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James Cameron Diary, 1879

James Cameron 1879 (16).pdf

Revision as of Dec 2, 2024, 12:56:17 AM, edited by

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Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 14 1879 Sunday some cold no snow on the Ground E Wind A Good many Ducks this morning not very Well

15th Went to the Bush for the sleigh took home 3 Drags Drew the Fish-Box to the Barn for to put Hayseed that on the Barnfloor in it cleaned up the Barn floor Kind of Stormy snowing cutting stove Wood

16th Moving the Hay from the West mow to the East mow so to get at the Wheat some cold turned fine in the Evening Frosty to night

17th some snow North West Wind Freezing Cold Frosty to night Began the Wheat to Thrash Thrashed 3 Floors Got the Clock to start it stoped about 2 Weeds Making Bismarck a comforter

18th very cold Windy Thrashing

19th Thrashing very Cold East Wind got Kind of soft through the night

20th snowing West Wind Some cold First Quarter of the Moon this morning Finished the Thrashing put it in 2 Boxes till I can Get it Fanned A Good Deal of ice in the Bays and out to the edge of the Rushes Water Low Windy to night and all the time cold

21st Sund the Water all in a skim of ice Freeze hard and calm till near night when the East Wind and snow and Drifting began its an awful night

22nd stormy till near night the ice taken acrofs last night Great snowbanks and Drifts the Potatoes and squashes Froze in the cellar

23rd some cold I went to try the ice I crofsed but its very thin went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea 20 soap 10 Bought of J Summers matches and pipe 3 cents Got a Letter from Dan a Happy New Years card Breaking the Roads Ward Butchering Took J Hamiltons Horse home from the Roads as it is Lame Mrs Hamilton sent a peice of cheese to Livinia and apples to the children

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Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 24th 1879 soft Raining and hailing East Wind Feeding the cattle extra as its Christmas Eve and cold Weather cutting wood

25 Christmas Day Fine but cold West Wind changed at night Keeping to Day as it should be Kept a Holy Day

26th cold East Wind I crofsed stopt at Mr Hamiltons then went to Mr Ward Got on credit 100 wt of Flour 3..50 Bought 1/2 lb Soda 5 Darning needle Got a Ride Down with Tom Jack a very Frosty Day Bill Morris crofsed with a horse Heard to Day Left my Flour at Hamiltons till I would got tomorrow after it

27th Broke a stack of Marsh hay stormy this Morning Turned fine Randolph and I crofsed to Hamiltons for the Flour put out some Bushes for our Road Tom Jack went to Gather ashes to Day East Wind snow sun Draws water 2 Loads crofsed the ice to Hopkins I Dont Know what it was

28th Sunday a very Fine Day E Wind and an Eclipse on the Moon and a change in the Moon Full Moon to Day A Great many Fishing EEls over From the squaw Island a Good many air holes But a Great many shut with the stormy night of the 21st

29th Our Angus Birth Day set 4 Traps in the Rushes a Fine soft Day cut some holes for EEls

30th cold chopping Stove Wood

31st Cold and stormy E Wind Last Day of the year

1st of January New Years Day 1880 a very Fine Day Breaking Roads Drew some Wood W Wind shot a Wood Pecker not Duck shooting

2nd Soft W Wind Randolph and I to Pit Point There a Bushing the Road from McPhees to Lancaster Drew some Wood Brok a Road up in the swamp seen where the Fox eat a Bluejay

3rd Allen's Birth Day cold Wind Frosty cutting Brush up in cord Wood Bay a ood deal of crofsing Summerstown Road to night commenced to hail Raining Freezing to night

4th Sunday Raining Foggy slippery Fine W Wind Gordon came From Hamiltons seen a Fox crofsing here crofsed the sugar Bush Water on to the ice

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