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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
Olds, 4.pdf
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The past day very rainy so much so that mother and I have neither of us been able to leave for Divine Service. Notwithstanding this it has been a day of considerable proffit to my poor soul. I have been reading the Memoir of Father Reeves, the Methodist Class Leader. His first written covenant is as follows. "O Lord, I am thine, save me. If thou sparest me this year, help me to glorify thy name; and if thou takest me, take me to thyself. If thou I am thy unworthy servant--W. Reeves. These words I can also subscribe as the expression of my inmost heart. C. C. Olds.
Again we have had another stormy day. But instead of rain we are now having snow. The weather has also become a good deal colder. Charley and I have been sharpening axes and my carpenter tools this afternoon &c. Too-night I went down to Smith's. We arranged our School accounts satisfactorily, with but little trouble. I have too-day been somewhat tried, and tempted but in going to the Lord with my difficulties, I was not only delivered, but He gave me a glorious victory over my enemies. Lord help me to be steadfast & immoveable.