James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1879
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Mr James Cameron Island 1879
January New Years Day crofsed with Gordon to Hamiltons Landed below the Lighthouse a Good lot of ice Going Down Gordon after the Fox Gordon going to stop at AJ Bakers for a Few Days as AJ is going up West to stop till he comes Back then he is going out to Williamstown to School (to 16 cents) Freezing some got 2 papers at Hamiltons Kind of N West Wind
2nd Fixing the Shed Door put in the stack Randolph and I cleaning the stove and Pipes Windy cold the ice would take only its so Windy Breaking the ice
3rd Allens Birth Day chopping Wood around the cattle put Maud in the Big Shed very cold the ice took from the Sturgeon Island over to Christies to Day but there is in the Rushes open that wont take with the Wind the ice took acrofs to night to Alexis Island near Morning A Good many Ducks and the White headed Eagle is after Ducks thats wounded or froze in or on the ice Great Banks of Snow Drifts
4th stormy in the morning got calm snowing some hail West Wind Went Down to Lower Point over to the Pitt Point Awful Banks of snow ice not taken acrofs A great many air holes chopping stove Wood Feeding the cattle extra these cold Days
5th Sunday Cold and Fine
6th Drawing Wood West Wind Went to head of the Island {cut off}nd its very Frosty steamboat channel Full of Anchor Ice Going Down but dont Jam snow Deep
7th chopping Drawing Wood Kind of Warm Went to the West End of the Island Lots of ice Going Down the Channel full of ice
8th Hugh Ann's Birth Day 13 years old to Day Went to upper End to see the ice and its all opened out at the h{illegible} snowing Drifting cutting Brush at the Marsh hay stack
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Mr James Cameron Island
January 9th 1879 all open in the steamboat Channel not cold West Wind North and South Wind Drawing Wood chopping stove Wood slippery for the Mare where there is ice as she is not shod yet Let out the sheep to Day our Yard Full of Snow Banks 1 stack of Marsh hay Finished
10th cold and Frosty Lots of Anchor Ice Going Down went to the upper end of the Island to see the ice very Frosty I think it will take in the Steamboat channel to night chopping Wood around the House Broke on the Marsh hay stack about 2 Tons in it put the stake holes in the Little sleigh put ashes in the Leech Barl as the other 3 is Full
11th The ice must have taken through the night as I went to the head of the Island and its taken acrofs went up a peice on it and turned Back as its only a shell but if it Freezes to night it will be Good tommorrow Randolph and I on the north side for cedar chopped the ends of a soft maple for Lott 11 Feet a Fine Day not Freezing much some Freezing to night Finished Making Bismarck's Coat
12th Sunday a very fine Day the ice taken acrofs to Hamiltons before Daylight Freezing some to night
13th 3 men Fishing EEls Back of the Island I crofsed to Hamiltons took Dinner Went up to the store Got a Letter in the office from Dan with 2 Heard Gordon went to Williamstown put a few small Bushes on my Road Bought 3 lbs of Rice 15 Bought 1/2 lb Tea 20 2 spools of Thread 8 Pipe 1 the ice very Rough took supper at Hamiltons came home the ice is only a shell Christopher McRae crofsed at Hopkins to Summerstown
14th crofsed to Day Brought Gordons Pants to Hamiltons exchanged Hugh Anns Boots 25 on exchanging them Bought of Mr Ward 50 Wt of Flour 2..30 Castor oil {illegible} Bought of Summers 3 1/2 yds of cotton 28 {illegible} of sugar from Mr Ward {illegible} night at Hamiltons Frosty Frosty
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Mr James Cameron Island Jany 15 1879 A Fortunate Day I came from Hamiltons took part of my Flour as the Ice is very Rough a Frosty Fine morning Broke some of the Jammed Ice Down so to Get through it Fine But turned very Frosty Freezing hard to Day and to night chopping stove Wood Feeding the cattle more than extra as its cold Wrote a Leter to night to sent to Dan
16th very stormy North East Wind Drifting and snowing Freezing hard Fixing some of the chairs put a Handle in the Little Axe Bismarcks, turned more moderate in the Afternoon
17th Drawing Wood Randolph and I some cold some Cutters and Teames crofsed Summers's Road for the first Drew a soft Maple Log from the House to the Bank 11 Feet some Water coming in the swamp John Hamilton to Lancaster to Day Lost his cap
18th I crofsed to put the Letter in the P.O 3 cents paid JS addrefsed it for me Bought of Mr Ward 8 cents worth of matches fot 2 Bunches a very fine morning snowed a little Turned to Drifting Blustering Water Raising some near shore John Hamilton to Cornwall early this morning on the Boture Tom thrashing Took the rest of my Flour over to Day I made 2 halfes of it the other Day so it would not be so heavy on the rough ice and the ice is very Rough a social up at Mr {cut off}kins Last night made 17 Dollars Tom Summers Tom Munroe Donald Angus to Cornwall to Day pay up J Grants affair cutting Stove Wood
19th Sunday a very fine Day the sun came out in the Afternoon awful warm went around the Lower Point put the snow out of the canoe and raised it up some Quit milking the cows twice a Day to Day
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Mr James Cameron Island
Jan 20th 1879 Most awful Frosty to Day North West Wind and very Frosty to night cutting Drags and Drawing some Feeding the cattle extra this cold Weather crofsing a Good Deal on Summers Road the Airholes smokes hard to Day our yard all Blocked up with snow Drifts
21st St Agnes Day Frosty Frost Falling snowed some East Wind Bushing the road from the house up around to the Cord Wood Bay put a few Bushes from the Back Bay for the Pitt Point so if anyone comes around that Way they wont cut through the Back Marsh cutting hay on the East mow
22nd A Fine Day crofsed Wrote a Letter for T Jack to Enterprize Company put it in the P.O. Registered it to Boston Mass, 8 cents postage and Registering got a certificate stopt all night at Hamilton a cold night stormy John Over with cheese to Dundee
