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James Cameron Diary, 1885
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (5).pdf
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Mr James Cameron Island
2nd of April 1885 East Wind Turned stormy snowing hailing Drifting Blustery had 15 pails of sap about 5 Quarts of Syrup Froze hard Last night Teams crofsing the 2 Roads ice seems to be good yet stormy to night
3rd Good Friday High E Wind snowing Blowing drifting Great Banks of snow
4th Lily Calved Stormy E Wind hailing snowing Drifting shovelling snow every place Blocked with Banks of snow Kind of soft
5th Easter Sunday wamr sun shining sap run some snow Deep
6th Tapping some
7th Boiling
8th made 3 1/2 Gallons of Syrup Hot sun Robins Pewit Blackbirds Grass Bird Rained heavy Put out some Manure and some Loads of snow out of the yard
9th 23 Years Married to Day Randolph crofsed to PO got a Lot of Papers from Dan Bought 2 Packages of Prize Tea he got 2 Pitchers with them 2 spools of Thread 10 paid all this Breaking the Roads as they are Blocked up Boiled 1/2 Gallon of syrup
10th Fine cutting sumacks for sugar Bush Wood on the P Point
11th one of the yearling calves Dead got Fast in the stall Fine crust good boiling 40 pails of sap E Wind cutting Brush for the cows
12th Low Sunday in the Bush Made Syrup
13th Boiling in the Bush
14 made 40 lbs
15 made 30 lbs seen 2 Indians crofsed from Chrisitees Island over to the north shore
16th Randolph sick Leander and I in the Bush Boiling the Girls gathered sap
17th Mr J McDougall here and Alexander Lissy and Lissy Rose The Teacher he found the ice over 3 Foot Thick in the channel he went Back and Set the Team after the Girls as there was a Good deal of water on the ice Got the Globe of the 20th Sent Mrs McDougall a 2 lb cake and Bottle of Syrup Stanley in the Bush
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Mr James Cameron Island
18th of April 1885 Our Duncan's Birth Day 2 cows calved to Day Spotty and Jennie seen First Black Ducks a Flock made 46 lbs of sugar Rowena in the Bush to Day E Wind Fine Let out the Lambs and sheep for the First Time holes coming in the ice close to shore cattle out Picking
19th Boiling
20th sugared and made syrup
21st sugared and made syrup
22nd stump of Basswood cut a Lower Point put out manure
23rd put out the Banking in the Cookhouse Spotty Died Boiling in the Bush
24th Quit the sugar Bush took home the Rigging Drew some sticks of the Ice on the Pit Point
25th St Marks Day ice opened here and opening very slow Randolph shot a Rat the First ever he shot spreading manure a Fine Day a Few Grains of snow this Morning
26th Raining hard
27th ice Jamming Fine Took away West Banking
28th Frost Last night taken away E Banking but its Froze so hard we will leave it alone for a While Froze hard last E Wind snowing to Day and Fine shot a Duck ice Jamming before the Door
29th Grenada's First Trip to Summerstown Drew the saw Logs to the Bank Lots of snow and ice around the house
30th Randolph crofsed to Summerstown Bought of John Summers Tea 50 Goblet prize Lamp chimney 10 Laces 5 paid this Bought of Mr Ward Tax 5 cents on Credit Leander JH and I to head of Island seen the Fox the Grenada's First Trip to Cornwall
1st of May Fine North East Wind high shot a yellow hammer Fixing Fences piling wood
2nd of North E Wind Randolph to F Covington Bought of McCartney 2 Dollars of Calico Boots 1..25 handerchief pants paid Bought Collar 1 Dollar paid Bought of Long Box of Matches 12 1/2 on Credit sold Rats 1..75 putting out manure went to Sturgeon Island Leander and I got a Duck