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Francis Goring Diary, 1790

Francis Goring 1790 Diary 26.pdf

Revision as of Oct 2, 2024, 11:57:30 PM, created by

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May 6th

Bought 12 lbs Pork of S Hagan for 9/-


Sow'd 1 1/2 Bushels Pease & 1/2 bushel Flax seed


Planted in the field before the door about 2 Acres of Corn -


Kept no School from the 21st May 2d June


My Wife deliver'd of a Daughter at about 11 Oclock at Night

June 14th---------------

Worked on the Roads


My Cow (white back) with Mrs. Reeds Bull


Worked on the Roads

July 1st----------------

My Cow (black nose) wih Mrs Reeds Bull


Paid Stephen Secord 28/- for 4 bushels Wheat by Mr Hamilton


Rece'd 1 Bushel Wheat from David Secord


Borrow'd a Gammon of Mr. Hamilton 19 lbs

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