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Daniel Watt Diary, 1873-1887

Daniel Watt Diary_05.pdf

Revision as of Feb 16, 2025, 3:18:55 AM, edited by


August 18, 1873 Grand Mamma Rintoul got her leg broken. Robert Afflecks Buggy Upset. We had considerable of snow on Clayon Fair Day and have had pretty fair Sleighing until the second? of December when it all went away, and we got a little more about the middle of December which lay until the 3. Day of January it all went away then and we had a few fine days like spring. January 6 a few inches more snow. Daniel Drummond was elected Reeve Yesterday by a Majority of 78 over Albert Tesky. 7th raining a little and freezing on the snow. 8th fine soft day. Francis Timms painting Fitzpatrick a floor. 9 very pleasant. We took Mrs. McWilliams Cupboard home to Night. 10 very pleasant Went up to Darling had to turn at Longstaf's Could not get over the river 11 & 12 very fine 13 frosty 14 Annual Wheat Meeting Setary elected Trusttee Went to Carleton to Contract for School Snowing some 15 Cold day. Went to William Craig's to Work at his Cowhouse. 16 Very cold and stormy still at Mr. Craig's

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