23rd Pig goneCame home chopping stove Wood putting out Some Bushes to the Light House James McDougall crofsed over to Hamiltons to night as they expect the Thrashing Mil men tomorrow Bill Cameron there to Day
24th at Hamiltons all Day Bought of JS Summers 5 lbs of Rice 25 cents the Mill Did not Come came home this Evening Got from John Flour Drifting to Day Charlies Tuppers Birth DAy They Bushed it Down to the Lighthouse to Day
25th Robie Burn's Birth Day and a Fine Day and a Wild Day Thawed Froze wind from Every Quarter Snowed hard some hail Drawing Drags Snow Deep Blowing and Drifting a very Wild night
26th Sunday put in some of the stack as I am going tomorrow to Hamiltons cold and Windy Drifting
27th N East Wind I went to Hamiltons to help them as they got the Thrashing mill McCormick & McPherson cold Day at oats and Wheat
28th Thrashing
29th 2 Indians here Lewis Smoke stopt all night Fishing EEls
30th Thrash
30th Thrashing Fine Weather
31st at oat stack Got Mr William Spink to Help Mr Bell here for a peice of Rope The Fishermen
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feby 1st 1879 Saturday Done Thrashing about 12 oclock came home took some Wheat oats Barley for the Hens Got 1/2 lb of Tea from J Summers 20 cents A Fine Day Drifting North West Wind Roughf Going on the ice some Water coming on near shore chopping stove Wood
Sunday 2nd West Wind Cold snowing Drifting frosty Water Raising on the Marsh This is Candlemafs Day so if the Bear come out to Day he will not see his shadow or the Racoon either the sighn of a hard year when the Dont come out no Sunshine to Day George Renshaw no Fire But Whiskey kept him warm very cold to Day
3rd A Fine Day Putting Wood of the Bank up on the South Side near the upper Point Dead Basswoods
4th A Fine Day Crofsed to Summerstown Got some Flour from Hamilton and about 6 lbs of Cheese AJ Baker promised me 10 Dollars if he would Get his Fortune thats coming to him Burying Mrs Doherty to Day seen A Smallman and A Tyo at Summers's Treated me Rookey wanted me to Trade horses for Cow Got a Letter from 2 Angus from the House of Assembly Toronto 3 cents in it Postage stamp the Marsh hay stack about Done
5th Broke on the 3 Ton stack in the Back Marsh Drew some of it to Day a Fine Day E Wind snowing some Drift some seen a Bunch of Something Down at the Kit Kit Brash or EEl Fishers
6th 2 Teams Drawing to the Lighthouse to Day and very Busy too made a Good many trips A Ball at Summers's to night Drawing Wood Randolph and from the upper Point I Broke a Road in the swamp a very fine Day W West and calm and a most Beautiful night for the Ball Folks
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feby 7th 1879 I crofsed to Summerstown sent a Letter to John Angus Toronto Marlborough House sold 6 lbs of Tallow to Mr Ward 8 cents Bought 20 lbs of oatmeal 1 Pipe Matches JS Summers took me up to the House to have Dinner and Treated me A Good many at the Ball Last night Mrs Hamilton colouring made me take of my comforter and she coloured it a Fine Day turning to snow and Blow cold some
8th Gordon's Birth Day cutting and Drawing wood his Heifer calved this Evening a Fine Day Tom Jack to Mill to Day
9th a Stormy Day cold West Wind Drifting
10th Randolph and I to John Hamiltons Got a Bag of Flour and a Bag of Grain for the hens Heard Gordie Arman and One of Summers Girls is to Be married Maggie and Julia was to be married in the spring to an operator Tom Summers mad at Jimmy Grant Got 130 Dollars from his Mother a Fine Day But the wind is from the East Turning Cold and Frosty took Jefs acrofs to Day for the first time
11th a Fortunate Day Drew some Marsh hay from the stack East Wind snowing and Drifting
12th West Wind snowing Drifting Blowing Working at the clock
13th cold Frosty West Wind got 1 cut of hay to the Bottom of the Mow Making a Fork handle as I Broke the handle this Morning Water on the ice and Lots of snow
14th St Valentine Day very Frosty W Wind Broke a Track up near the Upper End of the Island Broke a Track to the Bush shovelling snow
15th in the Bush cold turned Stormy
16th Stormy drifting & Snowing
17th Cold went to the Bush
18th James Hough's Birth Day skinned the Ram yesterday Went to the Marsh hay stack snow too Deep all covered went to head of the Island to B{cut off} A Ro{illegible} took home some Wood
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feby 19th 1879 Randolph Drove me up to the head of the Island Snow deep I crofsed stopt at hamiltons took Dawn John Harnefsed up the horse and we Drove up to the store Got a Letter from John Angus from Toronto and a Lot of newspapers A very Frosty Day East Wind Bought of Julia 1/2 lb Tea Got a Peice of Meat from John Wrote a Letter to night thinking of of Going to the PO tommorow Got the Book of Moses from Hamiltons
20th stormy Drifting East Wind cold too cold to crofs to Day
21st crofsed Got 25 cents from G Renshaw a very cold Day West Wind Drifting Jim Hopkins Working all this Week at Dickensons Wharf Got a Ride Down from John Hamilton and Tommy Jack with the 2 young Colts Jack & Charlie and they go well for the first time they were in a sleigh Bought of Mr Ward 5 lbsof Barley Races in Dundee to Day sent A Letter to I Angus to Day Toronto Rooky Moving
22nd cut Down a Dead cherry at the head of the Island Bismarck Randolph and I a Fine Day turned Blustery E Wind Began some of the Marsh hay on the stable Loft put some snow of Made 2 Waterholes
23rd Fine some snow enough to make Drift the Fox came close to the Barn Last night
24th Cold Drifting cuting some firewood in the Bush Drew it home put out Poison in the Back Marsh cutting stove Wood see a sleigh crofsing at the Kit Kit to Lancaster and then there was 3 sleighs came Back this is the first travelling on that road cant Get in to the Marsh hay stack we Broke on such drifts of snow
25th St Matthias chopping Firewood E Wind turned stormy Blowing hard Drifting Frosty in the Morning cut a Birch to Make a Broom the First one I ever Made
26th Ash Wednesday E. Wind turned to Raining some then the Wind changed to the West and Blew very very hard Kind of soft but made a small crust went for a Load of Wood but it Blows too hard clearing snow Drifts made Last night seen a Fox crofsing a Good Lot of Travelling to Lancaster on this Road Below the Kit Kit.
