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James Cameron Diary, 1887
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (3).pdf
Revision as of Feb 6, 2025, 12:45:07 PM, edited by
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Mr James Cameron Island
14th of February 1887 St Valentine's Day E Wind Fine very Bad with cold My Head is in an awful pain sent Bismarck to Mr A Tyo with a Tub of Butter 30 lb 7..50 Bought Brandy 1..25 H Wines 40 a Dance to night there went with a Jag of Wool Bull and Oxley a Fight
15th Nomination Day for Members in Alexandria E and W and North Wind snowing hard turned Fine Thawing very unwell to Day got my hair cut
16th Better to Day Breaking a Road Fine turned to snowing Bismarck to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 100 of Flour 2..50 12 lb of Pork 1..20 Lantern 20 Tea 25 at Wards I owe 25 at J Summers on this paid all the Rest Bought of Ward Glass 39 cents E oil 25 Bag of Oats at Hamiltons 40 not cold
17th Fine Day Bismarck cutting Brush my Head commenced again and I am in a Fearful way with it
18th James Hugh's Birth Day Stormy
19th Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Nicholson Herring 25 Bought of Ward Herring 10 Worm Powders 25 RRR 25 Killed a Muskrat at the Door Bought 3 Glass 10 snowing
20 Shrove Sunday 2 men crofsed from the south side
21st cutting alders Fine Filled the straw Tick
22nd Shrove Tuesday Election P.P. got in Went to Lancaster got a Ride from Hamiltons to vote coming Back went to Tyos stopt at Hamiltons all night
23rd Ash Wednesday Went to Summers Bought nails 10 came home a Fine Day Drawing snow out of the yard
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Mr James Cameron Island