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James Cameron Diary, 1880

James Cameron 1880 (6).pdf

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Mr James Cameron Island

28th of April 1880 A Fine Day crofsed to Hamiltons Left my Canoe went to Summerstown Paid Charles Parisha for Flour I got from him crackers 3 cents Crofsed on the Steamer Sperry The Com O's First Trip to Day to Summerstown Mr Woods and Robert Baker on Board went up to Waggoners Hotel as they thought they Flagged her Bought of 3 Pairs of Boots 5.25 Bought of Mr 8 yds of Linsey 1.. Cotton 9 1/2 yds 1..4 yds of overalls stuff 60 cents Thread 2 cents Bag 28 cents Bought of J Lemay Flour 1..90 1/2 lb Tea 20 Soap 25 cents Broom 10 cents 20 cents Tobacco 5 Bought of Tyo 25 cets Billy Bowen took me Down stopt at Lukes all night

29th Got my Canoe Luke Fixed it and I came home Found a Decoy Duck a Fine Morning turned windy I Just got home in time as my canoe Lukes bad Borrowed from Hamilton 1 Dollar when going on the Boat sowing Wheat at Hamiltons Planted hills of Potatoes in the Back Garden Raining Blowing 2 Tow Beauty went Down

30th Snowing Blowing Trimmed the apple trees Before the Door Trimmed the Hicory the calves Pasture 2 Tow Boats Went Down and up

1st of May Algerian went Down Windy Blowing hard old Man Grinding {illegible} Found a Tick and a Broom on the Back Sugar Bush. Marsh set some Fires where it would Burn chopping stove Wood Lots of Snow on the Mountains hard Frost Last night very windy Time cold Raw

2nd a Fine Day

3rd Fixing Canoe claning the Milkhouse

4th set a hen to hatch with 10 Duck Eggs there is no Drake with her But the Rooster so I am going to try them

5th Making soap I crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 25lbs of corn meal 50 cents on Credit, 2 spools paid 1 lb shot paid 1 lb of nails paid John Summers 2 spools of Thread 10 cents have got Letters for Gabriel Derushie got a Bag of Potatoes at Hamiltons Randolph and I took Dinner there.

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Mr James Cameron Island

6th of May 1880 Taking the Banking out of the cook house took the Box of Ashes out at the Soap Ascension Day Cold Windy Drew a Load of Wood for the old man

7th setting Fires on on the Pitt Point Burning the Ticks went with the old man to his nets North East Wind Got a crane in the Big Trap

8th Fixing the calves Pasture Fence Trimming Trees put the 3 calves together in the East Stable East Wind Lighting and some Thunder this evening

9th Mr Burdo the Fisherman came to Day to Fish with Mr Dureshie

10th Digging the Garden

10th Planted 147 hills of Potatoes Dug the East & North side of the old chimney

12th the Lemays here from the Kit Kit for 3 Boxes they Left since Last Fall Making the calves Pasture Larger

13th Killed Spottys calf put the carcafs Down in the swamp

14th Working at Fence

15 Crofsed to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 50 lbs of Flour 1..75 1/4 lb of Tea 8 1/2 Bought of Ward Bread 28 cents Salt Peter 3 1/2 Bushel of Potatoes 15 sent yesterday for 1/2 lb Tea to Lancaster 25 got 4 Loaves from him 25 cents Mr Lemans wife the Baker at Dundee Departed yesterday Pete Grants Daughter Brought a mefs of Pike to J Hamiltons got the Plough AJ Baker moving his Barn Mr Patterson On the Front move the Rest

16th Gordon and Tommy Rose here

17th First Ploughing Planted a Strip of Potatoes

18th Ploughing

19 Fixing Fence Drawing Rails

20th Planted 23 Rows of Corn Harrowing tried the Peice at the Lower Point its Rather hard to plough a Fine Day The Spartan went Down with colours up Fixing the Gate Mosquitos commenced they are Bad Ticks plenty

21st Making Garden Fence

22nd Planted 8 Rows of corn

23rd a Fine Day high West Wind

24th Queens Birth Day sent Gordons shirt to Hamiltons with Mr Durasher Got a Letter and 2 Papers from Dan with 2 in it.

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