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feby 27th 1879 Very Frosty and cold
28th Went acrofs got a Ride up From Hamiltons from Tom Got a Letter from John Angus Heard George Renshaws had an other Boy or Girl Last Monday Bee at Dickinsons Wharf Drawing Stones yesterday matches oil
1st of March St Davids Day came in Like a Lion snowing Blowing wind all around the compass Kind of Soft and Cold Went acrofs to Hamiltons Met Gordon coming from Williamstown Got Flour and cornmeal and Beef from Hamiltons had the horse acrofs and the Road is awful Bad with Deep snow heard either Gibson or his wife Died out at the hill John Richards Daughter seen 3 Foxes and a crow to Day First crow seen this winter Gordon Brought Blue Beard to Hugh Annie A change in the Moon this Morning its awful weather this Winter
This Day is the Festival of the Welsh 2nd a Fine Day
3rd Crofsed with Gordon to Hamiltons sent some sugar and sturgeon with Gordon to Williamstown Gave a small Peice to Hamiltons John and the wife away to Alexandria took Dinner with Tom Jack Gordon Randolph and I Got a Paper from John Angus Randolph and I Drawing Wood a very fine Day warm and soft
4th Killed the calf Fine Raining and Blowing very hard from the West
4th a Fine Day Thawing some cleaning out from before the stable Door cutting stove wood
6th Stormy snowing
7th I crofsed to Summerstown plate of Butter 1 1/2 lb Tea 2 spools of Thread 1/2 lb soda Darning needle Matches to 5 cents cash spent to this John Hamilton & Wife went to Dundee signed Andrew Cameron Bill for to only Run the Mail 1 Trip a Day Heard the officers of the Bohemian wages were cut Down took Dinner at Hamilton Thomas G Renshaws Marriage Day some year
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Mr James Cameron Island
March 8 1879 East Wind Raw but Fine Great Lightning and some Thunder not very Loud here but must be far south chain Lightning it must be heavy in some other Parts as it shows very bright here about 9 oclock till after ten I then went to Bed Drawing Wood to Day Basswoods thats leaning over the Bank 3 men Fishing EEls at the Lower end of Alexis Island then went Down Below the Pine Tree on Christies Island
9th A fine Day Thawing Raining some to night seen a Fox crows plenty
10th cut Down a Big stump of Basswood split one Log and Randolph and I saw the Butt Log very hard to split went around the head of the Island Down on the north side for cedar for Brooms Randolph got in a crack near shore Broke a Road to the Bottom of the Marsh hay stack as the snow is soft very unwell with a Bad Cold most of us all in the house Down with bad cold Thawing hard to Day
11th out and took home some Firewood took home some Marsh hay very Bad with a Cold not much Travelling on the ice Roads Thawing to Day a very fine Day Geordie Annan and Mifs Summers Married to Day at Andrew Camerons old Slapford Buried to Day Light all)
12th An Unfortunate Day ON this Day of the month McMaster First came to the Island and the ice opened that Day Peter Baker Married to Day to Mifs Murchison took over some veal to J Hamilton and his Bag took Dinner at Hamiltons went up to store went over with George to see the Barrel Got a Peice of the Wedding Cake at Hamiltons stopt at Hamiltons all night Bad Travelling on the Roads now all of us very bad with cold
13th came from Hamiltons Drawing Wood
14th Drew some Wood all Bad with Cold
15th I crofsed with Butter 5 lbs Bought of J Summers 5 1/2 yds Cotton RRR Bottle Bunch of Matches I owe 13 cents Got I Hamilton to come for a ton of Hay for AJ Baker Bought of Mr Ward 18 lbs Corn Meal all he had 3 lbs of Barley this I Paid
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Mr James Cameron Island
March 16th 1879 Very unwell all of us Laid up with bad Cold Gordon came from Williamstown bad with cold had 2 papers of Tea 1 lb of crackers 3 Loaves of Bread Stuff that Donald McDonald Gathered for me a thing I knew anything at all about took it From Hamiltons where it was Left with a Lot of Other stuff they told Gordon for me to go after tommorrow Gordon took Coffee and soap from Williamstown
17th St Patricks Day I crofsed to Summerstown Brought 1 sheep Pelt 1 calf skin allowed me a Dollar Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Soda 1 Pail Paid for the corn Meal and 2 lbs of Barley I got Saturday Leave a Due Bill of 43 cents St Patricks is stormy and Wild J Hamilton and Wife to Cornwall the things that Donald McDonald Gathered for me I took from Hamiltons 4 1/2 Bushels of Wheat 300 Wt of Flour about 10 lbs of Beef 21 Herring 1..90 or Cash Gordon and I came home Quite a surprise not any thing at all about it nor would I want them to Do thatfor me Old Mr John the Priest Departed
18th AJ Baker and Peter for Hay Took a Load Gordon crofsed with the Bag I got the stuff in cleaned the stove and Pipes splitting sugar Troughs 25
19th Began to Draw Wood took my Jumper to Renshaw Got Georges sleigh 3 Loads Got 1 Bottle of H Wines from George for the Wife and children sent him a Peice of sugar Brought a Little sleigh Got a new Whiskey Cask from him an awful Bluster of snow from the West Run into Hamiltons took the Taurus Down
20th First Day of Spring this Evening Quite a Fine Day skinned the Taurus took pu a Load and I went to Hamiltons with a Bottle of Milk they have a Bee to Day Drawing from Fleickes went with a Load afternoon Drew some upon the {illegible} EEl Fishers at Christies
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Mr James Cameron Island
March 21st 1879 Finished Drawing to Georges Got a Bag of Potatoes from Allen Cameron in the concefsion
22nd I went to the store with the Hide 37 lbs to Mr Ward Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 Bus salt 2 lbs of nails 4 Bunches of Matches went over with G Renshaws sleigh Got Tallow and Candles turned very stormy E Wind came to Hamiltons 2 men Fixing the Lighthouse tinsmith Gordon came from Hamiltons with me could hardly see the way to come home with the East Wind storm Heard ONe of the McMasters was going to be hung in the Back Hills for shooting a Man very Stormy to Day snowing Drifting Georgie Bosell and Billie here for the adze to make Troughfs George to Cornwall to Day and Antwine Scotch moon to Day 3 times crazy
23 Sunday a Fine Day
24th Gordon went for AJ Bakers sleigh and Harnefs went straight Down the ice to Henery Genies Port Lewis John Stalkers Daughter Departed stopt at the Lake View Hotel Bought 55 cents worth of H Wines St Ammcet) Lalelaw)
25th at Henery went Down to Jos Tavern went to see old Mr Rankin the Blacksmith and he is Poorly
