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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1929-1930

Frank McMillan 1929-1930 Diary 58.pdf

Revision as of Oct 7, 2024, 7:22:21 PM, created by

of a Lake for 70 feet then drilled 300 feet. it had wore a big hole. and the water running into the pipe from the Lake caused a kind of whirlpool. and the air went down the middle it blowed every 1/2 hrs today but they close it and keep the water out and it spouts the water out. Another big rain a real flood after we got home. dozens of cars at had their coils soaked and stalled.

Mar 24. More Rain showery all day & cloudy. went shopping for some presents to take home.

Mar 25th More Rain this am. cool & cloudy nearly all day. Got weighed 152 lbs now

Mar 26th. Fair but very cool about 50 this am. went to the Ball game. wearing an overcoat. Cinn. Reds beat Columbia 9 to 3. Eckhart & Ash pitched for Cinn. went to New England 5¢ concert at Auditorium. a real good concert (good singing)

Mar 27th. still cold. have a fire on this a.m. started to get ready for home.

Mar 28th. Another rainy day all day came down in torrents. has rained 25 days now out of 28 days this month.

Mar 29. Partly cloudy & cool.

Mar 30 Sunday cloudy & cold Hamilton lost in Alan Cup Semi Finals with Montreal. they won both games - scores 7 to 2 4 to 1

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