of palm trees here. but all the large ones are leaning and lots propped up. effects of the big wind storm a couple of years ago. saw the effects along the road too, whole groves of trees flattened out. Supper $200 {he means $2.00} cards 10¢ total $8 75. distance 197 miles

Feby 15. Left West Palm Beach 835am Breakfast 85¢ Folder 10¢ could not sleep hardly all night. noise of cars & trains Ran into a big black cloud only got a few drops. but must have had a big shower ahead of us. as the road way was soaked. Through Fort Lauderdale 1010am. Got Gas $1.20 took picture in the Park. Arrived at Miami about 11am. Drove over Venetian Way. Bridge to Miami Beach. about three miles it was mostly built up land with a bridge at the deepest place for boats to go under. the rest had mansions built all along the sides. one place they Called the Venetian Canal

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