26th Jim McDougall here for the sugar Bush Pete Bosell here with the adze We came home from Port Lewis Received From Mr Henery Genie 1 Bag of Wheat 1 Bag of Rye Bag of oats corn & pease Buckwheat 25 lbs corn Meal 35lbs lbs of Pork 46 yds Cotton 9 cents 15 yds of Calico 10 cents 3 spools of Thread 15 cents 1 Bag of Flour Boots {cut off} ..50 John H. Birth Day Rain
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Mr James Cameron Island
March 27th 1879 Gordon crofsed with AJ Bakers Sleigh got a Paper from Charles Tupper Workhouse Walton on the Hill Liverpool England Gordon crofsed over to Mr McDougalls to Let them Know about the Sugar Bush cut A Load of Black Oak on the Bank at the Pitt Point East Wind Drifting and snowing some Rain Freezing some to night Gordon got a Pair of Boots at Mr Wards cutting up the Weeb of Cotton
28th I crofsed to J Hamiltons Sacrament on the Front John & Wife went and came Back James & Rorry McDougall here Brought over some of the Sugar Bush Rigging Filling the Barrels with water a very fine Day Ducks Flying plenty
29th Robins came Grey Birds came Blackbirds came Rory came to Cut Wood Running All Day Making spoils and sharpening some of the old spoils have 25 Troughs new one made at the Door they have their sap Dishes and spoils 2 pots Barrels
30th Sunday snowing E Wind Gordon and Randolph went up to the Bush
31st Gordon and Rory cutting a Buck came over on snow hoes as there water thats not Froze hard enough to carry Drew the Troughs Barrels Pots chains to the Bush Randolph and I
April 1st All Fools Day Gordon and i made 22 Troughfs to Day soft maple Wild Geese Drew some stores from the House to the Sugar camp
2nd Gordon to the store Bought of J Summers 2 yds 40 cents Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb soda 5 cents Thread 5 cents Matches 3 cents Gordon Kept 5 cents stormy to Day {illegible}
3rd AJ Baker here 2 Galernea and Boy Back from Salmon River
4th St Ambrose Day Ned Lantinee for 1/2 Ton of Hay and came for my ashes 14 Bushels Peter Rooky here Rory here Gordon to Hamiltons for Steelyard
5th making Troughfs Jim Hopkins here 50 c{cut off} sap not running Tapping some
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Mr James Cameron Island
April 6th 1879 A Fine Day
7th Went with Hamiltons steelyard hom Maud calved
8th Gordon crofsed to the store 1/2 lb Tea Rope sturgeon oil Matches pipe Mifs Grant the schoolmam and one of the Mr McDougall little Girls in the sugar Bush made 22lbs and small cake and a Basin of Litere on the snow this is the first Sugar made
10th seen a Team crofsing Summers's Road Jim McDougal came with a cake 11 lbs this is out of the 22) Gave him a Taste of Sturgeon to take home
11th Good Friday stormy snowing Drifting East Wind Fine all Kinds of Weather DAy Drawing Wood in the sugar Bush
12th Crofsed with the Horses McDougall this morning and went right Back as the ice is Getting Bad took a canoe acrofs and hand sleigh & JIm Cox and Rory and Gordon in the Bush Boiling ice opened at the channell straining all they Boiled to Day chopping Stove Wood Keeping in the Jim Gander a Fine Day 2 Men Fishing at the Little Island Frosty nights White Frost Last night the 2 stopt to night for the first First cranes came Pheobe or Pe-Wit came Fan Tailed Blackbirds came
13 Sunday Rory crofsed Jim Cox stopt gathering sap a Fine Day
14th Jim McDougall and Rory came acrofs James McDougall stopt all night Lots of ice going Down
15th Drawing Wood Mc in the Bush
16th Drawing Marsh hay seen the first swallows Taking fine hay of the stable Loft putting it in the Barn
17th Put the Bull Don Pedro in the stable
18th Our Duncans Birth Day Drawing Wood
19th Rory and Mifs Grand and Elizabeth Mary Sugared in the Bush to Day 16 lbs Made a Water Trough for Don Pedro put out the canoe on the 17th
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Mr James Cameron Island
April 20th 1879 A Fine Day North West Wind Lots of ice going Down and ice at our shore 2 Indians Fishing EEls in a Bun at the Little Island Frost Last night Cows crofsed the swamp to the Sugar Bush salted them at the Lower Point got a small (Rock Bafs at the shore) struck him with a stick
21st 2 Indians in the Tent sugared about 40 lbs Mr Smallman's steamer Sparrys First Trip A Fine Day making Pickets Water coming in to the cellar set Fire to Front Marsh Lots of ice Going Down Loons came Gave the Indians some Hay for their Bed Frogs Began their Music not very well Bad with Rheumatism and corns on my Both Feet gave a Round on 2 at the Lower Point with the Plough
22nd First Laying of Hens Frosty nights Got 3 EEls from the mud taking the Banking from the East end of the House
23rd St Georges's Day Made Mollasses Gave a small cake to Mifs Bella McDougall old Gabriel came and Rivers
24th a Fine Day set nets Got none Got a Rat
25 St Marks Day East Wind cloudy and Fine Mr Genie came and Pickot and Boy Paul Gray and his Boy here all night got a Bag of Potatoes from Genie Got a chain for Don Pedro the Bull
26th Genie and I trying for EEls Gave him my 2 Lines Tobacco Seeds sold him my Musket to Pickot for chairs Gave Genie his Bags took hay seed in them made Mollasses to Day Gordon Crofsed to McDougalls with James Cox Mr Genie went off
27th E Wind Fine went up around the Island
28th John and James Cox came took all their rigging out of the Sugar Bush the Boys Boiling 17 Pails West Wind Got a Letter from Dan Got a Rat a Fine Day Raining for Little W Wind Got a Letter from Dan and a {illegible} from Charlie Tupper England
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Mr James Cameron Island
April 29th 1879 Black cow calved Gordon Boarding the Tent with Mr Gabriel takine home sugar Bush rigging
30th Gordon and Gabriel the Fisherman crofsed to Summerstown I Planted 130 hills of Potatoes Randolph and I Ploughing at the Lower Point
1st of May Gabriel got salt Got 3 pikes from them shingling his Tent Raining Gordon Barked 2 Chairs
2nd Lost their Line Blowing hard Ploughing at Lower Point Gave Them some Tobacco Grappling for their Line
3 made a Broom for old Gabriel Made a Runner for the Jumper Gordon ploughing at Door and the Bean Fence Garden A Propeller went Down and 2 Tow Boats and St Francis came up Blowing
4th a Fine Day Gordon crofsed to Go to Williamstown Randolph And I to Bosells Got a Ducks nest on Frank Island Moses Jessama and Family here George Renshaw sent a Bag of Potatoes Down with Moses to me Algerian went Down Randolph with Gabriel
5th Harrowing working at the Banking Raining
6th Harrowing Planted 80 Hills Raining some Ground his Pepper Spartan went Down
7th Bohemian came up Drawing Dung Got a pike Got a Rat
8 Harrowing the Lower Point Drawing off stones
