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James Cameron Diary, 1887

James Cameron Diary, 1887 (10).pdf

Revision as of Feb 7, 2025, 12:51:02 PM, edited by

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Mr James Cameron Island

1st of July 1887 Very Fine and Warm Bismarck and Hugh Ann to Hamiltons Island to a Pick nick a very poor pic nic The Rev Mr McKay Buried to Day Gave Narcisse a Plug of Tobacco

2nd Fine Warm Thunder Lightning Rain Very high North Wind set some Brush heaps a Fire Fixing Rakes Pulling Weeds at Potatoe Bugs cleaning out the Barn Mows Taking Ticks of the Mare

3rd Fine Rained some Leander hurt his Foot Fell through the shed

4th American Independence Fine W Wind high squally winds and Rained hard Thunder and Lightning Bismarck Went with a Puppy to Craigs cutting hay around the Barn for a Road put out some Tobacco Plants Turning some hay

5th at the Potatoe Bugs and they are plenty put in the Barn for the Frist about 6 cocks of hay Boys Fishing very warm a Lot of hay Floating Down the River Our Johns Birth Day 1803 84 Years old to Day

6th Fishing at Potatoe Bugs Windy

7th at Ploughing Potatoes high Wind and Rain hard got Rasberries

8th set a Line at the Pit Point got 2 EEls Fine very warm at the Beans cleaning them Jo Lemays Girls and Trickney from St Annicet here for Butter Bismarck crofsed to Craigs for Johns Pay for the Dog got a Dollar cucumbers put in 4 cocks of hay yesterday

5th Dan takes Steamer to Day for England Bismarck and I to Fort Covington Bought of Long Boots 1.25 Salt Fine 60 RRR 25 Bough of 54 yards of cotton 3.75 Boots 1.50 Boots 50 Tubs 58 cement 20 hat 10 comb 10 {illegible} 8 Brought the Blacksmith Iron got hammer {illegible} handle of the churn Left a File for to make {illegible} very Windy Rained Thunder Lightning Wind got {illegible} plants at Bodways and supper seen Lis

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Mr James Cameron Island


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