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James Cameron Diary, 1885

James Cameron Diary, 1885 (5).pdf

Revision as of Jan 27, 2025, 12:51:59 PM, edited by

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Mr James Cameron Island

2nd of April 1885 East Wind Turned stormy snowing hailing Drifting Blustery had 15 pails of sap about 5 Quarts of Syrup Froze hard Last night Teams crofsing the 2 Roads ice seems to be good yet stormy to night

3rd Good Friday High E Wind snowing Blowing drifting Great Banks of snow

4th Lily Calved Stormy E Wind hailing snowing Drifting shovelling snow every place Blocked with Banks of snow Kind of soft

5th Easter Sunday wamr sun shining sap run some snow Deep

6th Tapping some

7th Boiling

8th made 3 1/2 Gallons of Syrup Hot sun Robins Pewit Blackbirds Grass Bird Rained heavy Put out some Manure and some Loads of snow out of the yard

9th 23 Years Married to Day Randolph crofsed to PO

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Mr James Cameron Island


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