9th WEnt to Summerstown with 2 Plates of Butter at 15 cents paid J Summers 33 cents {illegible} hom Bought 4 yds of Cotton 40 cents {illegible} 4 yds Calico 40 Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea Soda Starch Tin Cup Thread Salts Soap matches cloves oil had 3 Rats got a Letter from Williamstown
10th Sowed near 1 1/2 of Wheat at Lower Point harrowed it
11th Randolph Bismarck and I to Sturgeon Island Kit Kit Island to Lizard and Butternut Island Found a copper in the Kit Kit Island took Dinner on Butternut Island Thomas Reesor the Indian here to Buy sugar none to sell
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Mr James Cameron Island
May 12th 1879 Ploughing at the peice at the Door Finished Ploughing this peice Looking at the Fence On the Pitt Pitt Point
13 Harrowing Planting some Potatoes but the Potatoe Bug begins to show himself I'll not Plant no more so I'll put the rest of the Peice in corn
14th Finished Planting the Corn
15th putting Manure on the Garden and on the Potatoes some on the Garden and On the Potatoes some on the Hay Ground Bismarck planted 24 hills of Potatoes
16th Henry Bosell here for a stick to make oars Gave Randolpha 1/4 taking out manure I got 1/2 Bushel of Lime from Lancaster 10 cents GAve 15 cents 5 cents of a Mistake of mine
17th Gordon Came acrofs with George Bosell Gave George what sour milk we had for his Pigs 6 Pails went acrofs with Gordon to Summerstown to get his coat Fixed paid Amelia Laplante 50 cents 10 cents for Cotton Bought Mr Ward {illegible}duck oil 25 8 Bunches of Matches 2 pipe 8 cents Bought a Bag 25 cts Settled with AJ Baker for the Hay Rec Payment Got an Overcoat
18th Rogation Sunday A Fine Day Heard Dan was canvassoir and Rayside Francis the Indian here Gave hime Dinner Gordon Crofsed with him Potatoes up some Blades of Corn up
19th St Dustans Ploughing a Peice East of the shop and Barn and taking out stones fine Day warm working at the Garden Front of the House put in 10 Beds of Top Onions 2 1/2 Beds of Potatoe onions
20th Baking churning scalding the House putting out Manure Harrowing Lots a Harrowtooth Let the Calves out in the Lane Digging some in the Garden for Cucumbers and Melons a Fine Day East Wind in the Morning and West at Night cutting Brush in the {illegible}ther Feild one of these Fishermen that went to St Regis to Fish had to Leave
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Mr James Cameron Island
21st 1879 North Wind New Moon this Morning Whitewashing
22nd Whitewashing the appletrees up in the Hens as they are at the Corn setting Fire to some heaps of Brush
23rd Frosty Morning Working some at the Lane Fence
24th Queen's Birth Day Randolph and I to Christie's Fireing some volleys in the Morning heisted Colours a Fine Day Burning Brush in the Evening Great Bonfires St Francis to Montreal
25th Mr Genie Got a Sturgeon from {illegible} Darshie he first we Got Let the Mare out for the first time this spring oiled her well and Let her to the Pitt Point {illegible} the Ticks are Bad Dry weather thunder to the North but no Rain here high North wind this Evening Cold to night 4 Men supposed to be Drowned near Granadier Island came from Valleyfield to have a Time on the Queens Birth Day 2 Englishmen and 2 Frenchmen
26th Genie and Picott went off early Making a Door for the Milk house put a Board on the cookhouse floor
27th Putting a Pile of Manure in to the Yard from the Back Stable Door
28 Fixing the Wheat 3 Bushels and 1 1/2 of Rye in Bags to get Ready to go to Mill Solomon Falkner and mr {illegible} here
29th Royal Oak Day Went to Mill Brout 25 lbs of Butter sold to to Lemay 14 cents Bought 1/2 lb Tea 18 1/2 lbs Tea 23 cents Salt 10 lbs 10 Pipes 3 cents Spoon 25 cents Tub 25 2 Tin Basins 2..50 Matches 13 4 yds overalls 64 Bottle of Hatches oil 25 Pink & senna 10 {illegible}ndy Heard Emmanuels Girls Departed The Sparry into Lancaster with a Load for the St Francis a very fine Day had AM Derushie's Boat A Great many Trowling in Salmon River took Dinner at D Summers Got some Garden pease
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Mr James Cameron Island
May 30th 1879 making the Calves Pasture Fence Ploughed the Back Garden over again
31st Plouged and Planted Beans to Day Fixed the Bean Fence George Renshaw here Going Down with Captain Rankin First Trip Gave George a cake of sugar Told me about the St Francis striking the Barges coming out of Valleyfield
1st of Jone The Glorious First of June Rowena's Birth DAy 1 year old to Day
Whit Sunday Rained some 2nd Drew some Basswood sticks sheared the sheep some cold
3rd Ploughing some Rows of Corn
4 of June old George he 3rd's Birth Day Went to Na Houstas Island a Good many Boats a Going and Towing
5 Election Day Dan & Rayside Mr Deroshie the Fisherman to Lancaster the old man went to Montreal as his pay did not come up on the Boat Ploughing the West side of the Corn Potato Bugs Plenty Planted Pease in the old Garden and Beans Keeping in the hens Let out the 2 sheep Kept in the Black weather as he is not Smart Made a Bonfire to night and Fired a Many Volley Frost to night Rained some thunder A Meeting at Summerstown yesterday evening
6th Set the Beech Barrel for soap Raining went around the Island Windy West Frost this morning Dan Elected with a Majority of 50 Heard so
7th George Renshaw here took Down the Old Man took my strainer to get Fixed to Cornwall
8th Gordon with Thomas Munroe and George Renshaw
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Mr James Cameron Island
June 9th 1879 Hoeing Corn Marys Birth Day 1813) 70th Working at the Potatoes and Bugs
11th St Barnabas Went to Hopkins with Milk yesterday the 3 of them Gordon Hugh Ann and Randolph went to Summerstown Got the strainer and 1/2 Doz of cups and saucers 40 cents strainer 25 cents Got Lime from George Bought of Summers Soda 5 cents needles 5 cents Got the Dog Snap from Hamiltons Working on the Roads on the Front J Hamilton Path Master
12th Corpus Christie crofsed with 28 lb of Butter to Mr Ward Paid for Gordons Boots Bought 3 yds Calico 24 4 yds Cotton 40 2 yds of Overalls 40 Pail 25 Soap 6 Caps 10 Got some Hooks and snoo{illegible} at Hamiltons Working at Corn Bugs
13th Cold night with Frost most every night Fine
14th Went to the Bush cut a Stick for oars put the Black Weather Down in the Brush in the swamp Dead yesterday Strawberries Getting Ripe Keeping in the hens Beans peeping up Potato Bugs Bad 2 Men here yesterday stopt all night Vondell and Johnston Caught a Lunge Thursday Hamiltons Cows eat their Provision Broke thier Rods and Lines
15th Raining some E Wind Mr Genie here Going to Cornwall Gordon went with him Stopt all night here
16th Genie went off took a scow from the Traveller at the Corn
17th Lots of Trowlers
