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James Cameron Diary, 1887

James Cameron Diary, 1887 (21).pdf

Revision as of Feb 9, 2025, 5:31:29 PM, edited by

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Mr James Cameron Island

9th of Dec 1887 E Wind Fine the ground no snow on it The Mare got sick Boys spearing EEls got a Large Crockery crate in the Rushes Broke a prung out of the EEl spear piling stove wood Fixing the crosscut saw the Mare will not Drink cattle all out to night

10th Leander's Birth Day 1872 E wind fine Began to Rain ground slippery the Mare Falling Down and she gets up smart Eats well cutting some Brush Leander got a Rat the old cat got in the Trap

11th Raining E Wind The mare Bad

12th ground sloppy some Drops of Rain Began the oak Log to saw it working at the Mare Died through the night

13th WW Froze some Ground hard Drew the mare out of the stable Finished sawing the oak taking some of it to the house with the Wheelbarrow Lewis the Indian here gave him the Grindstone Fixing the stable some cattle out a picking

14th Fine Randolph Went to Lancaster The Boys Fishing EEls in the Mud got 10 Fixing a stick in the calf stable cutting stovewood snowed some this Evening put in the sheep Fixed the Grindstone carriage ground the axe's

15th Randolph came from Lancaster Fishing EEls

16th Aleck McDougall and Duncan Grant here Randolph went with them cutting Wood Fine

17th Fine Day Boys Fishing EEls got some sheaves of oats from under the hay Bad with my wrist

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Mr James Cameron Island


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