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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1930

Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 9.pdf

Revision as of Jul 13, 2024, 6:47:50 PM, created by

holiday tomorrow men still spraying takes 11 {illegible} to go our cherries

July 1stpicked 42 crates strawberries 55 Richmond cherries sold Scott at 57th 11x6 sweet . Big rain about 1 ochlock. lasted nearly all afternoon pickes all soaked.

July 2nd picked 77 Richmond cherries sold 45 of both 55th to shipped balance to Toronto sold at 30 to 44 ibs pre 11 etc.

July 3rd Picked 30 Richmonds and 10 sweets today

July 4 finished Richmond cherries had 205 x 11 baskets cut 6 crates cabbages sold at 90 x 20 black cherries at 75th

July 5 no picking today men hoeing old strawberry beds ... a little warmer looks like rain today picked 45 fruits ropes yesterday for the first sold at 254 fruit.

July 6th Sunday fine and warm

July 7th Picked 91 cherries sipped 66 north at 85th and sold 25 at - 75th and 22 x 6 qts black sweets at 754,,16 beans at 50th

July 8th 59 x 11 monts today 85th 23x 6's blacks. 4 beans

July 9th 78 cherries, 26 beans 29 x 6 sweet cherries black

4 crates prasps and 12 x 6 green peppers. the first of the season sold at 604 - {illegible} 6 qts.

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