18th Waterloo Fine First time this spring I went to Fish caught a Good many perch Mr Tuthill and Dan Summers here to night had a Good many Fish Treated Got a pepper Dish and Mustard and Vinegar from Mr Tuthill Gordon crofsed for Butter tube 5 cents hair pins 5 cents
19th the cow Blary sucking the Genie Cow Keeping her in
20th a Fine Day Indians for oarstuff angus Cameron and his Boy here on the 19th
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Mr James Cameron Island
June 21st 1879 Went to Fish Bismarck Leander Fernandez and I to the Back Bay First Day of Summer
22nd Our Dan's Birth Day Mr Genie here Came Last night Brought me 18lbs of Flour Let his saw Log some strawberries
23rd Cutting weeds for Don Pedro Drawing Wood set 3 Line at the Head of the Island for Mr Derushie Randolph Fishing with hime put out the stove into the cookhouse Gave Genie 16 Harrowteeth Mr Tuthill and Dan Summers had a nice lot of Fish
24th St Johns the Baptiste Day the Masonic Day Jim Hopkins and Kibby and Blood here Jim for a Milk Got some Hooks from Mr Kibby and Blood
25 Let out the Don Pedro. Maud with Pedro crofsed to Hamiltons for the Bun a very warm Day Heard that Mary and Henerys Girl Departed Sund and George Grant at Lancaster Finished all the Hoeing of the Potatoes
26 Got a Pair of Oars that the Indians made me
27th Drawing Wood Hoeing Corn taking Beetles of Potatoes Brindle with Pedro
28 Black with Pedro
29th Betsy Bone and Billy here Gave them milk the old Man Getting Sturgeon now they Bite well
30th Hoeing Corn Digging Tobacco Peice
1st of Jly Dominion Day Randolph Bismarck Leander went to Squaws Island Butternut took Dinner or Pic nick on the 2 Islands Antwine and Wife Ed Jessima and Wife Mifs Robideau and another and 2 children made a Pic nick in the Grove Norry with Pedro John Spink went acrofs Line 40 {illegible} Married a Great Time all over Great Boat Race is over {rest of page illegible}
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Mr James Cameron Island July 2nd 1879 2 I went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 12 cents worth of Coarse Salt pipes Seen Angus Cameron Treated me to a Glass Ale John Summers Building his house Potato Bugs Bad took Dinner and tea at J Hamiltons Got an old Musket Lock from John wind High John Rowed up Tom Jack went to the Springs got the old Mans Boat Gordon Fishing with me Derushie since Monday the Steamer came with the Oil and Supplies to the Lighthouses to Day Heard Jo McPherson Broke his neck
3rd Gordon to Lancaster with Mr Dorushe
4th American Indepence very windy
5th Gordon and I went to Salmon River took the wool to be carded did not Got it to Day 32 lbs of Butter 12 cents a lb Bought of Jo Lemay 25 lbs of Corn Meal Fine salt coarse salt Tea Liquorice Blue Peppermint 2 Spools Let it on counter Matches of16 of another 5 of another calico 4 yds of overall {illegible} soda soap
6th Sunday Gordon crofsed {torn off} Hamiltons took his Clothes
7th {torn off} mowing some in the front {torn off}
8th mowing David Bowen for milk {illegible} out
9th put in some {torn off}
10th went for the wool Eggs {torn off}
1/2 Doz Bought of Burdo 2 Rakes {torn off}
matches Boots 2 1/2 store Lock {torn off}
Thread did not get the Thread J {torn off}
Left the Time Before Got a scyth {torn off}
from Dan Summers Brought {torn off}
Baker some sturgeon to Mr Baker {torn off}
Set a Big Paper of Sweets to {torn off}
the children 7 1/2 lb of Rowls at {torn off}
cents a lb to any Canada man John {torn off}
Hamilton here for the Bull {torn off}
Manhard here the Bull he did not take as he horned him
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{illegible} 2..25R..20s 48
Mr James Cameron Island
July 11th 1879 Mowing Grinding Scythes Got a Scythe from J Hamilton yesterday
12th Orange Man's Day Firing heavy shots colour up a Fine Day seen Petes the Indian at the Head of the Island
13th Hall and his woman and Johnny Bowen for Berries
14th Mowing
15th Mowing St Swithen Day Rained some to Day
16th Mowing
17th Mowing Put in some
18th Mowing
19th Fernandez Birth Day 5 years old to Day Gathering and cocking hay 36 cocks up Mowed a Road Down on Top of the Hill around the west end of the Wheat
20th Peter Tree here and Family {illegible} Brought me 2 Oars Gave them their Knife they lost Last year
21st Put in 36 Cocks of Hay first hay on the East side of the mow Mr Durushies Daughter and son-in-Law came from Montreal
22nd Mowing Back of the Barn Rain some
23rd Raining Livinina went to D to see the old Mans Daughter at the Tent
24th They went off The old Man to M with his Daughter Slept in the Ten with Randolph while he was away Mowing some
25th P Blaw here putting in some 40 cocks hay Windy East Thunder
26th the old man Came from Montreal Mowing some at the corn John A McDonald Towing a Mowing Below the old Garden Rained hailed to night the old Mans Daughter sent a {torn off} up to the Baby Rowena Dogs Days
27 amot here
28th Goke yk
29th putting in Hay
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Mr James Cameron Island
July 30th 1879 Mr Oxly here Randolph and I to the store he went up Bought 1/2 lb Tea I stopt at Hamiltons Randolph went to the Store Heard John {illegible}cks wife Departed John Hamilton Lost 2 of his Cows seen hopkins Hotel up
31st Went to Dundee 37 1/2 lb of Butter 6 1/2 for the Tub Bought 50 lb and 25 lb of Flour Tea Soda salt stone yds of Overalls stuff 10 yeds of Calico Got scythe & 3 nets from Baker Hocks Tub pipes Sweetys Made 12 cocks of hay
1 of August Or Lammas DAy putting in hay Mowing
2nd Minnie's Birth Day Pic nic on the St Francis
3rd 3 Men Stealing cherries Livinia and I to the Head of the Island Amot and Wife here
4th Mowing
5th Taking in Hay
6th Randolph's Birth Day Mowing
7th Mowing some
9th mowing
10th Lewis Blondeau and Greeny here
11th cut the Wheat
12th Put in the Wheat
13th Mowing Dan Summers here for Bread the old man for Breads Randolph went Down to stopt all night at the Kit Kit
14th Mowing
15 Mowing
16 Mowing Lemays Boy at the old Mans wanting to Buy Line Leaving his Gold King till he would pay him Windy Raining
17th Found 2 peices of Rope at head of the Island it me Be J Hamiltons Wind Rainig Angus Departed in Williamstown
18th Mowing Mr Oxly and son here E Wind Rain some Ellen McDonald poorly
19th Bismarcks Birth Day John Hamilton and Gordon came to Give me word Angus was Dead Got a hat and shirt from John as my own was not ironed crofsed with John got out to Williamstown Gordon Gave me 50 cents but Gave it Back to hime Dan came through the night
20th Buried very warm Day and a Large Funeral
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Mr James Cameron Island
Augt 21st 1879 in Williamstown Allen McDonald Buried to Day in the Roman Church for the first time
