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James Cameron Diary, 1880
James Cameron 1880 (4).pdf
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Mr James Cameron Island
March 11 1880 Cold E Wind a Sleigh with one Horse crofsed to Frashers on the South Side passed the Foot of the Island and came Back Drawing Wood
12th On this Day of Month Dell McMaster First came to the Island cold and Fine a Buggy went up one Driving and 2 Men Trying the ice and a Dog along with them the Buggy came Back and crofsed at the Head of the Island on My Road where they Landed on either side I Dont Know
13th E Wind Drew some Firewood to the camp Randolph and I no Birds nor Ducks though the ice opened so Early very frosty time this is the Earliest it ever opened here But Good going outside of the holes a Sleigh one Horse an Indian Came Down the ice crofsed at the Foot of the Island Got a squirrel in the Trap set for Mink a Good Lot of Travelling on the Lancaster Raod
14 Sunday Cold in Morning The Baby Born Stanley E Wind
15th Fishing EEls got 1 Bait for the Mink
16th E Wind morning Fine turned stormy I crofsed A Tyo and Tom Frasher crofsed at the Head of the Island where crofsed in the Morning all Broke up J Hamilton drove me up Bought of Mr Ward 1 lb Tea 60 1 lb of soda 10 Castor oil 10 Pail 25 Soap 2 Bars one 7 and the other 9 on credit Tax paid Matches 5 Met Tom Frasher and made him go Between the airholes ice Back
17th St Patricks Day Janet McDonald Departed Dan McGreggor and Bill Hosesworth here sold Maud 20 sold Nory 14 Dollars 34 Dollars for the 2 went up as far John Hamiltons John sold a cow a Fine Day Got 20 Dollars and John Hamilton will get the Rest as he is Going up
18th Crofsed Got 14 Dollars from John H Bought of Mr Ward {illegible} lbs of Barley a paper, pins & Sweetys Settled up to H Paid all I owed him to Day continued
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Mr James Cameron Island 1880