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James Cameron Diary, 1887
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (14).pdf
Revision as of Feb 8, 2025, 2:09:12 PM, edited by
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17th Sept JC Island
Fine smoky with Fires Burning Brush made a 1/2 stack in Marsh putting more in Big Shed all hay Finished in Marsh Boys crofsed for Mail Cleaned the Double B Gun split some put some Rails around back The Grenada Came out to Day Frost this morning for the first cut Tobacco Bought 2 spools Thread got 2 Gazzetts
18th {illegible} Girls to Francis Island
19th Back marsh smoky
20th Maing in Back marsch Randolph to J Summers Bee drawing stones Leander the Indian on Rofs's Island set Traps in Back marsh all night
21st St Matthew{cut off} making a stack in the {cut off} Bush Randolph went to {cut off} some Drops of Rain Windy {cut off}
Day of Autumn or Fall Windy {cut off} crofsed the Line
22nd at the Potatoes {cut off} smoky
23rd Sun crofses the Line {cut off} Lashey came to the Fishermens at Potatoes 30 Bushells in the {cut off} Randolph working at the {cut off} End Building putting Fire {cut off} the West Place Below the {cut off}
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Mr James Cameron Island