22nd I Came home Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb of Tea Janie Spinks Departed I see her Last Breath as she Left this World Pipes and Matches Gordon put me acrofs with Willie Roses Boat Don Pedro went off on the 19th and the only Heifer came
23rd putting in Hay Mowing
24th very sick
25th Mowing Fixed the Jumper putting in Bucky here got and old scythe
26th putting in hay
27th Dan Summers here early this morning very unwell
28th Got a Sturgeon and EEls the old Mans Line D Summers took 50 lb of Flour from Dundee for me on credit
29th Got 3 Sturgeon
30th the old Man from Montreal Gokey for Corn and Butter
31st Got a Line and 95 Hooks and snoods from the Old Man to Fish a Fine Day Let the cows in shut the Back Door of the Barn yesterday
1st of Sept Mowing in the upper Feild
2nd Taking in corn that Rip cutting cutting cornstalks
3rd Dan's Birth Day 1846 putting Hay on the Barn Floor helping the old Man with his Lines to set Laurie and Granny Mom's came Henery Bosell and Lashey here with pickerel for the old Man at 12 o clock at night the old man off Henery mad at him
4th Amiot for Butter Laurie went Down to Kit Kit Wind Raised Black cherries Rip taking in corn
5th John Angus Birth Day 1850
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Mr James Cameron Island
Sept 6th 1879 Working at corn and cornstalks cutting in the upper Field Granny Laurie and Dan Summers went home Randolph Bad with a Large Boil sent to Wards for Tea soda
7th Went to head of Island
8th at hay
9th at hay
10th Working at hy in the upper Feild
11th cutting cornstalks
12th Taking in corn
13th putting in hay
14th Sunday
15th Got the Boat from Dan Summers at Kit Kit
16th Went to Salmon River Tea Flour soap salt castor oil Salts RRR Matches 4 spools yeast 5 yds overalls stuff cotton calico Braces powder shot Hammer Knife Butter scissors 2 Butter Tubs scythe stone
17th went for nuts
18th at nuts
19th Raining
20th Dan Summers G Renshaw here Andrew Cameron Departed cut the Tobacco
21st Sunday Did not Write Down anything till the 29th
29th Went to Hamiltons Heard the Fellow that Murdered his Father Clark Brown was sentenced to be hung the Last Day of October Heard Liza Vipond was married to the Frenchman that Lived there Bought of Ward Tea Knitting needles Got from Hamilton 25 cents 1 Bag of apples and crabapples very Bad with my hand poisoned oil
30th at hay
1st of October
2nd went with wood to Bosells
Did not write anything
5th of October Sunday David Bowen a Fine Lad in Drawing his Gun out of the Boat it went off and shot him Dead about 19 years of Age
6th at hay
7th George Bosell and Wife and 3 children here
10th Hugh Ann McMaster Birth Day I went to Mill called at Lukes never heard David was Dead till Luke told me and showed me the spot 6 Bushels of corn Bought 15 yds of Cotton 12 yds of Calico 12 yds of Batting 2 yds of overall stuff a pair of Braces 1 lb of Tea 1 lb of shot 1/2 Quire of Paper Loaf Bread Lead Pencil matches
11th Cutting hay
12th 13th 14 15th 16 17 18 19 20th I wrote nothing in these Days
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Mr James Cameron Island
Oct 21st 1879 Working at hay
22nd Colouring Cotton for Quilts
23rd Livinia Birth Day 1868 11 years old to Day Quilting
24th Our Hugh's Birth Day
25th My Birth Day cleaning out the Big Shed Dan Summers here to night and a Passenger from Lancaster almost Froze that man with him Gave him an old Stove Pipe hat
26th 2 men camped on the Pitt Point from Prescott one of them Keeps a Livery of Boats they are Hunting Ducks
27th Luke Bowen and another man here they have a steam yacht at the Foot of Christie Island covering the shed with Marsh hay
28th Mr Derushie the Fisherman went to the store sent for Soda 1 lb 2 spools of Thread
29th Drawing wood out of the Marsh Back of the Sugar Bush for sugar Bush Wood the Barges the Maxwell Run aground some time ago got off to DAy
30th Nory Blawa wanting the grapes to make wine
31st Holy Eve Drawing Wood cracking nuts
1st of November All Saints Day Amiot here for nuts Got a Rice Bag from him Drew the old Man some wood
2nd Sunday Gordon and Tommy Rose here sent some Tobacco to Andrew Rose East Wind Began to snow through the night Put in the calves to night and the Mare
3rd East Wind snowing and Blowing hard shelling the corn nubbings to Day all the Best of the corn shelled before this the cattle all went to the head of the Island with the East Wind Went up for the cattle as its very stormy Feeding the cattle
4th Drew some Wood the old Man Mr Derushie for onions
5th Guy Fawks Day sharpened the saw Mr Durushie the Fisherman to Lancaster sent for Tea and comb taking up the Traps Sawing stove Wood Salmon River Froze as the Sperry had hard work to Break
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Mr James Cameron
Nov 6th Island 1879 cold some Drew some Drags plastering the stables Piling up Firewood Tied Royal Charlie the Bull in the Big shed Lots of shooting to the South side
7th Plastering Went Down to the Kit Kit Island Randolph and I took some Fat Pine My old scythe salt Water Very Low East Wind Lots of shooting the Alexandria went up Very slow A Fine Day snow Thawing Helen's Birth Day
8th Peggy Bosell here with the yarn paid her to Day 58 cents and Gave her 50 cents when we Brought the wool to her 6 1/2 lb of Wool Drew some wood Brought the sheep from the Bush Amiot came from Cornwall where he was Fishing lot of Rope from him and Gokeys Bake Pot Bohemian came straight up did not go into Lancaster its on account of the water being so Low
9th Sunday Fine Blowing Hard Raining
10th Cutting Drags and Drawing Wood
11th Banking the East end of the House cut some Marsh hay for the Banking
12th Old Hallow eve or St Martins Banking
13th Went for a Broom of Cedar Amiot making Blinds for Duck s The Steamer of Avrils went off to Day Wind high
14th Amiot and Nory went off
15th Raining Making Decoy heads
16th Sunday went around the Island Bismarck and I
17th Gabriel Derushie took up his Lines helped him with them Fixing the porch took up Boards that Amiot Left
18th snowing stormy East W chopping stove Wood helped the old Man with his nets packing them up
19th Mr Derushie went off helped him with his sturgeon and Pickerel Load up his Boat Left his Bun here and chest and Rods turned stormy at night south W Wind snowing
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Mr James Cameron Island continued 19th 1879
Took up his Rigging from his Tent took up his Bun St Francis and Bohemian went Down Together stormy to night Drew some Drags from the Lower Point Got a Rat Lots of snow on the Mountains Feeding the Milk cows and the Mare and calves the Duck away for 2 Days but came back to the Shore
20th stomry snowing south Wind
21st on this Day of the Month Doc McMaster Departed 1846 Sperry not out sharpening the crofscut saw Windy
22nd Went to Look for the sheep cold Windy Broke on the West Marsh hay stack Feeding the cornstalks on the stable loft
23rd Sund a Boat aground this 2 or 3 Days Below Mr Halls Light one of the Kingston Lumber steamer a Propeller coming up gave her a Jerk and Left her I think its the Kendrick that came Down and took her off Stormy south West Wind snow Big Flakes St Francis and Bohemian went Down the Sparry did not come out since the 20th
24th chopping and sawing Wood
25th at Wood Tying the Heifers in the shed
26th stormy snowing cutting and Drawing Wood on the Pitt Point
27th Fixing a Door on the Big shed put King {illegible} cold some
28th a Fine Morning I crofsed Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea 28 cents 1/2 lb soda 5 cents Matches oil Bought of J Summers Thread 10 Pins Pipe 3 cents Received from G Renshaw Dollar for a Hemlock stick the Wind Raised stopt at Mr Hamiltons the Kendrick Went Down with a Barge to Valleyfield carrys J Hamilton and Normans Abrams Wood Sacrament on the Front Mr McNish from Cornwall
29th at J Hamiltons Parisha a Bee Ploughing the Last Day for cattle to go into the stable cold
30th Sunday St Andrews Day came home from Hamiltons a Boat at Renshaws Wharf Last night continued
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Mr James Cameron Island
Nov 30th 1879 no Light in Mr Hills Lighthouse to night the other 2 Lights of Johnstons Lit up tonight cold and Frosty St Andrews Day
1st of December setting the Marshes a Fire Light of Floating Island and Cherry Island Kept in Blary most part of the Day as we think of Killing her Tommorrow
2 Killed Blary Light on cherry Island
3rd cutting up the Beef and salting it East Wind
4th and snow cold and Fine Drew up the old Mans Bun in the Grove Drew some Long Peices at the Door and Past of the stable
5th all the Hay Done On the Barn Floor commenced the East Mow of Fine Hay JIm Hopkins here and one of Paul Jes Boys cutting and sawing Stove Wood East Wind cold Lots of Ducks and sawing Stove Wood East Wind cold Lots of Ducks Making Decoys a crust on the snow
6th a Fine Day Drew a couple of Drags snow soft Went to the Head of the Island
7th Sunday Blowing hard not Cold
8th Jim Hopkins Charlie and Billy Bone here was Down at Charlies Island got no Ducks Randolph and I set the Decoys Down at the Tent near Bismarcks Bay Fine Day
9th cold some chopping and sawing Stove Wood
10th Leanders Birth Day 1872 a Fine Day Working at putting up the Petition Boards or the stall not very well
11th cutting up a Buck that fell with the Wind Bad with a pain I took a Good Deal of shooting up the Way of the Hog Island
12th Drew some Drags and 2 Loads of Tops of Beech Limbs Lost my Pip and Found it Fixing stems in the Pipes Freezing hard tonight
13th a Fine Morning East Wind new Moon a Scotch moon that comes on Saturday in General a Rough moon that comes in on Saturday Tying a Bushel of Corn took us all Day Wind Changed to West Blowing hard some Grains of snow Freezing some to night the cattle picking out in the Daytime
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Mr James Cameron Island
Dec 14 1879 Sunday some cold no snow on the Ground E Wind A Good many Ducks this morning not very Well
15th Went to the Bush for the sleigh took home 3 Drags Drew the Fish-Box to the Barn for to put Hayseed that on the Barnfloor in it cleaned up the Barn floor Kind of Stormy snowing cutting stove Wood
16th Moving the Hay from the West mow to the East mow so to get at the Wheat some cold turned fine in the Evening Frosty to night
17th some snow North West Wind Freezing Cold Frosty to night Began the Wheat to Thrash Thrashed 3 Floors Got the Clock to start it stoped about 2 Weeds Making Bismarck a comforter
18th very cold Windy Thrashing
19th Thrashing very Cold East Wind got Kind of soft through the night
20th snowing West Wind Some cold First Quarter of the Moon this morning Finished the Thrashing put it in 2 Boxes till I can Get it Fanned A Good Deal of ice in the Bays and out to the edge of the Rushes Water Low Windy to night and all the time cold
21st Sund the Water all in a skim of ice Freeze hard and calm till near night when the East Wind and snow and Drifting began its an awful night
22nd stormy till near night the ice taken acrofs last night Great snowbanks and Drifts the Potatoes and squashes Froze in the cellar
23rd some cold I went to try the ice I crofsed but its very thin went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea 20 soap 10 Bought of J Summers matches and pipe 3 cents Got a Letter from Dan a Happy New Years card Breaking the Roads Ward Butchering Took J Hamiltons Horse home from the Roads as it is Lame Mrs Hamilton sent a peice of cheese to Livinia and apples to the children
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Mr James Cameron Island
Dec 24th 1879 soft Raining and hailing East Wind Feeding the cattle extra as its Christmas Eve and cold Weather cutting wood
25 Christmas Day Fine but cold West Wind changed at night Keeping to Day as it should be Kept a Holy Day
26th cold East Wind I crofsed stopt at Mr Hamiltons then went to Mr Ward Got on credit 100 wt of Flour 3..50 Bought 1/2 lb Soda 5 Darning needle Got a Ride Down with Tom Jack a very Frosty Day Bill Morris crofsed with a horse Heard to Day Left my Flour at Hamiltons till I would got tomorrow after it
27th Broke a stack of Marsh hay stormy this Morning Turned fine Randolph and I crofsed to Hamiltons for the Flour put out some Bushes for our Road Tom Jack went to Gather ashes to Day East Wind snow sun Draws water 2 Loads crofsed the ice to Hopkins I Dont Know what it was
28th Sunday a very Fine Day E Wind and an Eclipse on the Moon and a change in the Moon Full Moon to Day A Great many Fishing EEls over From the squaw Island a Good many air holes But a Great many shut with the stormy night of the 21st
29th Our Angus Birth Day set 4 Traps in the Rushes a Fine soft Day cut some holes for EEls
30th cold chopping Stove Wood
31st Cold and stormy E Wind Last Day of the year
1st of January New Years Day 1880 a very Fine Day Breaking Roads Drew some Wood W Wind shot a Wood Pecker not Duck shooting
2nd Soft W Wind Randolph and I to Pit Point There a Bushing the Road from McPhees to Lancaster Drew some Wood Brok a Road up in the swamp seen where the Fox eat a Bluejay
3rd Allen's Birth Day cold Wind Frosty cutting Brush up in cord Wood Bay a ood deal of crofsing Summerstown Road to night commenced to hail Raining Freezing to night
4th Sunday Raining Foggy slippery Fine W Wind Gordon came From Hamiltons seen a Fox crofsing here crofsed the sugar Bush Water on to the ice